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Rails, Objects, and Long- Lived Code Noel Rappin Table XI

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Instructions: 4 Please create a name tag 4 Go to 4 Follow the instructions 4 Wifi Name: PrivateGroup 4 Wifi password: CMHgroup15

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A Plan 4 I'm gonna talk for a few minutes 4 We're going to look at code together 4 We're going to make changes together 4 You're going to make changes on your own

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Please 4 Ask questions 4 Disagree 4 Pair Program

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And away we go

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How do you structure a Rails application?

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Rails defaults arguably don't go far enough

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A brief, idiosyncratic history 4 Dec 2005: Rails 1.0 Released 4 Oct 2006: Jamis Buck writes "Skinny Controller, Fat Model" 4 Dec 2007: Rails 2.0 Released (REST) 4 Mar 2010: James Golick writes "Crazy, Heretical, and Awesome" 4 Aug 2010: Rails 3.0 Released

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A brief, idiosyncratic history 4 Sep 2011: Cory Haines talk "Fast Rails Tests" 4 Nov 2011: Uncle Bob talk on "Architecture: The Lost Years" 4 Jan 2012: Avdi Grimm writes "Objects on Rails" 4 April 2012: Rails API project starts 4 Mar 2012: Jim Gay writes "Clean Ruby" 4 July 2012: Matt Wynne talk "Hexagonal Rails"

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A brief, idiosyncratic history 4 Oct 2012: Brian Helmcamp "7 Patterns to Refactor" 4 June 2013: Rails 4.0 Released 4 Aug 2013: Ben Smith "How I architected" 4 Oct 2013: Jim Weirich on Decoupling from Rails 4 Apr 2014: DHH RailsConf keynote 4 Nov 2014: Trailblazer by Nick Sutterer

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Where are we now? A lot of apps with the same problems: 4 My views are too complicated 4 My tests are too slow 4 My models are too big 4 Everything is too tangled

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Where we are now? A lot of people have answers 4 Service Oriented Architecture 4 Presenters 4 Data, Context, And Interaction (DCI) 4 Hexagonal Rails 4 Trailblazer 4 Engines

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Where we are now? A lot of people have answers 4 Dependency Injection 4 Single Responsibility Principle 4 Separation of concerns

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"All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection" 1 David Wheeler

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"... except for the problem of too many layers of indirection." 1 Kevlin Henney

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Some people feel they came to Rails to get away from this stuff

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DHH insists than none of this is necessary

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Can we build complex apps without them turning into: A ball of mud An overcomplicated mess

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The problem:

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All these techniques seem like crazy overkill until you realize you should have done them six months ago

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The Bet

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Is the extra work I'm doing worth it?

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The Good Outcome: Add complexity, makes future change easier

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The Bad Outcome: You don't add complexity, future change is harder

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The other bad outcome: You add complexity, but the change never comes

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The worst outcome: You add the wrong complexity, change is still harder

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MATH! BreakEven = PotentialCost / PotentialSavings

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DHH argues that the cost of not adding complexity stays lower if you keep things simple.

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But DHH has less to fear than you do of Rails changing under him.

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We're going to explore some techniques in an application

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We're going to refactor to better patterns from bad ones

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Basic Principle One: Don't Repeat Yourself

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Every piece of logic should have exactly one representation

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Basic Principle Two: Single Responsibility Principle

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A unit of code should do one thing

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Basic Principle Three: Semantically Meaningful Names

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Basic Principle Four: Complexity can not be decreased past a certain point

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It can only be managed

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Deal with many small components separately

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Use simple constructs and simple transitions

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Three more things:

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Software is complicated and there are lots of ways to be successful

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The best way to find the boundaries of a technique is to cross them

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These examples should be understood as proxies for more complex logic

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Exercise One: Presenters

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What's wrong with this? index.html.haml %h1.trip_index_header#headline Time Travel Adventures - @trips.each_slice(3) do |group| .row - group.each do |trip| .col-md-3.trip_entry[trip] .trip_header= link_to, trip .trip_tag= trip.tag_line .trip_dates= "#{trip.start_date.to_s(:long)} - #{trip.end_date.to_s(:long)}" .trip_image= image_tag(trip.image_name, :height => 150, :width => 150) .trip_price= number_to_currency(trip.price) .trip_links = link_to "Show Details", trip, :class => 'detail_toggle' .detail_hidden %div= trip.description

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Possibly, nothing... But...

