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How to get your submission accepted at NDC London Chris O’Dell ● Thank everyone for coming to NDC London

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Chris O’Dell PIPELINE The Continuous Delivery Conference @ChrisAnnODell ● Self Introduction & why on Panel

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● Why I’m doing this lightning talk - ● want the best conference ever and that means the best talks from the best submissions

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Liam Westley Eirik Langholm Vullum Niall Merrigan Bryan Hunter Chris O'Dell Kjersti Sandberg Jakob Bradford Functional track Main tracks Conf organisers ● Describe Panel and who makes it up

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● Pre-selected speakers and talks - bigger names need time to book and arrange. ● 8 rooms ● 1 = functional track ● 1 = C++ track (new for 2017) ● 6 tracks left - 114 slots including ~ ⅓ pre-selected, so about 75!

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2-day lock-in ● Review over 700 submissions - 75 slots! ● First pass - lots of typos (show lack of care), not relevant (sloppy or too generic) ● Second pass - learn about the speakers - demonstrable subject matter experience, speaking experience

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● Group into themes ● Choose from talks covering same topic ● Attempt to whittle down the numbers

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● Attempt to fit into agenda slots alongside pre-selected talks ● Reshuffle to avoid similar themes at the same time, attempt to avoid women speakers at the same time, big names in larger rooms

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Sample Abstracts

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Have you ever wondered what your cat is trying to tell you ? Are you curious why they show you their bellies only to slice your hand to shreds? Ever wanted to know why they run around your flat at 200mph at 3am? Come to my talk! ● Rhetorical Questions ● What is going to be the content? ● Can we take that gamble? Will attendees? ● Don’t work up for a big reveal - tell us straight up. Helps everyone decide whether to attend

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In this talk we’ll discuss the best methods for walking your cat. Though I’ve never owned cats, as a professional dog walker, this guaranteed method works regardless of breed and chosen leash. ● Controversial topic from a non-expert ● We’d choose topic expert over beginner (as I’m sure attendees would too!)

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Sisal is a more satisfying scratching material than cardboard. ● Short and sweet ● Shows lack of care - will the talk be similar in this regard? ● Opposite: Essay - people give up reading

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How I learned to stop worrying and love catnip How I learned to stop worrying and love the Domestic Longhair How I learned to stop worrying and love cleaning cat litter How I learned to stop worrying and love scratched furniture How I learned to stop worrying and love yearly vaccinations How I learned to stop worrying and love hairballs ● The shotgun submitter ● “One of these has to be accepted, right?” ● Varied topics, we have no confidence in your expertise ● We ask for 1-2 of your best talks - lack of respect for selection committee?

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In this talk we’ll discuss the process for introducing a new cat to a resident cat. I’ve been fostering cats for many years and have successfully introduced both stray and abandoned cats of all ages to my busy home of 5 cats with an 80% success rate. We’ll cover steps for the first few days to successful integration - from creating a safe space to scent and room swapping and more. With these techniques you’ll have a happy catty home! ● The Beginner ● Excellent abstract - do we gamble on a newbie speaker? ● Tells us about your speaker experience, any videos, linkedin, twitter, etc ● Submit a lightning talk instead - reduced gamble for organisers

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Tips ● Tell us what you’ll talk about - don’t hint ● Tell us why your experience matters ● Provide a sufficiently detailed abstract ● Send your best, targeted talks ● Assume a knowledgeable audience ● Help us to find your presentation experience ● Summarise tips

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● Wish you luck for next year

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Resources ● Why Your Excellent Conference Talk Was Rejected - Sarah Gray ● Make me an offer I can’t refuse - Writing abstracts for conference organisers - Niall Merrigan ● HelpMeAbstract - volunteers will review your abstract ● Presenting for Geeks ebook - Dirk Haun