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Diagramatic Diagnosis of Data BudapestBI 2018 Ian Ozsvald @IanOzsvald

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] BudapestBI 2018 Introductions ● I’m an engineering data scientist ● Consulting in AI + Data Science for 15+ years Blog->

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] BudapestBI 2018 Community Announcement! ● Have you thanked a speaker, an organiser or Bence yet? Lots of volunteered time – please say thanks ● Thank contributors too! ● Did I take a photo?

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] BudapestBI 2018 Goals today ● How long since you had brand new data? ● Univariate investigations ● Show relationships with seaborn ● discover_feature_relationships – my new tool (feedback please!) ● Data stories

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] BudapestBI 2018 pandas_profiling (Titanic)

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] BudapestBI 2018 pandas_profiling

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] BudapestBI 2018 Describing Titanic relationships

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] BudapestBI 2018 Seaborn (Titanic data) Non-formatted default pivot result

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] BudapestBI 2018 Seaborn (Titanic data)

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] BudapestBI 2018 Seaborn (Titanic data)

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] BudapestBI 2018 Discovering relationships ● Project is on GitHub ● Shows correlations and machine learned relationships for all feature pairs ● RandomForest + cross validation + some assumptions ● Categories encoded->Labels ● Feedback please!

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] BudapestBI 2018 Spearman feature correlations

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] BudapestBI 2018 Discovering relationships

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] BudapestBI 2018 Pandas scatter LSTAT vs MEDV

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] BudapestBI 2018 Seaborn JointGrid with alpha

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] BudapestBI 2018 Seaborn hex jointplot

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] BudapestBI 2018 Diff the upper and lower triangles CRIM vs RAD might be interesting as both sides had "some" predictive power

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] BudapestBI 2018 A non-symmetric relationship CRIM can predict RAD but RAD poorly predicts CRIM So maybe we need better data?

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] BudapestBI 2018 NetworkX to show relationships Who predicts MEDV directly and indirectly? What new data might we try to get, given these relationships?

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] BudapestBI 2018 Data Stories (@bertil_hatt) ● A short report describing the data and proposing things we could do with it ● Stuff we trust (or don’t) ● Interesting or unexpected relationships ● Missing data (e.g. missingno) ● Propose experiments that we might run on this data which generate a benefit ● Document, don’t forget!

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] BudapestBI 2018 Conclusions ● Visualise and communicate all of your data relationships ● Visit PyDataLondon 2019 :-) ● I’d love a postcard if you learned something? ● See more examples: