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DJANGO TechLadies Tech Talk #2

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ABOUT TECHLADIES ➤ TechLadies is a community-led, nonprofit initiative that introduces more women to programming. ➤ Find more information at and at our Facebook page

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ABOUT ME ➤ Vina Rianti ➤ TechLadies Bootcamp, Team AFA ➤ WordPress, not really as a "full stack" PHP Developer :( ➤ Tons of new skills Tonight.... it's about sharing some nuggets about Django! In summary: 1. Python's Virtual Environment 2. Create new Django project 3. Django Administration

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PYTHON & PYTHON PACKAGES ➤ Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language. ➤ Readable, easy and quick to learn ➤ Used widely by academia and researchers due to large number of packages at Python Packages Index ( ➤ Mac --> already installed, Windows --> need installation ➤ or.. for Python "on the fly"

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PYTHON VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT ➤ Sandbox and isolated environment for Python ➤ Manage dependencies without dilemma ➤ Keep project directory clean ➤ On Mac, do 'pip install virtualenv' ➤ Use tool called virtualenvwrapper to make it even easier. The setup that we're doing is also documented at Team AFA's Diary on More info on Virtualenv at pip install virtualenvwrapper
 export WORKON_HOME=~/Envs source /usr/local/bin/ ➤ Create our virtualenv: ➤ mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/local/bin/python3 myvideoblog ➤ Create our project directory: myvideoblog

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WHAT IS DJANGO? ➤ Django (/ˈdʒæŋɡoʊ/ jang-goh) is a free and open source web application framework, written in Python. Let's just dive in ! !

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SETUP DJANGO: INSTALL, MIGRATE, ACTION! ➤ pip install django ➤ django-admin startproject myvideoblog ➤ Open the project folder and observe the structure. ➤ Run the server: ./ runserver

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DJANGO ADMINISTRATION: QUICK AND USER FRIENDLY ➤ It's built in and no further package needed ➤ Run migration ./ migrate ➤ Create your account ./ createsuperuser ➤ Visit admin url at http://localhost:8000/admin/ ➤ Observe Users and Groups feature

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GOT MORE TIME FOR MAGIC? ➤ Let's create app to handle Posts: django-admin startapp posts ➤ Plural for app, singular for model ➤ Add it to INSTALLED_APPS in ➤ Create the model in from django.db import models # Create your models here. class Post(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey('auth.User') created_on = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) title = models.CharField(max_length=512) video_url = models.URLField()

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GOT MORE TIME FOR MAGIC? ➤ Create the migration: ./ makemigrations ➤ Django will automagically detect changes and create migration scripts ➤ Migrate it: ./ migrate ➤ Create PostsAdmin class for Posts in from django.contrib import admin from . import models # Register your models here. class PostsAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): pass, PostsAdmin) ➤ Refresh the admin site again!

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WE MADE IT! ➤ Python Virtualenv and Virtualenvwrapper ➤ Django setup ➤ Django model ➤ Django administration site ➤ About 10 lines of Django code

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THAT'S IT FOR NOW ~~ JUST KEEP SWIMMING! ➤ Special thanks to our awesome mentor Martin Brochhaus ! ➤ Join PyLadies Slack community, links at ➤ Singapore Djangonauts ( Djangonauts/) ➤ I'm still learning too and here to help!