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Building tools on top of Radoslav Stankov

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Radoslav Stankov @rstankov

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Plan for today

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1.What is GraphQL 2.What is Apollo 3.Tools on top of Apollo Plan for today

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GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs, and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data.

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Query ⬅ Mutation ➡

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Query ⬅

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query Homepage { homefeed { edges { node { id title items { id title tagline url thumbnail votesCount hasViewerVoted } } } pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor } } }

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{ "data": { "homefeed": { "edges": [ { "node": { "id": "day1", "title": "Day 1", "items": { "id": 1, "title": "Post 1", "tagline": "Tagline", "url": "", "thumbnail": "", "votesCount": 123, "hasViewerVoted": false } } }, { "node": { "id": "day2", "title": "Day 2",

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}, { "node": { "id": "day2", "title": "Day 2", "items": { "id": 1, "title": "Post 2", "tagline": "Tagline", "url": "", "thumbnail": "", "votesCount": 23, "hasViewerVoted": true } } } ], "pageInfo": { "hasNextPage": true, "endCursor": "day3" } } } }

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Mutation ➡

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mutation PostVoteCreate($input: PostVoteCreateInput!) { postVoteCreate(input: $input) { node { id votesCount hasViewerVoted } errors { field messages } } }

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{ "data": { "postVoteCreate": { "node": { "id": "1", "votesCount": 1129, "hasViewerVoted": true }, "errors": [] } } }

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import { gql, useQuery } from '@apollo/client'; const QUERY = gql` query Homepage { // ... } `; function Homefeed() { const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(QUERY); if (loading) { return


; } if (error) { return


; } return (


{data.homefeed.edges(({ node }) => (


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function Homefeed() { const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(QUERY); if (loading) { return


; } if (error) { return


; } return (


{data.homefeed.edges(({ node }) => (


  • { => item.title)}
); }

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import { gql, useMutation } from '@apollo/client'; const CREATE_MUTATION = gql` mutation PostVoteCreate($input: PostVoteCreateInput!){ /* ... */ }` const UPDATE_MUTATION = gql` mutation PostVoteUpdate($input: PostVoteUpdateInput! { /* ... */ }` function VoteButton({ post }) { const [vote] = useMutation(CREATE_MUTATION); const [unvote] = useMutation(UPDATE_MUTATION); const onClick = () => { if (post.hasViewerVoted) { unvote({ variables: { postId: } }); } else { vote({ variables: { postId: } }); } }; return {post.votesCount}; }

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Generates TS Type definitions from GraphQL queries

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apollo client:codegen \ --localSchemaFile="graphql/schema.json" \ --addTypename \ --tagName=gql \ --target=typescript \ --includes="{components,screens,utils,hooks,layouts}/**/*.{tsx,ts}" \ --outputFlat="graphql/types.ts"

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components/Profile/Avatar/Fragment.ts import gql from 'graphql-tag'; export default gql` fragment ProfileAvatarFragment on Profile { id name kind imageUrl } `;

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// ==================================================== // GraphQL fragment: ProfileAvatarFragment // ==================================================== export interface ProfileAvatarFragment { __typename: "Profile"; id: string; name: string; kind: string; imageUrl: string | null; } graphql/types.ts

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import { ProfileAvatarFragment } from '~/graphql/types';

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Tools on top of Apollo

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What are common things to have in an app?

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⛷ Pagination
 ☎ Buttons
 % Forms

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⛷ Pagination

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fetchMore({ variables: { cursor: endCursor, }, });

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Type Policy cache-configuration/#typepolicy-fields

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import { relayStylePagination } from '@apollo/client/utilities'; export default { Query: { fields: { homefeed: relayStylePagination(['key']), // ... }, }, User: { fields: { posts: relayStylePagination([]), // ... }, }, // ... };

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function useLoadMore({ connection, fetchMore, cursorName }) { const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); const ref = useRef({}); ref.current.isLoading = isLoading; ref.current.setIsLoading = setIsLoading; ref.current.fetchMore = fetchMore; React.useEffect(() => { ref.current.isMounted = true; return () => { ref.current.isMounted = false; }; }, [ref]); const loadMore = useCallback(async () => { if (ref.current.isLoading || !connection.pageInfo.hasNextPage) { return; } ref.current.setIsLoading(true); await ref.current.fetchMore({ variables: { [cursorName || 'cursor']: connection.pageInfo.endCursor, },

