Atomic Design
A modular design and front-end approach for the masses?
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What is it about?
Modular Design
Best Practice
or a way to optimise your workflow, maintainability
and quality in design and front-end.
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Why do we care?
Design and front-end carries a whole
lot of complexity these days.
We need best practices and a
common language for the team to
commit to and work with.
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Atomic Design Overview
Atom Molecule Organism Template Page
The atomic design concept introduces the following terms
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Atomic Design Overview
Atom Molecule Organism Template Page
Building Blocks
You can group them into the building blocks and containers
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Brad. Frost.
The guy who “invented” atomic design
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The “smallest” reusable thing
Examples are Buttons, Input Fields, Headings, etc.
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The “bigger” reusable thing built with the “smallest” things
Examples are Search Box, Card Listing, Button Group, etc.
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A “biggest” thing built with the “smallest” and “bigger” things
Examples are Headers, Footers, Flight Search, etc.
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A container with rooms for all the things
Examples are Home Layout, Blog Layout, etc.
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A container filled with all the things
Examples are Home Page, Blog Page, etc.
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Pattern Libraries
Atom Molecule Organism Template Page
Building UI or pattern libraries is easier with a system like Atomic Design.
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Pattern Libraries
Atom Molecule Organism Template Page
Start by adding atoms to your pattern library
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Pattern Libraries
Atom Molecule Organism Template Page
Extend it by adding molecules
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Pattern Libraries
Atom Molecule Organism Template Page
And if you strive for a complete library, add organisms as well
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So, this is it now, right?
Atom Molecule Organism Template Page
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Not Quite
Not everyone understands geek language
or science ;)
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S M L Layout Page
Element Component Module Page Plan Page
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How to design?
Atom Molecule Organism Template Page
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How to design?
Atom Molecule Organism Template Page
What customers like
What developers like
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Think in Systems
and you’ll become a better designer or developer - maybe :)
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