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LEMİ ORHAN ERGİN Master Software Craftsman, ACM Developing software since 2001 Community Lead of Agile Turkey Founder of Software Craftsmanship Turkey Developer, Architect, Trainer, Coach, Leader Sony & eBay Alumni Managing Partner at /lemiorhan @lemiorhan

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is a common problem for everyone Motivation z z z z z z

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even for me

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improve I cannot myself Nothing excited Monotonous Hard to focus No innovation Nothing to learn

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Feel alone work for long hours Cannot get help Blame rules No teamwork work I cannot with people

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No trust Arguing via emails No care for feelings I am an headcount Monitored closely controlled I am like a kid

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I FEEL unmotivated exhausted tired hopeless sad angry lazy depressed stressed alone

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money we forget to mention

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money Does engage us?

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money Does engage us? The association between salary and job satisfaction is very weak.
 There is less than 2% overlap between pay and job satisfaction levels

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money Does engage us? The relationship of pay with both job and pay satisfaction is pretty much the same everywhere in the world

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money Does engage us?

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money Does engage us? 87% of employees worldwide are not engaged at work. The world has a crisis of engagement.

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money Does engage us? Employees earning salaries in the top half of our data range reported 
 similar levels of job satisfaction 
 to those employees earning salaries in the bottom-half of our data range

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money does not buy engagement

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human we are all feelings we have

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human we have to build and use centric practices and processes

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Lean focus on the human side of our work life to build better products Agility Craftsmanship

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Lean Craftsmanship Agility Trust Honesty Teamwork Self-Organization Empowered Teams Continuous Improvement Retrospecting Regularly Sustainable Pace Proxy to InterRuptions Face to face Communication Collaboration Efficiency Removing Waste Pairing courage Professionalism No Blame Rule Limiting multi-tasking Mentorship Fast Feedback Loops Community of Professionals Code of Ethics Collective Ownership Practicing to Master Five Whys Slack Time

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mindset makes the difference, not the tools

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mindset practices and characteristics of the improving motivation and culture

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trust by default no matter how senior or experienced your team is

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define mastery goals stop pushing performance goals for difficult problems Dr. Heidi Grant Halvorson From the book “Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals”

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mentor professionalism be a leader, work wisely, acquire followers and foster discipline

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have servant fighters To remove impediments, catalyze teamwork and trust

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foster collaboration organize brown bag sessions, work with foremen

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allow people to invest in themselves give time and provide environment to be better at their professions

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communicate the purpose everyone feels comfortable when they know the real purpose of what they do

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deliver positive feedback give special importance to thank people

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do not act like agile, live it if you are committed to change the way you work, feel responsible about it

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pay for a better place stop cutting costs of the essentials of our profession

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define definition of fun define nerdy rituals, feed your sense of humor, enjoy your job

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do your job right behave ethically and reject all requests to build crap

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No content

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work with correct people

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ENJOY remember whatever you do do not forget to Joe O'Brien and Jim Weirich while doing ruby code review

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Icons made by FlatIcon CC BY 3.0 CC Zero Images made by, Ryan McGuire

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Lemİ orhan ergİn agile software craftsman /lemiorhan @lemiorhan /lemiorhan Official site having personal information