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function useLoadMore({ connection, fetchMore, cursorName }) { const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); const ref = useRef({}); ref.current.isLoading = isLoading; ref.current.setIsLoading = setIsLoading; ref.current.fetchMore = fetchMore; React.useEffect(() => { ref.current.isMounted = true; return () => { ref.current.isMounted = false; }; }, [ref]); const loadMore = useCallback(async () => { if (ref.current.isLoading || !connection.pageInfo.hasNextPage) { return; } ref.current.setIsLoading(true); await ref.current.fetchMore({ variables: { [cursorName || 'cursor']: connection.pageInfo.endCursor, },

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function useLoadMore({ connection, fetchMore, cursorName }) { const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); const ref = useRef({}); ref.current.isLoading = isLoading; ref.current.setIsLoading = setIsLoading; ref.current.fetchMore = fetchMore; React.useEffect(() => { ref.current.isMounted = true; return () => { ref.current.isMounted = false; }; }, [ref]); const loadMore = useCallback(async () => { if (ref.current.isLoading || !connection.pageInfo.hasNextPage) { return; } ref.current.setIsLoading(true); await ref.current.fetchMore({ variables: { [cursorName || 'cursor']: connection.pageInfo.endCursor, },

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function useLoadMore({ connection, fetchMore, cursorName }) { const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); const ref = useRef({}); ref.current.isLoading = isLoading; ref.current.setIsLoading = setIsLoading; ref.current.fetchMore = fetchMore; React.useEffect(() => { ref.current.isMounted = true; return () => { ref.current.isMounted = false; }; }, [ref]); const loadMore = useCallback(async () => { if (ref.current.isLoading || !connection.pageInfo.hasNextPage) { return; } ref.current.setIsLoading(true); await ref.current.fetchMore({ variables: { [cursorName || 'cursor']: connection.pageInfo.endCursor, },

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ref.current.isMounted = true; return () => { ref.current.isMounted = false; }; }, [ref]); const loadMore = useCallback(async () => { if (ref.current.isLoading || !connection.pageInfo.hasNextPage) { return; } ref.current.setIsLoading(true); await ref.current.fetchMore({ variables: { [cursorName || 'cursor']: connection.pageInfo.endCursor, }, }); if (ref.current.isMounted) { ref.current.setIsLoading(false); } }, [connection, ref]); return { loadMore, isLoading, hasMore: connection.pageInfo.hasNextPage }; }

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ref.current.isMounted = true; return () => { ref.current.isMounted = false; }; }, [ref]); const loadMore = useCallback(async () => { if (ref.current.isLoading || !connection.pageInfo.hasNextPage) { return; } ref.current.setIsLoading(true); await ref.current.fetchMore({ variables: { [cursorName || 'cursor']: connection.pageInfo.endCursor, }, }); if (ref.current.isMounted) { ref.current.setIsLoading(false); } }, [connection, ref]); return { loadMore, isLoading, hasMore: connection.pageInfo.hasNextPage }; }

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ref.current.isMounted = true; return () => { ref.current.isMounted = false; }; }, [ref]); const loadMore = useCallback(async () => { if (ref.current.isLoading || !connection.pageInfo.hasNextPage) { return; } ref.current.setIsLoading(true); await ref.current.fetchMore({ variables: { [cursorName || 'cursor']: connection.pageInfo.endCursor, }, }); if (ref.current.isMounted) { ref.current.setIsLoading(false); } }, [connection, ref]); return { loadMore, isLoading, hasMore: connection.pageInfo.hasNextPage }; }

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export function LoadMoreWithButton(options: ILoadMoreArgs) { const { loadMore, isLoading, hasMore } = useLoadMore(options); if (isLoading) { return Loading...; } if (hasMore) { return Load more; } return null; }

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export default function LoadMoreWithScroll(options: ILoadMoreArgs) { const { loadMore, isLoading, hasMore } = useLoadMore(options); if (!hasMore) { return null; } return ( <> {isLoading && } > ); }

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☎ Buttons

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alert('Thanks for your vote &')} />

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export default function Button(props) { const onClick = useOnClick(props); const Element: any = ? Link : 'button'; return ( {children} ); }

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Button.Primary = ({ title, className, active = false, ...props }) => (
); Button.Secondary = ({ title, className, active = false, ...props }) => ( {title} ); 
 Button.Small = ({ title, className, active = false, ...props }) => ( {title} );

