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Pavel Fatin Alexander Podkhalyuzin Scalathon, 2011 Scala plugin for IntelliJ IDEA

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Thank you!

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IntelliJ Scala Plugin Agenda  Why do we need it  What's inside  How it's made  How to contribute

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Do we need an IDE for Scala?

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Can't we just use Notepad? Rationale 

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Is it always the right tool? Rationale ?

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What makes us more productive?  Highlighting  Inspections  Code formatting  Auto-completion  Information look-up  Refactoring  Integration Rationale

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What's already available?

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Syntax highlighting Injected language By-name argument Implicit conversion Deprecated method Features

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Error highlighting  Ordinary:  Type-aware:  Quick-fixes: Features

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Inspections  Unused symbol  Variable could be value  Redundant return  Syntactic sugar  Method signature inspections Features

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Language injection  Pattern-based:  Via parameter annotation:  Via value annotation: Features

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Dark color schemes Features

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Language-aware editor  Brace balancing:  Entities selection:  Code folding: Features

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Formatting Features

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Code completion Features

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Information look-up  Type info  Parameter info  Documentation look-up  Definition look-up Features

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Type Info Features

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Parameter info Features

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Documentation look-up Features

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Definition look-up Features

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Imports management  Import entity on completion  Auto-import unresolved symbol  Highlight unused imports  Optimize imports  Paste imports Features

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Refactoring  Rename  Introduce variable  Inline variable  Extract method  Introduce parameter Features

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Rename Features

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Introduce variable Features

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Inline variable Features

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Extract method Features

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Introduce parameter Features

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Integrations  Java  JUnit / Specs / ScalaTest  Maven  Spring  Lift  SBT Features

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How it's made (It's not rocket science theoretical physics)

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Building the project  Get the latest IDEA EAP build  Download IDEA sources  Enable DevKit plugin  Configure a Plugin SDK  Clone Scala plugin repository  Open the project in IDEA Architecture

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Plugging the plugin  Plugin.xml  OpenAPI Architecture

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Code processing Document Lexer Parser Wrapper PSI Architecture Text Tokens AST

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Processing example Literal Literal ReferenceExpression ReferenceExpression WhiteSpace WhiteSpace Architecture STRING WS IDENTIFIER TRUE "that's" + WhiteSpace WhiteSpace Literal Literal true WS InfixExpression InfixExpression

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PSI viewer Architecture

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PSI foundation Architecture PsiElement textRange parent children prevSibling nextSibling add(element) addBefore(element, anchor) addAfter(element, anchor) delete() replace(newElement)

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PSI elements hierarchy Scala Architecture PsiFile ScTypeDefinition ScalaFile PsiComment ScGenerator PsiClass PsiElement

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Scala Language Specification Architecture

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Scala domain elements Architecture ScClass name constructor superTypes members extendsblock add(member, anchor) remove(member) isInheritor(psiClass)

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Tasks  Bug fixes  Inspections  Refactorings  Intentions  Frameworks support  Type system improvement  [Your most wanted feature here] TODO

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Everyone is Welcome!