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Part 2: RMP Overview & Demo for Realm Meetup #10 Eunjoo Im [email protected]

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Realm Mobile Database - API Realm Mobile Platfrom - ѐਃ - ҳࢿ - Demo [email protected]

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[email protected] Realm Mobile Platform

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Realm Mobile Database with Live Objects [email protected]

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Realm Mobile Database Objects Queries Notifications Transactions UI events, Network, more Modify Make Up Trigger [email protected]

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Objects Objects Queries Notifications Transactions UI events, Network, more Modify Make Up Trigger [email protected]

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Objects Queries Notifications Transactions UI events, Network, more Modify Make Up Trigger [email protected]

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Queries Objects Queries Notifications Transactions UI events, Network, more Modify Make Up Trigger [email protected]

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Objects Queries Notifications Transactions UI events, Network, more Modify Make Up Trigger [email protected]

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Notifications Objects Queries Notifications Transactions UI events, Network, more Modify Make Up Trigger [email protected]

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Objects Queries Notifications Transactions UI events, Network, more Modify Make Up Trigger [email protected]

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Transactions Objects Queries Notifications Transactions UI events, Network, more Modify Make Up Trigger [email protected]

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Objects Queries Notifications Transactions UI events, Network, more Modify Make Up Trigger [email protected]

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Realm Mobile Platform पदр জਸ ਤೠ ؘ੉ఠ زӝച৬ ഈস ӝמ [email protected]

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REST API۽ ࢲߡ ాन [email protected]

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ӝઓ ؘ੉ఠ ాन Native object JSON Backend object SQL Backend object JSON Native object SQLite/CoreData SQLite/CoreData e.g. REST, Parse, etc. Realm Mobile Database Realm Object Server Only Realm RMP vs. REST/JSON REST call Push Notification [email protected]

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Native object JSON Backend object SQL Backend object JSON Native object SQLite/CoreData SQLite/CoreData e.g. REST, Parse, etc. Realm Mobile Database Realm Object Server Only Realm REST call Push Notification Realm REST/JSON [email protected]

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Native object JSON Backend object SQL Backend object JSON Native object SQLite/CoreData SQLite/CoreData e.g. REST, Parse, etc. Realm Mobile Database Realm Object Server Only Realm Realm REST call Push Notification REST/JSON [email protected]

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੉۠ জ ҳઑܳ [email protected]

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੉ۧѱ ߄Ըפ׮! [email protected]

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؊ ݆਷ ࢲߡ ӝמ • Realm Database SDK • ੋૐ • ঐഐചػ ੹࣠ • पदр زӝച • ୽ج ೧Ѿ • ࣻز ߔস • ࢲߡஏ ੉߮౟ ೩ٜ݂ • ݽפఠ݂ • ؘ੉ఠ ੽Ӕ • Ҋоਊࢿ • ۽٘ ߖ۠य • ࣻಣ झாੌ݂ • োࣘ ߔস [email protected] PE EE DE

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Realm Mobile Platform ҳࢿ ࢸݺ [email protected]

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- Realm ਬഋ - ӂೠ (ACL) - Realm Functions [email protected]

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[email protected] ۽ஸ Realm vs زӝ Realm Realm য়࠳ં౟ ࢲߡ

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[email protected] زӝ Realm • ӝઓ Realmҗ زੌೞѱ ੘زೞݴ ߔӒۄ਍٘ زӝച ӝמ ನೣ • Configurationীࢲ Sync ࢸ੿ // ࢸ੿ ࣇস let syncServerURL = URL(string: "realm://localhost:9080/~/userRealm")! let config = Realm.Configuration(syncConfiguration: SyncConfiguration(user: user, realmURL: syncServerURL)) // ਗѺ Realm ৌӝ let realm = try! Realm(configuration: config)

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[email protected] زӝ Realm ਬഋ ҕਊ Realm ѐੋ Realm • ݽٚ ࢎਊ੗о ࠅ ࣻ ੓਺ • ࢎਊ੗ח ੍ӝ ӂೠ݅ ࠗৈ • ౠ੿ ࢎਊ੗о ࣗਬ੗ • ׮ܲ ࢎਊ੗ী ӂೠ ࠗৈ ҕਬ Realm

