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Data Mining and Processing for fun and profit PyConZA - Cape Town, SA Oct 7, 2016 by Reuben Cummings @reubano #PyConZA16

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Who am I? •Managing Director, Nerevu Development •Lead organizer of Arusha Coders •Author of several popular packages @reubano #PyConZA16

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Topics & Format •data and data mining •code samples and interactive exercises •hands-on (don't be a spectator) @reubano #PyConZA16

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what is data?

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Organization country capital S Africa Joburg Tanzania Dodoma Rwanda Kigali structured unstructured "O God of all creation. Bless this our land and nation. Justice be our shield..."

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Storage flat/text binary greeting,loc hello,world good bye,moon welcome,stars what's up,sky 00105e0 b0e6 04... 00105f0 e4e7 04... 0010600 0be8 04... 00105f0 e4e7 04... 00105e0 b0e6 04...

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Organization vs Storage structured unstructured binary flat/text good! bad!

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what is data mining?

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Obtaining Data APIs websites feeds databases filesystems

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Normalizing Data S Africa Tanzania Rwanda Joburg Dodoma Kigali 1961 1961 1962

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Normalizing Data country capital independence S Africa Joburg 1961 Tanzania Dodoma 1961 Rwanda Kigali 1962

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Visualizing Data 0 25 50 75 100 1930 1940 1950 1960 Cumulative Independent African Countries* * Note: above data is made up

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so what!

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Mint (

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Plotly (

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Parsely (

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You might not need pandas

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IPython Demo (examples)

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obtaining json

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Code for South Africa (

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>>> from urllib.request import urlopen >>> from ijson import items >>> >>> # crime-summary.json in repo >>> url = ' xbrs.json' >>> f = urlopen(url) >>> data = items(f, 'item') >>> next(data) {'station': 'Aberdeen', 'sum_2014_2015': '1153'}

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reading csv

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>>> from csv import DictReader >>> from io import open >>> from os import path as p >>> {'Crime': 'All theft not mentioned elsewhere', 'Incidents': '3397', 'Police Station': 'Durban Central', 'Province': 'KZN', 'Year': '2014'} >>> url = p.abspath('filtered-crime-stats.csv') >>> f = open(url) >>> data = DictReader(f) >>> next(data)

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reading excel

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>>> from xlrd import open_workbook >>> >>> url = p.abspath('filtered-crime-stats.xlsx') >>> book = open_workbook(url) >>> sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0) >>> sheet.row_values(0) ['Province', 'Police Station', 'Crime', 'Year', 'Incidents'] >>> sheet.row_values(1) ['KZN', 'Durban Central', 'All theft not mentioned elsewhere', 2014.0, 3397.0]

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screen scraping

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>>> import requests >>> from bs4 import BeautifulSoup >>> >>> url = ' raw/master/migrants.html' >>> r = requests.get(url) >>> soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') >>> >>> def get_data(table): ... for row in table.findAll('tr')[1:]: ... header = row.findAll('th') ... td = row.findAll('td') ... columns = header or td ... yield [c.getText() for c in columns]

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>>> table = soup.find('table') >>> data = get_data(table) >>> next(data) ['Mediterranean', '82', '346', ... ] >>> next(data) ['', 'January', 'February', ... ]

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aggregating data

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>>> import itertools as it >>> >>> records = [ ... {'a': 'item', 'amount': 200}, ... {'a': 'item', 'amount': 300}, ... {'a': 'item', 'amount': 400}] ... {'a': 'item', 'amount': 900} >>> key = 'amount' >>> first = records[0] >>> value = sum(r.get(key, 0) for r in records) >>> dict(it.chain(first.items(), [(key, value)]))

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grouping data

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>>> import itertools as it >>> from operator import itemgetter >>> >>> records = [ ... {'item': 'a', 'amount': 200}, ... {'item': 'b', 'amount': 200}, ... {'item': 'c', 'amount': 400}] >>> (200, [{'amount': 200, 'item': 'a'}, {'amount': 200, 'item': 'b'}]) >>> keyfunc = itemgetter('amount') >>> sorted_records = sorted(records, key=keyfunc) >>> grouped = it.groupby(sorted_records, keyfunc) >>> data = ((key, list(group)) for key, group in grouped) >>> next(data)

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exercise #1

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IPython Demo (exercises)

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lowest crime per province

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FS ('All theft not mentioned elsewhere', 2940) GP ('Drug-related crime', 5229) KZN ('Drug-related crime', 4571) WC ('Common assault', 2188)

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IPython Demo (solutions)

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>>> url = p.abspath('filtered-crime-stats.csv') >>> f = open(url) >>> data = DictReader(f) >>> keyfunc = itemgetter('Province') >>> records = sorted(data, key=keyfunc) >>> grouped = groupby(records, keyfunc) >>> from csv import DictReader >>> from io import open >>> from os import path as p >>> from itertools import groupby >>> from operator import itemgetter >>>

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>>> for key, group in grouped: ... print(key) ... keyfunc = itemgetter('Crime') ... sub_records = sorted(group, key=keyfunc) ... sub_grouped = groupby(sub_records, keyfunc) ... low_count, low_key = 0, None ... ... for sub_key, sg in sub_grouped: ... count = sum(int(s['Incidents']) for s in sg) ... if not low_count or count < low_count: ... low_count = count ... low_key = sub_key ... ... print((low_key, low_count))

