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Creating APIs That Data Scientists Will Love Email newsletter -------->

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“ To succeed in AI, first master APIs. — Ryan Day

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Go deeper on today’s topic with my book Coming From O'Reilly Publishing in March 2025

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Slide 4 text To get today’s slides Tip Sheet: APIs for AI & Data Science - sign up today

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Walking in the shoes of a data scientist

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Marianna Diamos, Los Angeles Times, CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons Marianna Diamos, Los Angeles Times, CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you do criticize him, you'll be a mile away and have his shoes – Steve Martin

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Source: Anaconda State of Data Science Report Jobs Data Scientists Do

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(Python) Tools Data Scientists Use

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Creating APIs that data scientists will love

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Our demonstration project

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1 - Provide an SDK for your API. 2 - Add standard external identifiers. 3 - Enforce data type definitions. 4 - Provide a method for bulk downloads. 5 - Support querying by last changed date. Tips to Make APIs for Data Scientists

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SDKs: just give me the data Tip 1 - Provide a Software Development Kit

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Solid Baseline - REST API, API keys, SDKs

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No content

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SDK: the user’s perspective

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Extra reference data to join other datasets. Tip 2 - Add standard external identifiers

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No content

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Swagger UI documentation

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Get Player endpoint in Swagger UI documentation Internal Identifier

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Standard external identifier: GSIS_ID External Identifier

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Streamlit app - enriched with third-party data

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Joining to Industry Data - nfldatapy

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Give structures your users can count on Tip 3 - Enforce data type definitions in your API.

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OpenAPI specification file

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OpenAPI specification file - paths

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OpenAPI specification file - schemas

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Pydantic - enforcing definitions

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The data, the whole data, and nothing but the data. Tip 4 - Provide a method for bulk downloads.

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3 Reasons Data Scientists want Bulk Data 1. Exploratory data analysis (EDA) 2. Training data for an ML Model 3. Initial load of a data pipeline

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Initial Load - Airflow

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Just give me the deltas. Tip 5 - Support querying by last changed date.

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Last Changed Date - User’s perspective

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Incremental load- Airflow

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Airflow code

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1 - Provide an SDK for your API 2 - Add standard external identifiers. 3 - Enforce data type definitions. 4 - Provide a method for bulk downloads. 5 - Support querying by last changed date. Tips to Make APIs for Data Scientists

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Slide 36 text Get more tips and tricks Tip Sheet: APIs for AI & Data Science - sign up today

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Extra Slides

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Source: Microsoft Team Data Science Process

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A common format that is easy to consume Extra Tip - Return data in JSON format

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Players endpoint in Swagger UI documentation

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JSON data returned

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