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Smalltalk On Rubinius Konstantin Haase

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Why implement Smalltalk on Rubinius?

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Why create a programming language?

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Why create?

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"When you don't create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. Your tastes only narrow and exclude people. So create." why the lucky stiff

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Why a programming language?

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About programming languages: "I don’t like any of them, and I don’t think any of them are suitable for the real programming problems of today, whether for systems or for end-users" Alan Kay

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Problem Oriented Programming Languages Cairo (~120k SLOC in C) rewritten in less than 400 lines

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Why Smalltalk?

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Why Rubinius?

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1 + 1 1 + 1

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this is it

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GoGaRuCo rock: #hard GoGaRuCo.rock :hard

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doc convertFrom: #xml to: #yaml doc.convert(:xml, :ruby)

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doc convertFrom: #xml to: #yaml doc.convert from: :xml, to: :ruby

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[ 42 ] proc { 42 }

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anArray do: [ :each | each doSomething ] an_array.each do |element| element.do_something end

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Textmate version = 2 ifTrue: [ 'no way' ] ifFalse: [ 'thought so' ] if Textmate.version == 2 "no way" else "thought so" end

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Storage current store: #foo; store: #bar storage = Storage.current :foo :bar

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Smalltalk claims to look like: 'English'. Judge yourself. Does it. like "English" Judge.yourself;

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Reak Like Squeak but with R File based (as opposed to image based)

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The Rubinius Compiler Pure Ruby Modular and Flexible lib/compiler

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Parsing with KPeg

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" from Reak.AST.Self " grammar: g [ ^ g str: 'self' ] # from Reak::AST::Return def bootstrap_grammar(g) g.seq "^", :sp, g.t(:expression) end

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Rubinius Bytecode

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$ rbx compile -B -e 'puts "Hello World"' 0000: push_self 0001: push_literal "Hello World" 0003: allow_private 0004: send_stack :puts, 1

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$ rbx compile -B -e 'puts "Hello World"' 0000: push_self 0001: push_literal "Hello World" 0003: allow_private 0004: send_stack :puts, 1

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$ rbx compile -B -e 'puts "Hello World"' 0000: push_self 0001: push_literal "Hello World" 0003: allow_private 0004: send_stack :puts, 1

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$ rbx compile -B -e 'puts "Hello World"' 0000: push_self 0001: push_literal "Hello World" 0003: allow_private 0004: send_stack :puts, 1

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$ rbx compile -B -e 'puts "Hello World"' 0000: push_self 0001: push_literal "Hello World" 0003: allow_private 0004: send_stack :puts, 1

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class Object dynamic_method(:display) do |g| g.push_self g.push_local(0) # first argument g.send(:puts, 1, true) g.ret end end display "Hello World"

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Reusing the Rubinius tool chain

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class Reak::Compiler < Rubinius::Compiler class Parser < Stage stage :parser next_stage Generator end end

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class CustomNode < Reak::AST::Base def self.bootstrap_grammar(g) # grammar definition end def bytecode(g) # bytecode definition end end

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class ConstantAccess < Rubinius::AST::ConstantAccess include Reak::AST::Node Reak::AST::Primary.push self def self.bootstrap_grammar(g) g.t /[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/ end # no bytecode definition necessary end

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Rubinius.AST.TrueLiteral subclass: #TrueLiteral [ Reak.AST.Primary push: self. self include: Reak.AST.Node. self class >> grammar: g [ ^ g str: 'true' ]. ]

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" Remember cascades? " g pushSelf; pushLocal: 0; send: #puts args: 1 private: true; ret.

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Reak.AST.Base subclass: #Cascade [ Reak.AST.Expression push: self. bytecode: g [ g pushSelf. cascadedSends do: [:send | g dup. send bytecode: g. g pop ]. lastSend bytecode: g. ] ]

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Thanks! / rkh / presentations