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! Building a Resilient API with open source Wynn Netherland GitHub

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! Hello, my name is Wynn.

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No content

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 Folks call me @pengwynn.

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! I work @ GitHub.

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! GitHub makes software for people who make software.

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! I work mostly on the GitHub API.

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! I make software for computers who work for people who make software and other stuff. — me, at Thanksgiving ” ”

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! Building a Resilient API with open source I want to talk about

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! re·sil·ient /ri'zilyənt/ able to recoil or spring back into shape after stretching, bending, or compressing "

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! Stretching

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! # LOAD #

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! Bending

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! Feature changes

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! % Bug fixes

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! Compressing

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! Feature removal

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! Internal refactoring

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! Infrastructure changes

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! Change happens.

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! Who 301'd my cheese?

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! measure change & minimize change ' handle change ( At GitHub, we so we can in order to

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! Measuring change &

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! Use data to inform decisions.

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! How often is this feature used?

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! Who is using this feature?

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! ”If an API method is removed in the woods, and nobody is there to call it, does it still respond with 410?” ! — unknown

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! /graph me -1hour !

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! ) Chatops

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! Hubot *

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! /graph me -1hr @api.queries.serialized !

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! /graph me -3hr !

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! The Graph Store +

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! The Graph Store + There's a graph for that™

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! The Graph Store + There's a graph for that™ …if not, make one.

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! Built on Graphite

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! , Instrumentation

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! # counter GitHub.stats.increment("the-thing.the-action") ! # gauge GitHub.stats.gauge("the-thing.the-gauge", thing.current_reading) ! # timing GitHub.stats.time("the-thing.the-operation") { the_operation } -

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! # counter GitHub.stats.increment("the-thing.the-action") ! # gauge GitHub.stats.gauge("the-thing.the-gauge", thing.current_reading) ! # timing GitHub.stats.time("the-thing.the-operation") { the_operation } -

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! # counter GitHub.stats.increment("the-thing.the-action") ! # gauge GitHub.stats.gauge("the-thing.the-gauge", thing.current_reading) ! # timing GitHub.stats.time("the-thing.the-operation") { the_operation } -

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! . Logging

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! /splunk -3m @production "timeline.json" ! pengwynn: ! 2014-07-10T10:12:19-07:00 github-fe126-cp1-prd local7:info unicorn_rails[11990]: app=github env=production enterprise=false now="2014-07-10T10:12:19-07:00" request_id="AD003EA0:5BD8:4B8AE05:53BEC973" remote_address= request_method=get path_info="/timeline.json" content_length=375 user_agent="@gitlost account on twitter, Python urllib2" accept=nil language=nil status=410 at=finish elapsed=0.005 2014-07-10T10:12:19-07:00 github-fe126-cp1-prd local7:info unicorn_rails[11990]: app=github env=production enterprise=false now="2014-07-10T10:12:19-07:00" user=nil repo=nil route=nil zone=UTC referrer=nil requested_at="2014-07-10 17:12:19 UTC" url="" controller=EventsController action=index request_id="AD003EA0:5BD8:4B8AE05:53BEC973" dbconn=write serializer=json at=start 2014-07-10T10:12:19-07:00 github-fe117-cp1-prd local7:info unicorn_rails[12813]: app=github env=production enterprise=false now="2014-07-10T10:12:19-07:00"

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! /splunk -3m @production "timeline.json" ! pengwynn: ! 2014-07-10T10:12:19-07:00 github-fe126-cp1-prd local7:info unicorn_rails[11990]: app=github env=production enterprise=false now="2014-07-10T10:12:19-07:00" request_id="AD003EA0:5BD8:4B8AE05:53BEC973" remote_address= request_method=get path_info="/timeline.json" content_length=375 user_agent="@gitlost account on twitter, Python urllib2" accept=nil language=nil status=410 at=finish elapsed=0.005 2014-07-10T10:12:19-07:00 github-fe126-cp1-prd local7:info unicorn_rails[11990]: app=github env=production enterprise=false now="2014-07-10T10:12:19-07:00" user=nil repo=nil route=nil zone=UTC referrer=nil requested_at="2014-07-10 17:12:19 UTC" url="" controller=EventsController action=index request_id="AD003EA0:5BD8:4B8AE05:53BEC973" dbconn=write serializer=json at=start 2014-07-10T10:12:19-07:00 github-fe117-cp1-prd local7:info unicorn_rails[12813]: app=github env=production enterprise=false now="2014-07-10T10:12:19-07:00"

