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Trans*H4CK Code School [email protected] @TransH4CK 6 month fellowship for transgender people to become web developers that create solutions to social problems.

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In the past year, Trans*H4CK has become the leading space in the tech industry that supports transgender led innovation and entrepreneurship. We need to grow to educate a critical mass of transgender tech entrepreneurs who can solve our most pressing issues.

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Problem ● There are no in-person spaces for transgender people to learn to code in a collaborative environment. ● Code bootcamps and schools that do exist can be hostile to trans men, trans women, and other LGBT people. ● Transgender people experience high levels of economic disparity which can be offset through tech employment offered post developer bootcamps. However, most bootcamps are too expensive to attend for the community.

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Solution Trans*H4CK CODE SCHOOL addresses these issues through an interdisciplinary full-time learn to code program. Participants come with projects that will solve social problems related to trans* people and allies in three areas: Civic; Health; and Entrepreneurship The projects selected are not only disruptive, they are potentially profitable by appealing to an untapped consumer base.

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How Trans*H4CK CODE SCHOOL Works Throughout the course of the fellowship, fellows are paired with established LGBT developers; participate in exclusive tech talks from LGBT entrepreneurs, scholars and noted community members; and experience onsite trips to major tech companies as well as trans* historical sites and organizations. Basics of software engineering Marketing and product development Front end web development Months 1- 5 fellows learn: Test their product Month 5 fellows: Demo Day Prepare for post fellowship opportunities

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Advantages ● Transgender people are the most educated in the nation--making them already equipped to succeed in various educational settings. ● Trans*H4CK CODE SCHOOL instructors have lived experience of working in hostile tech spaces and can use this to create a more productive learning environment. ● Transgender people have been exceptionally visible in the media this past year. This trend in visibility can be translated into garnering much financial and social support for the community in tech.

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Business Model Misc. Product Hackathons Grants & Donations Annual Summit Research/ Curriculum ● Foundation Grants ● Corporate Donations ● Individual Donations ● Participation Fees ● Corporate Sponsorship ● Entrance Fee ● Corporate Sponsorship ● Vendor Partnerships ● Universities/Colleges ● Developer Bootcamps ● Hacker Schools ● Policy Institutes ● Corporations ● Paid Apps ● Branded Merchandise ● Consulting

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Trans*H4CK Success Stories ● Developed apps that have been used by thousands of consumers. ● Hackers have solved problems related to healthcare, bathroom access, employment and crowdfunding. ● Changed concept of diversity in tech. ● Landed press in major tech outlets: WIRED; WSJ; TechCrunch; VentureBeat. ● One of lead planning organizations in 1st White House LGBT Tech Innovation Summit. ● Launched multiple developer careers and trans* led startups.

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Our Ask We are raising $150,000 to launch a pilot cohort of 5 fellows in Spring 2015. We are also asking for a major tech company willing to serve as our location sponsor to host our program. We have already secured $10,000 from Kapor Center for Social Impact.

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Founder Kortney Ziegler, Ph.D. is an award winning and internationally known transgender artist and entrepreneur with over a decade of developing sustainable social enterprises. @fakerapper [email protected]

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Join us on this journey to developing the first code fellowship for the trans* community! [email protected]