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Increasing your value within your team Ignatius Ukwuoma Andela @IgnatiusUkwuoma

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Meet Ignatius Ukwuoma - Data Engineer @ Namely - Web Development Mentor @ Code Institute - Businessman - Real Estate Investor and Agent Ignatius Ukwuoma Andela @IgnatiusUkwuoma

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Why do I need to increase my value within my team?

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Businesses pay for value, not for time.

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Open Source Festival 2020 Prosper Ada ● Worked in the company for 10 years ● Faithful to his job expectations ● Concerned only about completing tasks assigned to him. ● Accumulated a number of pay raises ● Earns $50,000 / year ● Worked in the company for 3 years ● Brings new ideas into the team making the team more efficient. ● Shows attention to details in PR reviews ● Mentors other engineers ● Earns $50,000 / year

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Open Source Festival 2020 Value is not a function of time function generateValueFromTime(time){ return value }

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How do I increase my value within my team?

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Meeting Expectations Before trying to expand your horizons, make sure you are meeting the minimum requirements of your role.

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Helping others in the team Bring your unique qualities into the team, not only your technical prowess ● Review the work of others with great attention to details ● Share your knowledge with every opportunity ● Act as a mentor to less-experienced team members ● Show empathy

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Get out of your comfort zone ● Push yourself to tackle the scary parts of your job ● Never let a perceived lack of knowledge hold you back ● Show out-of-the-box thinking

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Take feedback seriously ● With positive feedback, you know your strengths. Do more of those ● With growth feedback, you find ready-made opportunity to increase your value

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Talk to your manager ● Ask how you can be more valuable ● Ask what they would do different if they were you ● Feel free to talk about your accomplishments

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You increase your value one step at a time

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Thank you! @IgnatiusUkwuoma

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