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! /splunk -3m @production "timeline.json" | stats count by status, avg(elapsed) ! pengwynn: ┌──────┬────────────┐ │status│avg(elapsed)│ ├──────┼────────────┤ │200 │0.067745 │ ├──────┼────────────┤ │410 │0.005597 │ └──────┴────────────┘

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! key=value logging

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! / app=github env=development enterprise=false now="2014-07-21T11:49:45-07:00" request_id=f80765a8-8aa9-4e92-b32b-01300193631a remote_address= request_method=get path_info="/" content_length=1866 user_agent=curl/7.30.0 accept=*/* language=nil status=200 at=finish elapsed=0.110

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! / app=github env=development enterprise=false now="2014-07-21T11:49:45-07:00" request_id=f80765a8-8aa9-4e92-b32b-01300193631a remote_address= request_method=get path_info="/" content_length=1866 user_agent=curl/7.30.0 accept=*/* language=nil status=200 at=finish elapsed=0.110

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! curl -I | grep Request-Id ❯ / ! X-GitHub-Request-Id: 4317CCE2:6434:21DCB73:53CD6239

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! curl -I | grep Request-Id ❯ / ! X-GitHub-Request-Id: 4317CCE2:6434:21DCB73:53CD6239 A single identifier to trace requests through logging.

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! /splunk -3m @production request_id=f80765a8-8aa9-4e92- b32b-01300193631a !

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! If Golang is your thang.

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! Logstash, Splunk*, Loggly* *SaaS solutions, not open source

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! Minimizing change '

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! Isolation

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! tree -d -L 2 github ❯ / github ├── app │ ├── api │ ├── assets │ ├── controllers │ ├── helpers │ ├── mailers │ ├── models │ ├── view_models │ └── views ├── bin ├── config │ ├── inititalizers ...

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! tree -d -L 2 github ❯ / github ├── app │ ├── api │ ├── assets │ ├── controllers │ ├── helpers │ ├── mailers │ ├── models │ ├── view_models │ └── views ├── bin ├── config │ ├── inititalizers ... Sinatra app inside a Rails app

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! tree -d -L 2 github ❯ / github ├── app │ ├── api │ ├── assets │ ├── controllers │ ├── helpers │ ├── mailers │ ├── models │ ├── view_models │ └── views ├── bin ├── config │ ├── inititalizers ... Sinatra app inside a Rails app

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! Shared business logic data access logging instrumentation plumbing Independent workflows output

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! Testing ❯ testrb test/integration/api/repos_test.rb Loading suite in dotcom mode ... Run options: # Running tests: Finished tests in 30.638101s, 4.7979 tests/s, 64.7886 assertions/s. 147 tests, 1985 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips ruby -v: ruby 2.1.0p0-github (development) [x86_64-darwin13.0]

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! Rack::Test

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! brynary/rack-test

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! # test/integration/api/root_test.rb ! test "provides hypermedia URLs to top-level resources" do get "/" data = JSON.parse(last_response.body) assert_equal 200, last_response.status assert_equal "https://#{GitHub.api_host_name}/user", data["current_user_url"] end -

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! # test/integration/api/root_test.rb ! test "provides hypermedia URLs to top-level resources" do get "/" data = JSON.parse(last_response.body) assert_equal 200, last_response.status assert_equal "https://#{GitHub.api_host_name}/user", data["current_user_url"] end -

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! # test/integration/api/root_test.rb ! test "provides hypermedia URLs to top-level resources" do data = api :get, "/" ! assert_equal 200, last_response.status assert_equal "https://#{GitHub.api_host_name}/user", data["current_user_url"] end -

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! JSON Schema

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! Validating output.