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[email protected] ࣳೝށ दաܻয় ઁಿ ݾ۾ ࣳೝ ܻझ౟ ੢߄ҳפ ҕਊ Realm ѐੋ Realm • ݽٚ ࢎਊ੗о ࠅ ࣻ ੓਺ • ࢎਊ੗ח ੍ӝ ӂೠ݅ ࠗৈ • ౠ੿ ࢎਊ੗о ࣗਬ੗ • ׮ܲ ࢎਊ੗ী ӂೠ ࠗৈ ҕਬ Realm

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[email protected] ҕਊ Realm Realm য়࠳ં౟ ࢲߡ userA: ੍ӝ ӂೠ userB: ੍ӝ ӂೠ /productCatalog /productCatalog ؘ੉ఠ ಹद /productCatalog ؘ੉ఠ ಹद /productCatalog ؘ੉ఠ ಹद userC: ੍ӝ ӂೠ

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[email protected] ѐੋ Realm /userA/cart Realm য়࠳ં౟ ࢲߡ userA: য٘޹ ӂೠ userB: য٘޹ ӂೠ নߑೱ زӝച /userB/cart /userA/cart /userB/cart নߑೱ زӝച

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[email protected] ѐੋ-ҕਬ Realm /userA/shoppingList /userA/shoppingList Realm য়࠳ં౟ ࢲߡ নߑೱ زӝച /userA/shoppingList userA: য٘޹ ӂೠ userB: ੍ӝ/ॳӝ ӂೠ নߑೱ زӝച

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[email protected] Realm য়࠳ં౟ ࢲߡ ҳઑ /userA/shoppingList /userA/cart /userB/cart /userC/cart /productCatalog userA userB userC /

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[email protected] زӝ ࢎਊ੗ • ࢎਊ੗ ID۽ п Realm ҳ߹ য٘޹ ੌ߈

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[email protected] ҕਊ/ѐੋ Realm ҕਊ ѐੋ ӂೠ ҙܻ

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[email protected] Grant permission // ߸҃ೡ ਗѺ Realm URL let permissionChange = SyncPermissionChange(realmURL: realmURL, userID: anotherUserID, // ߸҃ೡ ࢎਊ੗ ID mayRead: true, // ੍ӝ ӂೠ ࠗৈ mayWrite: true, // ॳӝ ӂೠ ࠗৈ mayManage: false) // ҙܻ ӂೠ ޷ࠗৈ let managementRealm = try! user.managementRealm() try! managementRealm.write { managementRealm.add(permissionChange) } • mayRead: ੍ӝ ӂೠ • mayWrite: ॳӝ ӂೠ • mayManage: ҙܻ ӂೠ

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[email protected] __admin Realm

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Function য়࠳ં౟ ࢲߡ੄ Ӗ۽ߥ ܻझ׬ API۽ ഐ୹غҊ changeEvent ё୓ܳ ੹׳ೞח Node.js ೣࣻ [email protected] Realm FunctionsBeta झ௼݀౟ ௑ࣛ ۽Ӓ ܻझ׬ೡ Realm प೯/੷੢/࢏ઁ

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[email protected] Realm FunctionsBeta

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Realm Mobile Platform DEMO [email protected]

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[email protected] Overview Server-side Realms Device-side Realms Realm Object Server Real-time Sync event-realm question-realmXX Users (Web) Managers (app)

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[email protected] models (user web) let QuestionSchema = { name: 'Question', primaryKey: 'id', properties: { id: 'int', status: {type: 'bool', default: true}, date: 'date', question: 'string', author: {type: 'User'}, votes: {type: 'list', objectType: 'User'}, voteCount: 'int', isAnswered: {type: 'bool', default: false}, } } let UserSchema = { name: 'User', primaryKey: 'id', properties: { id: 'string' } } question-realmXX

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[email protected] Login and create user Realm.Sync.User.login(SERVER_URL, user, password, (error, user) => { if (!error) { let syncRealm = new Realm({ sync: { user: user, url: QUEST_SERVER_URL, }, schema: [UserSchema] }); syncRealm.write(() => { newAuthor = syncRealm.create('User', {id:}, true) }); } });

