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export default class SayHello extends Component { render () { return (

{'Hello Everyone!'}

{'Welcome to ReactFoo Hyderabad!'}

) } }

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React to Vue

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react | rɪˈakt | verb [no object] 1 act in response to something; respond in a particular way

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Myths & Misconceptions

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Templates are bad JSX Mutable State Directives Two-way Binding Watchers

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Templates The Good · The Bad · The Ugly • Approachable • Choice of Dialects • Static & Limited • Week Tooling Support • Scope

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No content

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Event Modifiers HTML Preprocessor Reusing existing code

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JSX shouldn’t be reason to choose a library. • Flexible • Advanced Tooling • Verbosity • Static Optimisation • Steep Learning Curve

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export default class SayHello extends Component { render () { return (

{'Hello Everyone!'}

{'Welcome to ReactFoo Hyderabad!’}

) } }

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import Component from 'vue' import { Component as VueComponent } from 'vue-class-component' @VueComponent export default class SayHello extends Component { render () { return (

{'Hello Everyone!'}

{'Welcome to ReactFoo Hyderabad!'}

) } }

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Mutable State It’s actually Observed State. • Dependency Tracking • Computed Properties • Watchable State • Required Re-renders

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No content

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Directives are not so bad. • Necessary Extension • Customise Compilation • Concerns Separation • Can mutate DOM • YOU DON’T NEED THEM

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Internationalisation ACL

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Two-way Binding is just Syntax Sugar. • Reduced Boilerplate • Edge-case handling

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Syntactic Sugar Modifiers

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Watchers add explicit dependencies on Observed State. • Explicit Dependency • Reactive

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Shared Features • Declarative Rendering • Component Composition • Virtual DOM • IDE Support • Robust Testing Toolkit • State Management • Client Side Routing

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What do you get with Vue ?

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Single File Components

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Scoped Styles

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Content Distribution

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Async Component Transitions Universal SSR

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Take Away Vue is similar to React but reactive. Few different design decisions. Created with high regards to Developer Experience.

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