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! / # Running tests: ! [1/5] Api::RateLimitTest#test_OAuth_app_with_custom_rate_limit_L63 = 2.06 s 1) Failure: Api::RateLimitTest#test_OAuth_app_with_custom_rate_limit_L63 [/Users/ wynn/github/github/test/integration/api/rate_limit_test.rb:67]: {"resources"=>{"core"=>{}, "search"=>{}}, "rate"=>{}} The property '#/rate' did not contain a required property of 'limit' in schema c1ac8566-70fa-5c34-b050-0cfa6801c1c1# The property '#/rate' did not contain a required property of 'remaining' in schema c1ac8566-70fa-5c34-b050-0cfa6801c1c1# The property '#/rate' did not contain a required property of 'reset' in schema c1ac8566-70fa-5c34-b050-0cfa6801c1c1#

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! / # Running tests: ! [1/5] Api::RateLimitTest#test_OAuth_app_with_custom_rate_limit_L63 = 2.06 s 1) Failure: Api::RateLimitTest#test_OAuth_app_with_custom_rate_limit_L63 [/Users/ wynn/github/github/test/integration/api/rate_limit_test.rb:67]: {"resources"=>{"core"=>{}, "search"=>{}}, "rate"=>{}} The property '#/rate' did not contain a required property of 'limit' in schema c1ac8566-70fa-5c34-b050-0cfa6801c1c1# The property '#/rate' did not contain a required property of 'remaining' in schema c1ac8566-70fa-5c34-b050-0cfa6801c1c1# The property '#/rate' did not contain a required property of 'reset' in schema c1ac8566-70fa-5c34-b050-0cfa6801c1c1#

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! / # Running tests: ! [1/5] Api::RateLimitTest#test_OAuth_app_with_custom_rate_limit_L63 = 2.06 s 1) Failure: Api::RateLimitTest#test_OAuth_app_with_custom_rate_limit_L63 [/Users/ wynn/github/github/test/integration/api/rate_limit_test.rb:67]: {"resources"=>{"core"=>{}, "search"=>{}}, "rate"=>{}} The property '#/rate' did not contain a required property of 'limit' in schema c1ac8566-70fa-5c34-b050-0cfa6801c1c1# The property '#/rate' did not contain a required property of 'remaining' in schema c1ac8566-70fa-5c34-b050-0cfa6801c1c1# The property '#/rate' did not contain a required property of 'reset' in schema c1ac8566-70fa-5c34-b050-0cfa6801c1c1#

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! Validating input.

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! / # update a label $ curl -ni \ -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "name":[], "color":42 } ! HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity ! { "message": "Invalid request.\n\nExpected data to be of type \"string \"; value was: [].\nExpected data to be of type \"string\"; value was: 42.", "documentation_url": " #update-a-label" }

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! / # update a label $ curl -ni \ -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "name":[], "color":42 } ! HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity ! { "message": "Invalid request.\n\nExpected data to be of type \"string \"; value was: [].\nExpected data to be of type \"string\"; value was: 42.", "documentation_url": " #update-a-label" }

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! MiniTest

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! Custom assertions

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! test "can create a pull request" do auth_as @forker ! data = api :post, @pub_pulls_url, {}, :input => { :title => "new pr", :body => "this is an amazing change", :base => "master", :head => "#{@forker}:ahead" }.to_json assert_equal 201, last_response.status assert_schema :v3, :pull_request, data end -

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! test "can create a pull request" do auth_as @forker ! data = api :post, @pub_pulls_url, {}, :input => { :title => "new pr", :body => "this is an amazing change", :base => "master", :head => "#{@forker}:ahead" }.to_json assert_equal 201, last_response.status assert_schema :v3, :pull_request, data end -

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! test "can retrieve pull requests" do auth_as @owner ! data = api :get, @pub_pulls_url assert_equal 200, last_response.status ! assert_schema_for_collection \ :v3, :pull_request_simple, data end -

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! test "can retrieve pull requests" do auth_as @owner ! data = api :get, @pub_pulls_url assert_equal 200, last_response.status ! assert_schema_for_collection \ :v3, :pull_request_simple, data end -

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! Even more assertions

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! test "authz list commits for pull request" do ! assert_authz :get, @priv_commits_url do |check| check.disallows_with :not_found check.authorized_users @owner, @collaborator check.unauthorized_users :anon, @rando check.minimum_scopes :repo end end -

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! test "authz list commits for pull request" do ! assert_authz :get, @priv_commits_url do |check| check.disallows_with :not_found check.authorized_users @owner, @collaborator check.unauthorized_users :anon, @rando check.minimum_scopes :repo end end -