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interface IOnClickOptions { onClick?: (e: IEvent) => void | Promise; requireLogin?: boolean | string; disabled?: boolean; confirm?: string; mutation?: DocumentNode; input?: DefaultObject; onMutate?: (node: IResponse) => void; onMutateError?: (errors: DefaultObject) => void; optimisticResponse?: any; update?: (cache: any, result: any) => void; updateQueries?: any; refetchQueries?: { query: any; variables?: any }[]; } export default function useOnClick(options: IOnClickOptions) { const ref = React.useRef(null); ref.current = { ...options, isLoading: false, isMounted: true, } as IRef; React.useEffect(() => {

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interface IOnClickOptions { onClick?: (e: IEvent) => void | Promise; requireLogin?: boolean | string; disabled?: boolean; confirm?: string; mutation?: DocumentNode; input?: DefaultObject; onMutate?: (node: IResponse) => void; onMutateError?: (errors: DefaultObject) => void; optimisticResponse?: any; update?: (cache: any, result: any) => void; updateQueries?: any; refetchQueries?: { query: any; variables?: any }[]; } export default function useOnClick(options: IOnClickOptions) { const ref = React.useRef(null); ref.current = { ...options, isLoading: false, isMounted: true, } as IRef; React.useEffect(() => {

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interface IOnClickOptions { onClick?: (e: IEvent) => void | Promise; requireLogin?: boolean | string; disabled?: boolean; confirm?: string; mutation?: DocumentNode; input?: DefaultObject; onMutate?: (node: IResponse) => void; onMutateError?: (errors: DefaultObject) => void; optimisticResponse?: any; update?: (cache: any, result: any) => void; updateQueries?: any; refetchQueries?: { query: any; variables?: any }[]; } export default function useOnClick(options: IOnClickOptions) { const ref = React.useRef(null); ref.current = { ...options, isLoading: false, isMounted: true, } as IRef; React.useEffect(() => {

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export default function useOnClick(options: IOnClickOptions) { const ref = React.useRef(null); ref.current = { ...options, isLoading: false, isMounted: true, } as IRef; React.useEffect(() => { ref.current!.isMounted = true; return () => { ref.current!.isMounted = false; }; }, [ref]); return React.useCallback((e: IEvent) => runOnClick(ref.current!, e), [ ref, ]); } async function runOnClick(options: IRef, e: IEvent) { if (options.confirm && !(await window.confirm(options.confirm))) { return;

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export default function useOnClick(options: IOnClickOptions) { const ref = React.useRef(null); ref.current = { ...options, isLoading: false, isMounted: true, } as IRef; React.useEffect(() => { ref.current!.isMounted = true; return () => { ref.current!.isMounted = false; }; }, [ref]); return React.useCallback((e: IEvent) => runOnClick(ref.current!, e), [ ref, ]); } async function runOnClick(options: IRef, e: IEvent) { if (options.confirm && !(await window.confirm(options.confirm))) { return;

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export default function useOnClick(options: IOnClickOptions) { const ref = React.useRef(null); ref.current = { ...options, isLoading: false, isMounted: true, } as IRef; React.useEffect(() => { ref.current!.isMounted = true; return () => { ref.current!.isMounted = false; }; }, [ref]); return React.useCallback((e: IEvent) => runOnClick(ref.current!, e), [ ref, ]); } async function runOnClick(options: IRef, e: IEvent) { if (options.confirm && !(await window.confirm(options.confirm))) { return;

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export default function useOnClick(options: IOnClickOptions) { const ref = React.useRef(null); ref.current = { ...options, isLoading: false, isMounted: true, } as IRef; React.useEffect(() => { ref.current!.isMounted = true; return () => { ref.current!.isMounted = false; }; }, [ref]); return React.useCallback((e: IEvent) => runOnClick(ref.current!, e), [ ref, ]); } async function runOnClick(options: IRef, e: IEvent) { if (options.confirm && !(await window.confirm(options.confirm))) { return;

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export default function useOnClick(options: IOnClickOptions) { const ref = React.useRef(null); ref.current = { ...options, isLoading: false, isMounted: true, } as IRef; React.useEffect(() => { ref.current!.isMounted = true; return () => { ref.current!.isMounted = false; }; }, [ref]); return React.useCallback((e: IEvent) => runOnClick(ref.current!, e), [ ref, ]); } async function runOnClick(options: IRef, e: IEvent) { if (options.disabled || options.isLoading) { return;

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async function runOnClick(options: IRef, e: IEvent) { if (options.disabled || options.isLoading) { return; } if (options.requireLogin && !isLoggedIn()) { return openLoginFullscreen(options.requireLogin); } if (options.confirm && !(await window.confirm(options.confirm))) { return; } options.isLoading = true; if (options.onClick) { await options.onClick(e); } if (options.mutation) { const { node, errors } = await executeMutation({ mutation: options.mutation, input: options.input || {}, update: options.update, optimisticResponse: options.optimisticResponse,