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4 It's not semantically meaningful 4 It doesn't handle complexity well 4 It's not set up to be reused

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Split the view %h1.trip_index_header#headline Time Travel Adventures - @trips.each_slice(3) do |group| .row= render partial: "one_trip", collection: group, as: :trip

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.col-md-3.trip_entry[trip] .trip_header= link_to, trip .trip_tag= trip.tag_line .trip_dates= "#{trip.start_date.to_s(:long)} - #{trip.end_date.to_s(:long)}" .trip_image= image_tag(trip.image_name, :height => 150, :width => 150) .trip_price= number_to_currency(trip.price) .trip_links = link_to "Show Details", trip, :class => 'detail_toggle' .detail_hidden %div= trip.description

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We could do this: class Trip < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :hotels has_many :activities validates_presence_of :description, :start_date, :end_date, :price, :tag_line def date_range_display "#{start_date.to_s(:long)} - #{end_date.to_s(:long)}" end end

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Which is bad because... 4 Our chocolate is in our peanut butter 4 They will not taste great together

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Where to put this code? What is this code doing?

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Let's try this: class TripPresenter < SimpleDelegator def initialize(trip) super(trip) end def date_range_display "#{start_date.to_s(:long)} - #{end_date.to_s(:long)}" end end

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SimpleDelegator 4 Passes all missing methods to the source object 4 Which is accessible via __getobj__

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A little more support class HomeController < ApplicationController def index @trips = { |t| } end end

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And then... .span3.trip_entry[trip.__getobj__] .trip_header= trip.link_to_trip_show_page .trip_tag= trip.tag_line .trip_dates= trip.date_range_display .trip_image= trip.main_page_image_tag .trip_price= trip.price_display .trip_links = link_to "Show Details", trip, :class => 'detail_toggle' .detail_hidden %div= trip.description

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And... class TripPresenter < SimpleDelegator include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper def initialize(trip) super(trip) end def date_range_display "#{start_date.to_s(:long)} - #{end_date.to_s(:long)}" end def link_to_trip_show_page link_to(name, Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.trip_path(__getobj__)) end def main_page_image_tag image_tag("/assets/#{image_name}", height: 150, width: 150) end def price_display number_to_currency(price) end end

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Why is this better? 4 View code declares intent 4 Able to more easily unit test presentation logic 4 Easier to reason about presentation code 4 Potential for reuse

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Let's back up

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What's an object? 4 Data and behavior 4 A series of messages

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But I thought objects were just the nouns in my system?

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We've created a useful abstraction The intersection of noun and context

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For you The Trip show page

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%h1= %h2 Booking Options = form_for do |f| .options %h3 Hotel Options .length_of_stay Number of nights = hidden_field_tag :trip_id, = select_tag :length_of_stay, options_for_select((1 .. (@trip.end_date - @trip.start_date)).to_a), include_blank: true - do |hotel| %div[hotel] = radio_button_tag(:hotel_id,, false) = "#{}: #{hotel.description} (#{number_to_currency(hotel.price)})" %h3 Activity Options - @trip.activities.each do |activity| %div[activity] = check_box_tag(:"activity_id[]",, false, id: "activity_id_#{}") = "#{}: #{activity.description} (#{number_to_currency(activity.price)})" %br = f.submit "Order"

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Convert it to a presenter

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Object decorators vs. view models

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Next up

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Let's purchase a trip

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Steps 4 Determine Availability 4 Calculate Price 4 Process Transaction 4 Create Objects 4 Call It A Day

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Creating Objects

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An integration test describe "basic process" do it "creates order and line item objects" do visit("/trips/#{}") select('4', :from => 'length_of_stay') choose("hotel_id_#{}") check("activity_id_#{}") click_button("Order") order = Order.last expect(order.order_line_items.count).to eq(3) expect( eq( [mayflower,, mayflower.activities.first]) end end

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Passing class OrdersController < ApplicationController def create order = Trip.find(params[:trip_id])) Hotel.find(params[:hotel_id])) params[:activity_id].each do |aid| Activity.find(aid)) end redirect_to :root end end

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But Ugly

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Let's try again class OrdersController < ApplicationController def create action = params[:trip_id], params[:hotel_id], params[:activity_id]) redirect_to :root end end

