Slide 54
Slide 54 text
中華民國品質學會第 43 屆年會暨第 13 屆全國品質管理研討會
Title: The Practicable Ways of Evaluating Teachers’ Professional Growth
The ultimate worth of professional development for teachers is the essential role
it plays in the improvement of students’ learning. Guskey suggests a model for
evaluating professional development that includes five levels of gathering
information about professional development and it is hierarchically arranged from
simple to complex. To explore increasing levels of sophistication in evaluating
professional development from the participants' reactions to professional
development, how to evaluate organizational support and change, the usage of new
knowledge, skills ,and the outcome of students learning. This research, according
to the model of Guskey, bases on the members of county/city instructors as the
research objects.
In according with the results of investigations, in the part of participants
reactions, most teachers can achieve, however, on participants’ learning,
organizational support and change, the usage of new knowledge, skills, and the
outcome of students learning that have long been neglected .
Keyword: evaluation, professional growth, professional development.