YOKOTA Satoshi
ALL AWS Certifications Engineers
AWS Top Engineers
AWS Community Hero
Classmethod founder and CEO
APN Premier Consulting Partner
DevelopersIO / Zenn
Fb /satoshi7 Tw @sato_shi
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Dec, 2011
My daughter started the
AWS console when she
was 0 yrs old.
That was legacy UI with
only 15 services.
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May, 2012
She debuted at
JAWS-UG when she
was 1 yrs old.
Perhaps the youngest
AWS speaker ever.
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Nov, 2021
How time flies!
t3.micro and
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Building a smart store using sensors,
devices and virtual space.
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Today, I would like to
share with you my
story of Amazon’s
culture in action.
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July, 2018
User experience design and
repeated prototyping
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Jan, 2019
Opened small store with
Amazon Go-like
experiences for getting
customer feedbacks.
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Mar, 2019
Mobile app.
Circuit board design.
Store equipment.
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Nov, 2019
Original hardware design with
Shenzhen Manufacturer.