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And the action: class PurchasesOrder def initialize(trip_id, hotel_id, activity_ids) @trip_id, @hotel_id, @activity_ids = trip_id, hotel_id, activity_ids end def trip @trip ||= Trip.find(@trip_id) end def hotel @hotel ||= Hotel.find(@trip_id) end def activities @activities ||= { |id| Activity.find(id) } end def order @order ||= end def add_line_item(buyable) buyable) end def run add_line_item(trip) add_line_item(hotel) activities.each { |a| add_line_item(a) } end end

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Why is this better? 4 Unit testable 4 Better able to manage future complexity 4 Declares intent

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Calculating price

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Algorithm The sum of: 4 Activities have a price 4 Hotels have a nights stayed times a price 4 Trips have a price

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We've got options

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4 Logic in existing models 4 Logic in workflow object 4 Create new calculator object 4 Some combination thereof

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We don't have to start at the end point, as long as we have tests

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Starting with an acceptance test preserves ambiguity it "correctly puts pricing in the line item objects" do visit("/trips/#{}") select('4', :from => 'length_of_stay') choose("hotel_id_#{}") check("activity_id_#{}") click_button("Order") order = Order.last expect(order.trip_item.unit_price).to eq(1200) expect(order.trip_item.amount).to eq(1) expect(order.trip_item.total_price).to eq(1200) expect(order.hotel_item.unit_price).to eq(500) expect(order.hotel_item.amount).to eq(4) expect(order.hotel_item.total_price).to eq(2000) expect(order.activity_items.first.unit_price).to eq(400) expect(order.activity_items.first.amount).to eq(1) expect(order.activity_items.first.total_price).to eq(400) expect(order.total_price_paid).to eq(3600) end

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Get to Green class Order < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :order_line_items def trip_item order_line_items.where(buyable_type: "Trip").first end def hotel_item order_line_items.where(buyable_type: "Hotel").first end def activity_items order_line_items.where(buyable_type: "Activity") end end

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Get To Green class OrdersController < ApplicationController def create params[:trip_id], params[:hotel_id], params[:activity_id], params[:length_of_stay]).run redirect_to :root end end

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Get To Green def add_line_item(buyable, unit_price, amount) buyable, unit_price: unit_price, amount: amount, total_price: amount * unit_price) end def run add_line_item(trip, trip.price, 1) add_line_item(hotel, hotel.price, length_of_stay.to_i) activities.each { |a| add_line_item(a, a.price, 1) } order.total_price_paid = end

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Let's make this more complicated Processing Fee: 4 $10 per trip 4 $1 per 100 years the trip start date is from 2015 4 $5 per activity 4 $10 if hotel per night fee is over $250

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Why not put this in the model? 4 Most of the time, the model doesn't care 4 SRP

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Let's build this bottom up require 'rails_helper' describe ActivityProcessingFee do it "always returns $5" do calculator = expect(calculator.fee).to eq( end end

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Passed By class ActivityProcessingFee def initialize(activity) end def fee end end

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Then require 'rails_helper' describe HotelProcessingFee do it "returns zero for a hotel under $250" do hotel = double(price: 100) calculator = expect(calculator.fee).to eq( end it "returns $10 for a hotel that is greater than $250" do hotel = double(price: 300) calculator = expect(calculator.fee).to eq( end end

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And... require 'rails_helper' describe TripProcessingFee do it "returns expected trip that is within 100 years" do trip = double(start_date: Date.parse("Jan 1, 2000")) calculator = expect(calculator.fee).to eq( end end

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Passing class HotelProcessingFee attr_accessor :hotel def initialize(hotel) @hotel = hotel end def fee if hotel.price > 250 then else end end end

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More passing class TripProcessingFee attr_accessor :trip def initialize(trip) @trip = trip end def year trip.start_date.year end def fee - year) end end

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Acceptance it "correctly puts pricing in the activity line item objects" do order = Order.last activity = order.activity_items.first expect(activity.unit_price).to eq(400) expect(activity.amount).to eq(1) expect(activity.extended_price).to eq(400) expect(activity.processing_fee).to eq(5) end it "correctly puts pricing in the order object" do order = Order.last expect(order.total_price_paid).to eq(3600 + 3.95 + 10 + 5 + 10) end

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Passing def add_line_item(buyable, unit_price, amount, calculator_class) extended_price = amount * unit_price processing_fee = buyable, unit_price: unit_price, amount: amount, extended_price: extended_price, processing_fee: processing_fee, price_paid: extended_price + processing_fee) end def calculate_order_price + end def run add_line_item(trip, trip.price, 1, TripProcessingFee) add_line_item( hotel, hotel.price, length_of_stay.to_i, HotelProcessingFee) activities.each do |a| add_line_item(a, a.price, 1, ActivityProcessingFee) end order.total_price_paid = calculate_order_price end

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What have we done? 4 Dependency Injection

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Let's make this more complicated

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Coupon codes

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Requirements 4 A code can offer a percentage discount 4 A code can apply to trips, hotels, activities, or all 3 4 A code does not apply to processing costs 4 Free items don't have processing costs

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How to represent

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Maybe refactor first?

