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BEAUTIFUL APIS WITH FACETED Corey Ehmke Senior Engineer @ Trunk Club

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WHO IS THIS “COREY” PERSON? •A developer with nearly 20 years of experience •An active Open Source contributor •A veteran of the web application platform wars •Senior engineer at Trunk Club

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IDIOMATIC RAILS: RAPID DEVELOPMENT MADE EASY •Convention over configuration •Built-in MVC support •Persistence built in to models •RESTful routing

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IDIOMATIC RAILS: RAPID DEVELOPMENT HAS A COST •Persistence mixed with business logic •Complex object graphs •Non-CRUD controller actions •Route exceptions become the rule •/lib overflow

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UNCLE BOB MARTIN “Most software eventually degrades to the point where someone will declare the design to be unsound.”

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WATCH FOR THESE WARNING SIGNS •Business logic leaking through the layers •Raw SQL in models •Overly-complex object graphs •Controllers with non-CRUD actions •Route exceptions become the rule •/lib overflow

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•Rigidity •Fragility •Immobility •Feature friction FEATURES OF A DEGRADED SYSTEM

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•Rigidity •Fragility •Immobility •Feature friction FEATURES OF A DEGRADED SYSTEM

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HOW DID WE GET HERE? •Dozens of developers have touched the code •Explosion of methods •“God Models” •Eternal test suite •Idiomatic Rails

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GET READY TO REFACTOR •Refactor your test suite first! •Identify and separate groupings of functionality •Think outside the traditional way of modeling •Distribute functionality horizontally •Did I mention refactoring your test suite?

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MARTIN FOWLER “Refactoring without good test coverage is just changing shit.”

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TOWARD A DIVERSE APPLICATION ECOSYSTEM •Group related functionality into distinct client applications •Redesign the models •Provide a central data store •Implement caching for performance •Bind the client applications together via solid APIs

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Web Browser Rake Task API Client Testing Framework API Server Database Mocks iOS Application Command Line Domain Objects Persistence HTTP Command Line Messaging Default Logger External Monitoring Service Email Service HEXAGONAL ARCHITECTURE

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HEXAGONAL ARCHITECTURE •Objects have “faces” or “sides” •Each represents an interface •These interfaces taken together define an API

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IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES •Build your application in Ruby, not Rails •Think in ports, not layers •Users, programs, tests, and scripts access ports •Everything has an API

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FACETED: A HEXAGONAL TOOLKIT FOR APIS •Presenters, collectors, interfaces, and controllers •Ready to use with minimal wiring •Convention over configuration FTW

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GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR A BEAUTIFUL API •Easy to maintain •Easy to scale •Easy to extend •DRY •Suitable for use in new and novel ways

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THE PRESENTER PATTERN •A stand-in for an ActiveRecords or other models •Presents only the interface you need •Retrieves data and formats it for presentation •Extremely useful for APIs

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module  MyApi    class  Musician        include  Faceted::Presenter        presents  :musician        field  :name        field  :genre        field  :random_song_title    end end PRESENTERS IN ACTION

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>  m  =  Musician.create(:name  =>  'Johnny  Cash') > =>  13 >  presenter  =  =>  13) > =>  "Johnny  Cash" PRESENTERS IN ACTION

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>  presenter.genre  =  nil > =>  false >  presenter.errors =>  [“Genre  cannot  be  blank”] PRESENTERS IN ACTION

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>  presenter.genre  =  “Western” > =>  true >  m  =  Musician.find(13) >  m.genre =>  “Western” PRESENTERS IN ACTION

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module  MyApi    class  Musician        include  Faceted::Presenter        presents  :musician        field  :name        field  :genre        field  :random_song_title        field  :birthplace_id    end end PRESENTERS IN ACTION

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module  MyApi    class  Birthplace        include  Faceted::Presenter        presents  :birthplace,  :class_name  =>  ‘Location’        field  :city        field  :state    end end PRESENTERS IN ACTION

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>  presenter  =  =>  13) > =>  “MyApi::Birthplace” > =>  "Kingsland" PRESENTERS IN ACTION

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module  MyApi    class  Musician        include  Faceted::Presenter        presents  :musician        field  :name        field  :genre        field  :random_song_title        field  :birthplace_id        field  :record_label_id,  :skip_association  =>  true    end end PRESENTERS IN ACTION

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module  MyApi    class  Musician        include  Faceted::Presenter        presents  :musician        field  :name        field  :genre        field  :random_song_title        field  :birthplace_id        field  :record_label_id,  :skip_association  =>  true        field  :genre_id,  :class_name  =>  'MusicalGenre'    end end PRESENTERS IN ACTION

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Now your API is ready to serve up a playlist comprising musicians and their top hits. Don’t reach for that #index method just yet. Try a Collector instead. COLLECTORS

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In the CRUD world, you would have a heavy query embedded in your #index method. This isn’t tenable in an API, where every kb matters. Rather than deliver a serialized enumerable of objects, deliver a resource that happens to include a collection of light-weight objects. COLLECTORS

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module  MyApi    class  Playlist        include  Faceted::Collector        collects  :musicians,  :find_by  =>  :genre_id    end end COLLECTORS

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>  l  =  =>  3) >  l.musicians.count =>  14 > =>  "American  Music  Club" COLLECTORS

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You’ve got your beautiful API fully stocked with presenters and collectors. Now it’s time to serve them up. CONTROLLERS

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class  MyApi::BaseController  <  ActionController::Base    require  'faceted'    include  Faceted::Controller    before_filter  :authenticate_user!    respond_to  :json    rescue_from  Exception,  :with  =>  :render_500    rescue_from  ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound,  :with  =>  :render_404 end CONTROLLERS

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class  MyApi::PlaylistsController  <  MyApi::BaseController    def  create        @playlist  =        render_response  @playlist    end end CONTROLLERS

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class  MyApi::MusiciansController  <  MyApi::BaseController    def  show        @musician  =        render_response  @musician    end    def  update        @musician  =        render_response  @musician    end end CONTROLLERS

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class  MyApi::MusicianSearchController  <  MyApi::BaseController    def  create        @musicians  =  MyApi::Musician.where(params)        render_response_with_collection(:musicians,  @musicians)    end end CONTROLLERS

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INTERNAL APIS Good OO design is about classes and messages Our Member model understands 2,287 messages Difficult to refactor, impossible to prune Business logic co-mingles with persistence Declarative interfaces may be the answer

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INTERFACE DSL    class  MemberWrapper        include  Faceted::Interface        wraps  :member        schema  do            field  :name            field  :email            field  :password            ...        end        exposes  :full_name    end

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USING APIS AS A REFACTORING TOOL Step 1: implement Faceted for a lightweight API

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USING APIS AS A REFACTORING TOOL Step 1: implement Faceted for a lightweight API Step 2: Let the API design drive your refactoring efforts Extract concerns Consider implementing internal interfaces Separate persistence from business logic

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USING APIS AS A REFACTORING TOOL Step 1: implement Faceted for a lightweight API Step 2: Let the API design drive your refactoring efforts Extract concerns Consider implementing internal interfaces Separate persistence from business logic Step 3: Rule the world!

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KEEP IN TOUCH! [email protected] @bantik on twitter/ Happy hours @ Trunk Club