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! test "authz list commits for pull request" do ! assert_authz :get, @priv_commits_url do |check| check.disallows_with :not_found check.authorized_users @owner, @collaborator check.unauthorized_users :anon, @rando check.minimum_scopes :repo end end -

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! test "authz list commits for pull request" do ! assert_authz :get, @priv_commits_url do |check| check.disallows_with :not_found check.authorized_users @owner, @collaborator check.unauthorized_users :anon, @rando check.minimum_scopes :repo end end -

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! test "authz list commits for pull request" do ! assert_authz :get, @priv_commits_url do |check| check.disallows_with :not_found check.authorized_users @owner, @collaborator check.unauthorized_users :anon, @rando check.minimum_scopes :repo end end -

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! test "authz list commits for pull request" do ! assert_authz :get, @priv_commits_url do |check| check.disallows_with :not_found check.authorized_users @owner, @collaborator check.unauthorized_users :anon, @rando check.minimum_scopes :repo end end -

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! 5 lines = dozens of AuthZ assertions.

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! But what about those critical code paths?

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! What if you don’t trust your tests?

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! Science 0

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! github/dat-science

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! @jbarnette

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! @rick

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! Safely observe alternate code paths for non-mutating methods that return a value.

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! require "dat/science" ! class MyApp::Widget def allows?(user) experiment = \ "widget-permissions" do |e| ! e.control { old_method } # old way e.candidate { new_method } # new way end ! end end -

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! require "dat/science" ! class MyApp::Widget def allows?(user) experiment = \ "widget-permissions" do |e| ! e.control { old_method } # old way e.candidate { new_method } # new way end ! end end -

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! require "dat/science" ! class MyApp::Widget def allows?(user) experiment = \ "widget-permissions" do |e| ! e.control { old_method } # old way e.candidate { new_method } # new way end ! end end -

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! require "dat/science" ! class MyApp::Widget def allows?(user) experiment = \ "widget-permissions" do |e| ! e.control { old_method } # old way e.candidate { new_method } # new way end ! end end -

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! require "dat/science" ! class MyApp::Widget def allows?(user) experiment = \ "widget-permissions" do |e| ! e.control { old_method } # old way e.candidate { new_method } # new way end ! end end -

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! require "dat/science" ! class MyApp::Widget def allows?(user) experiment = \ "widget-permissions" do |e| ! e.control { old_method } # old way e.candidate { new_method } # new way end ! end end -

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Runs candidate before control 50% of the time Measures the duration of both behaviors Compares the results of both behaviors Swallows any exceptions raised by the candidate behavior Publishes findings for tracking and reporting

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! Fancy a DSL instead?

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! require "dat/science" ! class MyApp::Widget def allows?(user) science "widget-permissions" do |e| e.control { model.check_user(user).valid? } e.candidate { user.can? :read, model } end end end -

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! require "dat/science" ! class MyApp::Widget def allows?(user) science "widget-permissions" do |e| e.control { model.check_user(user).valid? } e.candidate { user.can? :read, model } end end end -

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! Create and run.

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! require "dat/science" ! class Blog::Post def permalink(user) science "permalink" do |e| e.control { post[:permalink] } e.candidate { post.slug } e.comparator {|a, b| a.downcase == b.downcase } end end end -

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! require "dat/science" ! class Blog::Post def permalink(user) science "permalink" do |e| e.control { post[:permalink] } e.candidate { post.slug } e.comparator {|a, b| a.downcase == b.downcase } end end end -

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! Ramping up experiments.

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! require "dat/science" ! module Myapp class Experiment < Dat::Science::Experiment def enabled? rand(100) < 10 # Run 10% of the time end end end -

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! require "dat/science" ! module Myapp class Experiment < Dat::Science::Experiment def enabled? MyApp.flipper[name].enabled? end end end -

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! Publishing results.

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! require "dat/science" ! module Myapp class Experiment < Dat::Science::Experiment def publish MyApp.instrument "science.#{event}", payload end end end -

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! require "dat/science" ! module Myapp class Experiment < Dat::Science::Experiment def publish MyApp.instrument "science.#{event}", payload end end end -

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No content

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No content

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No content

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! Adding custom context.