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Preserve API def add_line_item(buyable, unit_price, amount, calculator_class), buyable, unit_price, amount, calculator_class).run end

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class OrderLineItemFactory attr_accessor :order, :buyable, :unit_price, :amount, :fee_calculator_class def initialize(order, buyable, unit_price, amount, fee_calculator_class) @order, @buyable, @unit_price, @amount = order, buyable, unit_price, amount @fee_calculator_class = fee_calculator_class end def extended_price amount * unit_price end def processing_fee end def price_paid extended_price + processing_fee end def run buyable, unit_price: unit_price, amount: amount, extended_price: extended_price, processing_fee: processing_fee, price_paid: price_paid) end end

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Move Fee Calculator knowledge?

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Passsing code through %h3 Coupon Code = text_field_tag :coupon_code def create params[:trip_id], params[:hotel_id], params[:activity_id], params[:length_of_stay], params[:coupon_code]).run redirect_to :root end def initialize(trip_id, hotel_id, activity_ids, length_of_stay, code) @trip_id, @hotel_id, @activity_ids = trip_id, hotel_id, activity_ids @length_of_stay = length_of_stay @code = code end def coupon_code @coupon_code ||= CouponCode.find_by_code(@code) end def add_line_item(buyable, unit_price, amount, calculator_class), buyable, unit_price, amount, coupon_code, calculator_class).run end

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Passing logic def price_paid extended_price - discount + processing_fee end def discount return 0 unless coupon_code (coupon_code.discount_percentage * extended_price) / 100.0 end def run buyable, unit_price: unit_price, amount: amount, extended_price: extended_price, processing_fee: processing_fee, price_paid: price_paid, discount: discount) end

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Coupon Code application logic require "rails_helper" describe CouponCode do describe "applicability" do let(:trip) { } let(:hotel) { } let(:activity) { } let(:code) { } describe "a general code" do before { code.applies_to = :all } specify { expect(code.ok_for(trip)).to be_truthy } specify { expect(code.ok_for(hotel)).to be_truthy } specify { expect(code.ok_for(activity)).to be_truthy } end describe "a specific code" do before { code.applies_to = :trip } specify { expect(code.ok_for(trip)).to be_truthy } specify { expect(code.ok_for(hotel)).to be_falsy } specify { expect(code.ok_for(activity)).to be_falsy } end end end

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The Code class CouponCode < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :order_line_items def ok_for(buyable) return true if applies_to.blank? || applies_to == "all" == applies_to end end

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The Call def coupon_code_applies? coupon_code && coupon_code.ok_for(buyable) end def discount return 0 unless coupon_code_applies? (coupon_code.discount_percentage * extended_price) / 100.0 end

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And then... 4 Limit on number of times a user can use a code 4 Maximum discount limit on code 4 Code applies to specific trip, hotel, or activity 4 Code only applies when used during a specific date range

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Third party workflows

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Let's check availability

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Using our fake API class AvailabilityApi def self.available?(api_id, date_string) sleep(rand * 5) result = rand if result < 0.95 true elsif result < 0.99 false else sleep(rand * 10) raise "Ooops" end end end

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Build our own wrapper

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Integerate into workflow

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Now try with purchases

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And In Conclusion...

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Rails is not your app...

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Unless you work for Basecamp

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The goal is to be able to sustainably deliver features

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Does the code seem better?

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The right amount of process is a little bit too little process

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The right amount of code structure might be a little too much code structure

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"The Long Term" is a fancy way of saying "Tomorrow"

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OO is about messages, not nouns

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Small pieces, loosely joined

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Reuse and maintenance are YAGNI

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That said, keeping flexible via simplicity is a good idea

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Ease of testing is a valid architectural concern

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Duplication may not mean what you think

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Noel Rappin Table XI @noelrap