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[email protected] edit question syncRealm.write(() => { syncRealm.create('Question', {id: qid, question:question, date: date}, true) });

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[email protected] models (admin app) class Event: Object { dynamic var id = 0 dynamic var status = true dynamic var date = Date() dynamic var name = "" } class Question: Object { dynamic var id = 0 dynamic var status = true dynamic var date = Date() dynamic var question = "" dynamic var author: User? var votes = List() dynamic var voteCount = 0 dynamic var isFavorite = false dynamic var isAnswered = false } class User: Object { dynamic var id = "" override static func primaryKey() -> String? { return "id" } } event-realm question-realmXX

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func application(_ application: UIApplication,
 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions:
 [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds) if configureDefaultRealm() { window?.rootViewController = viewController } else { window?.rootViewController = UIViewController() logIn(animated: false) } return true } [email protected] Login func configureDefaultRealm() -> Bool { if let user = SyncUser.current { SyncManager.shared.errorHandler = { error, session in if let authError = error as? SyncAuthError, authError.code == .invalidCredential { authenticationFailureCallback?() } } return true } return false }

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[email protected] Create Event & Question Realm let syncServerURL = Constants.syncEventURL let config = Realm.Configuration(syncConfiguration: SyncConfiguration(user: SyncUser.current!, realmURL: syncServerURL)) let newEvent = Event(value: [eid, true, Date(), name]) try! realm.write { realm.add(newEvent) } // update event name let eventRealm = try! Realm(configuration: config) try! eventRealm.write { = name } // make question-xx Realm let baseURL = “\ (Constants.syncQuestionURL)\(String(eid))” let syncServerURL = URL(string: baseURL)! let config = Realm.Configuration(syncConfiguration: SyncConfiguration(user: SyncUser.current!, realmURL: syncServerURL)) let realm = try! Realm(configuration: config) let questions = realm.objects(Question.self)

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[email protected] Update question let sortProperties = [SortDescriptor (keyPath: “isAnswered”, ascending: true), SortDescriptor(keyPath: "isFavorite", ascending: false), SortDescriptor(keyPath: “voteCount", ascending: false)] questions = realm?.objects(Question.self) .filter("status = true”) .sorted(by: sortProperties) notificationToken = questions.addNotificationBlock { [weak self] (changes: RealmCollectionChange) in guard let tableView = self?.questTableView else { return } switch changes { case .initial: DispatchQueue.main.async { tableView.reloadData() } break // case .update } } case .update(_, let deletions, let insertions, let modifications): DispatchQueue.main.async { tableView.beginUpdates() tableView.insertRows(at:{ IndexPath(row: $0, section: 0) }), with: .automatic) tableView.deleteRows(at:{ IndexPath(row: $0, section: 0)}), with: .automatic) tableView.reloadRows(at:{ IndexPath(row: $0, section: 0) }), with: .automatic) tableView.endUpdates() } break //

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[email protected] ੿ܻ • ؘ੉ఠח ۄ੉࠳۽ ٣झ௼ী ૒੽ ੽Ӕೡ ࣻ ੓ח ഋక੄ ё୓۽ ੷੢ • Realm ݽ؛ ௿ېझח 1 ؀ 1, ׮ ؀ ׮ ҙ҅ܳ ݂௼۽ ੷੢ • ؊ ബਯ੸ੋ ؘ੉ఠ ܻ࠙ ߂ Ӓܛചܳ ਤ೧ ٣झ௼ী рױೞѱ ৈ۞ Realmਸ ੘ࢿೞҊ ҙܻ • ׮নೠ ਬझா੉झী ݏѱ ࢲ۽ ׮ܲ realmਸ ࢎਊ೧ࢲ ਬোࢿ ૐ؀ • ୽ج ೧Ѿ ߂ झః݃ ݃੉Ӓۨ੉࣌ਸ ਤ೧ ೙ਃद ੗୓ ۽૒ਸ ೒۞Ӓੋ оמ

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[email protected] хࢎ೤פ׮! Eunjoo Im [email protected]