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async function runOnClick(options: IRef, e: IEvent) { if (options.disabled || options.isLoading) { return; } if (options.requireLogin && !isLoggedIn()) { return openLoginFullscreen(options.requireLogin); } if (options.confirm && !(await window.confirm(options.confirm))) { return; } options.isLoading = true; if (options.onClick) { await options.onClick(e); } if (options.mutation) { const { node, errors } = await executeMutation({ mutation: options.mutation, input: options.input || {}, update: options.update, optimisticResponse: options.optimisticResponse,

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async function runOnClick(options: IRef, e: IEvent) { if (options.disabled || options.isLoading) { return; } if (options.requireLogin && !isLoggedIn()) { return openLoginFullscreen(options.requireLogin); } if (options.confirm && !(await window.confirm(options.confirm))) { return; } options.isLoading = true; if (options.onClick) { await options.onClick(e); } if (options.mutation) { const { node, errors } = await executeMutation({ mutation: options.mutation, input: options.input || {}, update: options.update, optimisticResponse: options.optimisticResponse,

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async function runOnClick(options: IRef, e: IEvent) { if (options.disabled || options.isLoading) { return; } if (options.requireLogin && !isLoggedIn()) { return openLoginFullscreen(options.requireLogin); } if (options.confirm && !(await window.confirm(options.confirm))) { return; } options.isLoading = true; if (options.onClick) { await options.onClick(e); } if (options.mutation) { const { node, errors } = await executeMutation({ mutation: options.mutation, input: options.input || {}, update: options.update, optimisticResponse: options.optimisticResponse,

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async function runOnClick(options: IRef, e: IEvent) { if (options.disabled || options.isLoading) { return; } if (options.requireLogin && !isLoggedIn()) { return openLoginFullscreen(options.requireLogin); } if (options.confirm && !(await window.confirm(options.confirm))) { return; } options.isLoading = true; if (options.onClick) { await options.onClick(e); } if (options.mutation) { const { node, errors } = await executeMutation({ mutation: options.mutation, input: options.input || {}, update: options.update, optimisticResponse: options.optimisticResponse,

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async function runOnClick(options: IRef, e: IEvent) { if (options.disabled || options.isLoading) { return; } if (options.requireLogin && !isLoggedIn()) { return openLoginFullscreen(options.requireLogin); } if (options.confirm && !(await window.confirm(options.confirm))) { return; } options.isLoading = true; if (options.onClick) { await options.onClick(e); } if (options.mutation) { const { node, errors } = await executeMutation({ mutation: options.mutation, input: options.input || {}, update: options.update, optimisticResponse: options.optimisticResponse,

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} if (options.mutation) { const { node, errors } = await executeMutation({ mutation: options.mutation, input: options.input || {}, update: options.update, optimisticResponse: options.optimisticResponse, updateQueries: options.updateQueries, refetchQueries: options.refetchQueries, }); if (node) { options.onMutate?.(node); } if (errors) { options.onMutateError?.(errors); } } if (options.isMounted) { options.isLoading = false; } }

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} if (options.mutation) { const { node, errors } = await executeMutation({ mutation: options.mutation, input: options.input || {}, update: options.update, optimisticResponse: options.optimisticResponse, updateQueries: options.updateQueries, refetchQueries: options.refetchQueries, }); if (node) { options.onMutate?.(node); } if (errors) { options.onMutateError?.(errors); } } if (options.isMounted) { options.isLoading = false; } }

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} if (options.mutation) { const { node, errors } = await executeMutation({ mutation: options.mutation, input: options.input || {}, update: options.update, optimisticResponse: options.optimisticResponse, updateQueries: options.updateQueries, refetchQueries: options.refetchQueries, }); if (node) { options.onMutate?.(node); } if (errors) { options.onMutateError?.(errors); } } if (options.isMounted) { options.isLoading = false; } }

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} if (options.mutation) { const { node, errors } = await executeMutation({ mutation: options.mutation, input: options.input || {}, update: options.update, optimisticResponse: options.optimisticResponse, updateQueries: options.updateQueries, refetchQueries: options.refetchQueries, }); if (node) { options.onMutate?.(node); } if (errors) { options.onMutateError?.(errors); } } if (options.isMounted) { options.isLoading = false; } }

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mutation PostVoteCreate($input: PostVoteCreateInput!) { response: postVoteCreate(input: $input) { node { id ...PostVoteButtonFragment } errors { name messages } } }

