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OPA for policy OPA for policy enforcement enforcement Sibi Prabakaran April 29, 2020

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Agenda Agenda Overview of OPA Rego Usecases/Integra ons Example integra on of OPA + Python web service

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OPA OPA Project started in a company named Styra at 2016 Currently an incubator project at Linux founda on (CNCF) Goal: Unify policy enforcement

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Overview Overview

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Rego Rego Language for wri ng policy Expresssions, Variables, Rules Itera on Tooling

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Expressions Expressions > input.servers[0].protocols[0] "https" > input.servers[0].protocols[0] undefined decision input.servers[0].id == "app" input.servers[0].protocols[0] == "https"

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Rego Variables Rego Variables hello := "world"

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Iteration Iteration networks = [{ "id": "net1", "public": false}, { "id": "net2", "public": false}] > networks[x] +---+------------------------------+ | x | networks[x] | +---+------------------------------+ | 0 | {"id":"net1","public":false} | | 1 | {"id":"net2","public":false} | +---+------------------------------+

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Rules Rules any_public_networks = true { # is true if... net := networks[_] # some network exists and.. net.public # it is public. }

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API Integration API Integration Python code Rego code

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Experience Experience Policies Error messages aren’t nice Community Tooling

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OPA OPA Integrations Integrations

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Comparision Comparision with Sentinel with Sentinel Open Source Applicable more generally Language differences

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Other Stu Other Stu WASM Support Editor integra ons h ps:/ /

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Haskell Haskell - Fugue Rego Toolkit h ps:/ /

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Questions Questions