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© 2016 IBM Corporation The Cuddly, Throwable Application Server

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@holly_cummins ?

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@holly_cummins What is the Bluemix Garage? (It’s not actually a Garage.)

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@holly_cummins bluemixgaragelondon

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@holly_cummins “Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.” - Popular Mechanics, 1949

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@holly_cummins “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” — Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM 1943

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@holly_cummins Then: HARDware

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@holly_cummins Now: Everyware

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@holly_cummins Next: Connected-ware

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@holly_cummins Why care about the Internet of Things?

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@holly_cummins Why care about the Internet of Things? This could really benefit my business

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@holly_cummins Why care about the Internet of Things? This could really benefit my business This is so FUN and COOL and OOH I made it LIGHT UP!”

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@holly_cummins Poll-time.

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@holly_cummins +

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@holly_cummins +

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@holly_cummins It was cool. But it couldn’t move around much.

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@holly_cummins pcDuino

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@holly_cummins pcDuino

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@holly_cummins pcDuino £60

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@holly_cummins pcDuino £60 Dual-core CPU 4 GB flash storage 1 GB RAM “Arduino-ish” pins Wi-fi Battery connector

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@holly_cummins embedded application server Sensors Liberty Architecture

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@holly_cummins A bit of textile engineering.

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@holly_cummins A bit more textile engineering.

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@holly_cummins Ta-daa!

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@holly_cummins Ta-daa! Presenting: The WebSphere Sphere

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@holly_cummins Ta-daa! Presenting: The WebSphere Sphere (“the cuddly application server”)

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@holly_cummins Ta-daa! Presenting: The WebSphere Sphere (“the cuddly application server”) (“the world’s first throwable application server”)

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@holly_cummins Throwable technology. Not so silly after all.

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@holly_cummins Remind you of anything?

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@holly_cummins Not really. It’s very lumpy, isn’t it?

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@holly_cummins It’s a computer case

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@holly_cummins Interfacing the ball to the computer LED sequins

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@holly_cummins Soft circuits

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@holly_cummins Soft circuits Conductive thread

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@holly_cummins Soft circuits £6.78 Conductive thread

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@holly_cummins Soft circuits £6.78 Conductive thread Stainless steel

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@holly_cummins Soft circuits £6.78 Conductive thread Solderable Stainless steel

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@holly_cummins Soft circuits £6.78 Conductive thread Solderable Sewable Stainless steel

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@holly_cummins http://pcduino.local

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@holly_cummins –My Mother “Holly, why would anyone want an application server in a cuddly ball?”

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@holly_cummins Who wouldn’t want an application server in a cuddly ball?

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@holly_cummins So … did it work?

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@holly_cummins So … did it work?

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@holly_cummins So … did it work? pcDuino could never display on any monitor.

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened?

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? Wires snapped. Many times.

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? Wires snapped. Many times. Inside a unit that had to be disassembled before any repair could be done.

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? • Connectors are not as easy as one might hope

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? • Connectors are not as easy as one might hope PcDuino battery interface

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? • Connectors are not as easy as one might hope Popular embeddable battery PcDuino battery interface

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? • Connectors are not as easy as one might hope Popular embeddable battery PcDuino battery interface

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? • Connectors are not as easy as one might hope Popular embeddable battery PcDuino battery interface JST-PH

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? • Connectors are not as easy as one might hope Popular embeddable battery PcDuino battery interface JST-PH

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? • Connectors are not as easy as one might hope Popular embeddable battery PcDuino battery interface JST-PH JST-SH

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@holly_cummins “The board features a difficult-to-get JST-SH connector. You won't find a battery with a ready-made five-pin JST-SH connector. ”

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@holly_cummins “The board features a difficult-to-get JST-SH connector. You won't find a battery with a ready-made five-pin JST-SH connector. ” !&!^@*!

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@holly_cummins It’s ok! I wired in a battery.

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? LiPoly battery. Standard 3.3V output.

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? Battery voltage isn’t enough for LEDs. Or sensors. LiPoly battery. Standard 3.3V output.

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@holly_cummins It’s ok! I used a USB battery.

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@holly_cummins It’s ok! I used a USB battery.

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@holly_cummins It’s ok! I used a USB battery. Un-covered metal batteries short pins.

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@holly_cummins It’s ok! I added a sock.

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@holly_cummins It’s ok! I added a sock.

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@holly_cummins It’s ok! I added a sock. Child will never miss it.

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I’ve fixed this for you.

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S I’ve fixed this for you.

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@holly_cummins A USB power connector lived here … and then what happened?

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? Another USB power connector lived here

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? What does that mean in practice?

