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Introduction to Angular 2 Shuhei Kagawa Dec 14, 2015 #tkjs

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Who are you? • Shuhei Kagawa • Front/Back-end developer @ M3, Inc. • Rails/Angular.js/Node.js • Building SPA >10000 lines of JavaScript

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Choosing JS framework is hard

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What I wanted 1.5 years • Data-binding (less boilerplate) • Amount of learning resources (for team development) • (Seemingly) Long-time support • Rich standard libraries (security, validation and etc.)

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Piled up APIs since 2009,_Salta_(Argentina).jpg

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Angular: The Good Parts • Directive > Controller • Don't rely on scope inheritance • Directive API (controllerAs, bindToController)

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Angular 2 • Thrown away outdated/unintuitive APIs • Completely rewritten with

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What is Angular 2 like? • It's coming up soon(?) • Better syntax • Best-in-class performance • Cutting-edge architecture

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alpha.53 Weekly Breaking Changes

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beta is coming soon... Less Breaking Changes

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Adoption at Google 100s developers
 Millions LOC

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Better syntax • TypeScript is the first language (no more JS quirks) • Consistent template syntax • Scoped CSS • ES6 Modules (no more own module system)

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Languages ES5 ES6 TypeScript Dart

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ES6 Modules Class Decorator Class property import { Component, Injectable } from 'angular2/core'; @Injectable() class Hero { id: number; name: string; } @Component({ selector: 'my-app', templateUrl: './my-app.html', styleUrls: ['./my-app.css'] }) export class AppComponent { public title = 'Tour of Heroes'; public heroes = HEROES; public selectedHero: Hero; onSelect(hero: Hero) { this.selectedHero = hero; } getSelectedClass(hero: Hero) { return { selected: hero === this.selectedHero }; } } var HEROES: Hero[] = [ { "id": 11, "name": "Mr. Nice" }, // ... ];

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My Heroes

  • {{}} {{}}

{{}} details!

id: {{}}
Text binding Loop Event handler (Seemingly)
 data binding

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Template syntax • foo="bar" • [foo]="bar" • (foo)="bar()" Plain (passed as a string) Data binding (evaluated as expression) Event handler • ng-include="'hello.tpl'" • ng-href="{{keyword}}"

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Best-in-class performance • Ultra-fast change detection • View caching • One-time and offline compilation • (Change detection in Web Worker) • (Server-side rendering (Angular Universal))

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Cutting-edge Architecture • Component-based • Uni-directional data flow • Rx.js built-in • Compatible with Immutable.js

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import { Component } from 'angular2/core'; import { Control } from 'angular2/common'; import { Jsonp, JSONP_PROVIDERS } from 'angular2/http'; import { bootstrap } from 'angular2/platform/browser'; import { GitHubService } from './github-service'; @Component({ selector: 'my-app', templateUrl: 'app/my-app.html', styleUrls: ['app/my-app.css'] }) export class MyApp { searchText = new Control(); repos: any; constructor(private github: GitHubService) { this.repos = this.searchText.valueChanges .debounceTime(300) .flatMap(text =>; ; } } bootstrap(MyApp, [JSONP_PROVIDERS, GitHubService]);

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GitHub repositoy search

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import { Injectable } from 'angular2/core'; @Injectable() export class GitHubService { constructor(private jsonp: Jsonp) {} search(keyword) { return this.jsonp.get(` search/repositories?callback=JSONP_CALLBACK&q=$ {keyword}&sort=stars`) .map(res => res.json()['data']['items']); } }

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Upgrade from 1.x • Componentize everything • ngUpgrade • Mix ng1 components and ng2 components • ngForward • Write ng1 app with ng2 syntax

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Libraries • ng1 libraries doesn't work on ng2 • But people started re-building popular ones with ng2 • ionic2, angular2_material, ng2-bootstrap, ng2- select and etc.

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Browser support

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More resources • • • Angular 2 Lessons •

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Thanks! • shuhei@gihtub&npm • shuheikagawa@twitter