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! require "dat/science" ! class Blog::Post def permalink(user) science "permalink" do |e| e.context :post => post e.control { post[:permalink] } e.candidate { post.slug } e.comparator {|a, b| a.downcase == b.downcase } end end end -

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! require "dat/science" ! class Blog::Post def permalink(user) science "permalink" do |e| e.context :post => post e.control { post[:permalink] } e.candidate { post.slug } e.comparator {|a, b| a.downcase == b.downcase } end end end -

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Mad science.

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1 Don't try this at home

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! module GitHub class Experiment < Dat::Science::Experiment class << self # Public: enable mad science mode: returns the candidate values by default # instead of the control. def mad_science=(val) @mad_science = val end ! # Internal: whether or not to always run the candidate instead of the # control. def candidate_instead_of_control? @mad_science end end … end -

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! module GitHub class Experiment < Dat::Science::Experiment class << self # Public: enable mad science mode: returns the candidate values by default # instead of the control. def mad_science=(val) @mad_science = val end ! # Internal: whether or not to always run the candidate instead of the # control. def candidate_instead_of_control? @mad_science end end … end -

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! Analyzing results.

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! Build an analyzer to poke on results.

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! require 'dat/analysis' ! module MyApp class Analysis < Dat::Analysis def read Redis.rpop "dat-science.#{experiment_name}.results" end ! def count Redis.llen "dat-science.#{experiment_name}.results" end ! def cook(raw_result) return nil unless raw_result JSON.parse(raw_result) end end end -

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! require 'dat/analysis' ! module MyApp class Analysis < Dat::Analysis def read Redis.rpop "dat-science.#{experiment_name}.results" end ! def count Redis.llen "dat-science.#{experiment_name}.results" end ! def cook(raw_result) return nil unless raw_result JSON.parse(raw_result) end end end -

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! require 'dat/analysis' ! module MyApp class Analysis < Dat::Analysis def read Redis.rpop "dat-science.#{experiment_name}.results" end ! def count Redis.llen "dat-science.#{experiment_name}.results" end ! def cook(raw_result) return nil unless raw_result JSON.parse(raw_result) end end end -

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! require 'dat/analysis' ! module MyApp class Analysis < Dat::Analysis def read Redis.rpop "dat-science.#{experiment_name}.results" end ! def count Redis.llen "dat-science.#{experiment_name}.results" end ! def cook(raw_result) return nil unless raw_result JSON.parse(raw_result) end end end -

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! require 'dat/analysis' ! module MyApp class Analysis < Dat::Analysis def read Redis.rpop "dat-science.#{experiment_name}.results" end ! def count Redis.llen "dat-science.#{experiment_name}.results" end ! def cook(raw_result) return nil unless raw_result JSON.parse(raw_result) end end end -

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! require 'dat/analysis' ! module MyApp class Analysis < Dat::Analysis def read Redis.rpop "dat-science.#{experiment_name}.results" end ! def count Redis.llen "dat-science.#{experiment_name}.results" end ! def cook(raw_result) return nil unless raw_result JSON.parse(raw_result) end end end -

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! / irb> a ='widget-permissions') => # ! ! !

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! / irb> a ='widget-permissions') => # ! irb> a.fetch => {"experiment"=>"widget-permissions", "user"=>{ ... } .... } ! !

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! / irb> a ='widget-permissions') => # ! irb> a.fetch => {"experiment"=>"widget-permissions", "user"=>{ ... } .... } ! irb> a.result => {"experiment"=>"widget-permissions", "user"=>{ ... } .... } !

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! / irb> a.result.control => {"duration"=>12.307, "exception"=>nil, "value"=>false} ! ! !

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! / irb> a.result.control => {"duration"=>12.307, "exception"=>nil, "value"=>false} ! irb> a.result.candidate => {"duration"=>12.366999999999, "exception"=>nil, "value"=>true} !

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! Handling change (

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! New formats

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! Features evolve. URLs don’t have to.