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? What does that mean in practice? Normally, 0 = bounce. With insufficient voltage, pin is always 0.

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? So it infinitely … oh. Oh dear.

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened?

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened?

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? Motion sensor started smoking, stopped working. Had to buy a new one.

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@holly_cummins pcDuino stopped working. Had to buy a new one :( … and then what happened?

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@holly_cummins –My mother “Holly, I saw a video of your sphere talk. I thought you handled the fact that the demo failed really well. Are there any videos where it actually works?”

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened?

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? It worked faultlessly. Twice in a row.

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@holly_cummins pcDuino useful stuff The physical world …

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@holly_cummins pcDuino useful stuff The physical world … bulky protective padding

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@holly_cummins pcDuino useful stuff … doesn’t fit in hand-luggage. The physical world … bulky protective padding

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened?

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened?

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? Not supposed to look like that.

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? Pin on power board snapped. Remnants of pin in PCB hole. Not supposed to look like that.

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened?

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@holly_cummins Solder burns on kitchen counter. … and then what happened?

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened?

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? No power to pcDuino.

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? It’s ok! I bought a better powerboost.

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened?

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? No power to pcDuino. Still.

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@holly_cummins … and then what happened? There’s actually a hole in the battery under all that tape.

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@holly_cummins What could possibly go wrong with a damaged LiPo battery?

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@holly_cummins It’s ok! I bought a new battery. (and the damaged one isn’t in my house anymore)

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@holly_cummins It’s ok! I bought a new battery. (and the damaged one isn’t in my house anymore) It’s ok! I bought two new batteries.

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@holly_cummins - My partner “Holly, I keep telling you you should refuse to do this talk anymore.”

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@holly_cummins - My partner “Holly, I keep telling you you should refuse to do this talk anymore.” (I didn’t even tell him about the exploding batteries.)

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@holly_cummins IoT development checklist

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@holly_cummins Look before you leap. IoT development checklist

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@holly_cummins Look before you leap. You will need: IoT development checklist

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@holly_cummins Look before you leap. You will need: • Spare money IoT development checklist

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@holly_cummins Look before you leap. You will need: • Spare money • A lot of time IoT development checklist

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@holly_cummins Look before you leap. You will need: • Spare money • A lot of time • A high tolerance for stress IoT development checklist

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@holly_cummins –Thomas Edison I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

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@holly_cummins But … what does it all mean?

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@holly_cummins This is important.

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@holly_cummins This is important-ish.

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@holly_cummins Single-board computers are an amazing revolution.

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@holly_cummins Single-board computers are an amazing revolution.

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@holly_cummins Single-board computers are an amazing revolution. Application servers are lighter than you think.

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@holly_cummins Single-board computers are an amazing revolution. Application servers are lighter than you think.

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@holly_cummins Single-board computers are an amazing revolution. Application servers are lighter than you think. Java EE is really handy.

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@holly_cummins WebSphere Liberty installs only the Java EE features needed.

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@holly_cummins WebSphere Liberty installs only the Java EE features needed.

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@holly_cummins WebSphere Liberty installs only the Java EE features needed. For my application, that’s a lot of features.

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@holly_cummins WebSphere Liberty installs only the Java EE features needed. For my application, that’s a lot of features.

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@holly_cummins WebSphere Liberty installs only the Java EE features needed. For my application, that’s a lot of features. (I used a lot of programming models. )

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@holly_cummins But is it IoT?

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@holly_cummins embedded application server Sensors Liberty Architecture

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@holly_cummins Thing

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@holly_cummins Embedded thing

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@holly_cummins Very very embedded thing

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@holly_cummins Very very embedded thing Network, but not internet

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@holly_cummins No machine-to-machine

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@holly_cummins Sensors

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@holly_cummins Sensors

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@holly_cummins Bluemix and IoT

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@holly_cummins // parse VCAP_SERVICES String VCAP_SERVICES = System.getenv("VCAP_SERVICES"); JSONObject vcap = new JSONObject(VCAP_SERVICES); JSONArray json = vcap.getJSONArray("iotf-service"); JSONObject credentials = json.getJSONObject(0).getJSONObject("credentials"); String host = (String) credentials.get("mqtt_host"); Integer port = (Integer) credentials.get("mqtt_u_port"); … MqttClient client = new MqttClient(uri, id); MqttConnectOptions opts = new MqttConnectOptions(); opts.setUserName(username); opts.setPassword(password.toCharArray()); client.connect(opts); client.setCallback(this); client.subscribe("iot-2/type/+/id/+/evt/+/fmt/+"); Everything is a service (12-factor style)

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@holly_cummins Any questions? @holly_cummins