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introducing meza

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IPython Demo (meza)

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reading data

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>>> from urllib.request import urlopen >>> from import read_json >>> >>> # crime-summary >>> url = ' xbrs.json' >>> f = urlopen(url) >>> records = read_json(f) >>> next(records) {'station': 'Aberdeen', 'sum_2014_2015': '1153'} >>> next(records) {'station': 'Acornhoek', 'sum_2014_2015': '5047'}

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>>> from io import StringIO >>> from import read_csv >>> >>> f = StringIO('greeting,location\nhello,world\n') >>> records = read_csv(f) >>> next(records) {'greeting': 'hello', 'location': 'world'}

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reading more data

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>>> from os import path as p >>> from meza import io >>> >>> url = p.abspath('crime-summary.json') >>> records = >>> next(records) {'station': 'Aberdeen', 'sum_2014_2015': '1153'} >>> url2 = p.abspath('filtered-crime-stats.csv') >>> records = io.join(url, url2) >>> next(records) {'station': 'Aberdeen', 'sum_2014_2015': '1153'}

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reading excel

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>>> from io import open >>> from import read_xls >>> >>> url = p.abspath('filtered-crime-stats.xlsx') >>> records = read_xls(url, sanitize=True) >>> next(records) {'crime': 'All theft not mentioned elsewhere', 'incidents': '3397.0', 'police_station': 'Durban Central', 'province': 'KZN', 'year': '2014.0'}

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screen scraping

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>>> from import read_html >>> >>> url = p.abspath('migrants.html') >>> records = read_html(url, sanitize=True) >>> next(records) {'': 'Mediterranean', 'april': '1,244', 'august': '684', 'december': '203', 'february': '346', 'january': '82', 'july': '230', 'june': '\xa010', ... 'total_to_date': '3,760'}

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aggregating data

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>>> from meza.process import aggregate >>> >>> records = [ ... {'a': 'item', 'amount': 200}, ... {'a': 'item', 'amount': 300}, ... {'a': 'item', 'amount': 400}] ... >>> aggregate(records, 'amount', sum) {'a': 'item', 'amount': 900}

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grouping data

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>>> from meza.process import group >>> >>> records = [ ... {'item': 'a', 'amount': 200}, ... {'item': 'b', 'amount': 200}, ... {'item': 'c', 'amount': 400}] >>> >>> grouped = group(records, 'amount') >>> next(grouped) (200, [{'amount': 200, 'item': 'a'}, {'amount': 200, 'item': 'b'}])

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type casting

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>>> from import read_csv >>> from meza.process import detect_types, type_cast >>> >>> url = p.abspath('filtered-crime-stats.csv') >>> raw = read_csv(url) >>> records, result = detect_types(raw) >>> result['types'] [{'id': 'Incidents', 'type': 'int'}, {'id': 'Crime', 'type': 'text'}, {'id': 'Province', 'type': 'text'}, {'id': 'Year', 'type': 'int'}, {'id': 'Police Station', 'type': 'text'}]

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>>> casted = type_cast(records, **result) >>> next(casted) {'Crime': 'All theft not mentioned elsewhere', 'Incidents': 3397, 'Police Station': 'Durban Central', 'Province': 'KZN', 'Year': 2014}

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normalizing data

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>>> from meza.process import normalize >>> >>> records = [ ... {'color': 'blue', 'setosa': 5, 'versi': 6}, ... {'color': 'red', 'setosa': 5, 'versi': 6}] >>> kwargs = { ... 'data': 'length', ... 'column':'species', ... 'rows': ['setosa', 'versi']} >>> data = normalize(records, **kwargs) >>> next(data) {'color': 'blue', 'length': 5, 'species': 'setosa'}

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head to head pandas meza installation complex simple size large small memory usage high low speed fast fast* functions very many many input/output many many

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exercise #2

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IPython Demo (exercises)

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lowest crime per province

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{'Police Station': 'Park Road', 'Incidents': 2940, 'Province': 'FS', 'Crime': 'All theft not mentioned elsewhere', 'Year': 2014} {'Police Station': 'Eldorado Park', 'Incidents': 5229, 'Province': 'GP', 'Crime': 'Drug-related crime', 'Year': 2014} {'Police Station': 'Durban Central', 'Incidents': 4571, 'Province': 'KZN', 'Crime': 'Drug-related crime', 'Year': 2014} {'Police Station': 'Mitchells Plain', 'Incidents': 2188, 'Province': 'WC', 'Crime': 'Common assault', 'Year': 2014}

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IPython Demo (solutions)

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>>> url = p.abspath('filtered-crime-stats.csv') >>> raw = read_csv(url) >>> records, result = detect_types(raw) >>> casted = type_cast(records, **result) >>> grouped = group(casted, 'Province') >>> from import read_csv >>> from meza.process import ( ... aggregate, group, detect_types, type_cast) >>>

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>>> for key, _group in grouped: ... sub_grouped = group(_group, 'Crime') ... aggs = ( ... aggregate(sg[1], 'Incidents', sum) ... for sg in sub_grouped) ... ... keyfunc = itemgetter('Incidents') ... print(min(aggs, key=keyfunc))

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exercise #3

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incidents per person per province

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Thanks! Reuben Cummings #pyconza2016 @reubano