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! / [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ] curl -n ❯

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! / [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ] curl -n ❯

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! / curl -n \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3" [ { "email": "[email protected]", "primary": false, "verified": true }, { "email": "[email protected]", "primary": false, "verified": true } ] ❯

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! / curl -n \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3" [ { "email": "[email protected]", "primary": false, "verified": true }, { "email": "[email protected]", "primary": false, "verified": true } ] ❯

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! / curl -n \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3" [ { "email": "[email protected]", "primary": false, "verified": true }, { "email": "[email protected]", "primary": false, "verified": true } ] ❯

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! Media types

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! curl -I / HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-GitHub-Media-Type: github.v3

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! curl -I / HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-GitHub-Media-Type: github.v3

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! curl -I / HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-GitHub-Media-Type: github.v3

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! curl -I curl -I \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.full+json" / HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-GitHub-Media-Type: github.v3 HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-GitHub-Media-Type: github.v3; param=full; format=json

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! curl -I curl -I \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.full+json" / HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-GitHub-Media-Type: github.v3 HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-GitHub-Media-Type: github.v3; param=full; format=json

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! curl -I curl -I \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.full+json" / HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-GitHub-Media-Type: github.v3 HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-GitHub-Media-Type: github.v3; param=full; format=json

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! curl -I curl -I \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.full+json" / HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-GitHub-Media-Type: github.v3 HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-GitHub-Media-Type: github.v3; param=full; format=json curl -I \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.beta.full+json" HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-GitHub-Media-Type: github.beta; param=full; format=json

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! curl -I curl -I \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.full+json" / HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-GitHub-Media-Type: github.v3 HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-GitHub-Media-Type: github.v3; param=full; format=json curl -I \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.beta.full+json" HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-GitHub-Media-Type: github.beta; param=full; format=json

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! @jasonrudolph “Beta like you mean it.”

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! Media types as beta code words.

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! curl / HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type ! { "message": "Unsupported 'Accept' header: github.v3." }

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! curl / HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type ! { "message": "Unsupported 'Accept' header: github.v3." }

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! curl / HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type ! { "message": "Unsupported 'Accept' header: github.v3." }

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! curl / HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type ! { "message": "Unsupported 'Accept' header: github.v3." } curl \ -H "Accept: application/" HTTP/1.1 200 OK

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! curl / HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type ! { "message": "Unsupported 'Accept' header: github.v3." } curl \ -H "Accept: application/" HTTP/1.1 200 OK

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! curl / HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type ! { "message": "Unsupported 'Accept' header: github.v3." } curl \ -H "Accept: application/" HTTP/1.1 200 OK acknowledge API is a preview release

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! Client testing

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No content

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! describe Octokit::Client do ! describe ".rate_limit" do it "makes a response if there is no last response" do client = VCR.use_cassette "rate_limit" do rate = client.rate_limit ! expect(rate.limit).to be_kind_of Fixnum expect(rate.remaining).to be_kind_of Fixnum end end # .rate_limit end … -

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! describe Octokit::Client do ! describe ".rate_limit" do it "makes a response if there is no last response" do client = VCR.use_cassette "rate_limit" do rate = client.rate_limit ! expect(rate.limit).to be_kind_of Fixnum expect(rate.remaining).to be_kind_of Fixnum end end # .rate_limit end … -

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! describe Octokit::Client do ! describe ".rate_limit" do it "makes a response if there is no last response" do client = VCR.use_cassette "rate_limit" do rate = client.rate_limit ! expect(rate.limit).to be_kind_of Fixnum expect(rate.remaining).to be_kind_of Fixnum end end # .rate_limit end … -

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! describe Octokit::Client do ! describe ".rate_limit" do it "makes a response if there is no last response" do client = VCR.use_cassette "rate_limit" do rate = client.rate_limit ! expect(rate.limit).to be_kind_of Fixnum expect(rate.remaining).to be_kind_of Fixnum end end # .rate_limit end … -

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! Record live API requests to play back later. Is it live, or is it Memorex®

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! Environment smoke tests

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! / rm -rf spec/cassettes ❯ ~/.coral/repos/octokit.rb@octokit master ❯ ~/.coral/repos/octokit.rb@octokit master*

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! / rm -rf spec/cassettes ❯ ~/.coral/repos/octokit.rb@octokit master OCTOKIT_API_ENDPOINT="" rspec ❯ ~/.coral/repos/octokit.rb@octokit master* ................................................. ..............F.................................. ........................FFF...................... ...................F............................. ........F........................................ ................................................. .....................F........F..................

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! measure change & minimize change ' handle change ( At GitHub, we so we can in order to

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! One more thing.

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! 410 Gone