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% Forms

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No content

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Input Loading

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Input Loading Success

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Input Loading Success Errors

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Submit Server Success Errors

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mutation Server { node: 'obj' } { errors: {…} }

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mutation Server { node: 'obj' } { 
 errors: { field1: 'error1',
 field2: 'error2'

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mutation UserSettingsUpdate($input: UserSettingsUpdateInput!) { response: userSettingsUpdate(input: $input) { node { id ...MySettingsPageViewer } errors { field message } } }

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Form.Mutation = ({ children, className, id, initialValues, mutation, mutationInput, onSubmit, onError, updateCache, validate, }) => { const submit = useSubmit({ mutation, mutationInput, updateCache, onSubmit, onError, }); return ( {children} ); };

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function useSubmit({ mutation, mutationInput, updateCache, onSubmit, onError, }) { const ref = React.useRef({}); ref.current.mutation = mutation; ref.current.mutationInput = mutationInput; ref.current.updateCache = updateCache; ref.current.onSubmit = onSubmit; ref.current.onError = onError; return React.useCallback( async (values: any, ..._rest: any) => { const { node, errors } = await executeMutation({ mutation: ref.current.mutation, input: normalizeInput(buildInput(values, ref.current.mutationInput)), update: ref.current.updateCache, }); if (errors) { ref.current.onError?.(errors);

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function useSubmit({ mutation, mutationInput, updateCache, onSubmit, onError, }) { const ref = React.useRef({}); ref.current.mutation = mutation; ref.current.mutationInput = mutationInput; ref.current.updateCache = updateCache; ref.current.onSubmit = onSubmit; ref.current.onError = onError; return React.useCallback( async (values: any, ..._rest: any) => { const { node, errors } = await executeMutation({ mutation: ref.current.mutation, input: normalizeInput(buildInput(values, ref.current.mutationInput)), update: ref.current.updateCache, }); if (errors) { ref.current.onError?.(errors);

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function useSubmit({ mutation, mutationInput, updateCache, onSubmit, onError, }) { const ref = React.useRef({}); ref.current.mutation = mutation; ref.current.mutationInput = mutationInput; ref.current.updateCache = updateCache; ref.current.onSubmit = onSubmit; ref.current.onError = onError; return React.useCallback( async (values: any, ..._rest: any) => { const { node, errors } = await executeMutation({ mutation: ref.current.mutation, input: normalizeInput(buildInput(values, ref.current.mutationInput)), update: ref.current.updateCache, }); if (errors) { ref.current.onError?.(errors);

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return React.useCallback( async (values: any, ..._rest: any) => { const { node, errors } = await executeMutation({ mutation: ref.current.mutation, input: normalizeInput(buildInput(values, ref.current.mutationInput)), update: ref.current.updateCache, }); if (errors) { ref.current.onError?.(errors); return errors; } ref.current.onSubmit?.(node); }, [ref], ); } function buildInput( input: any, mutationInput: undefined | null | any | ((data: any) => any), ) { if (typeof mutationInput === 'function') { return mutationInput(input);

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return React.useCallback( async (values: any, ..._rest: any) => { const { node, errors } = await executeMutation({ mutation: ref.current.mutation, input: normalizeInput(buildInput(values, ref.current.mutationInput)), update: ref.current.updateCache, }); if (errors) { ref.current.onError?.(errors); return errors; } ref.current.onSubmit?.(node); }, [ref], ); } function buildInput( input: any, mutationInput: undefined | null | any | ((data: any) => any), ) { if (typeof mutationInput === 'function') { return mutationInput(input);

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return React.useCallback( async (values: any, ..._rest: any) => { const { node, errors } = await executeMutation({ mutation: ref.current.mutation, input: normalizeInput(buildInput(values, ref.current.mutationInput)), update: ref.current.updateCache, }); if (errors) { ref.current.onError?.(errors); return errors; } ref.current.onSubmit?.(node); }, [ref], ); } function buildInput( input: any, mutationInput: undefined | null | any | ((data: any) => any), ) { if (typeof mutationInput === 'function') { return mutationInput(input);

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function buildInput( input: any, mutationInput: undefined | null | any | ((data: any) => any), ) { if (typeof mutationInput === 'function') { return mutationInput(input); } if (mutationInput) { return { ...mutationInput, ...input }; } return input; } function normalizeInput(input: any) { const object = {}; for (const key in input) { if (input.hasOwnProperty(key)) { object[key] = typeof input[key] === 'undefined' ? null : input[key]; } } return object; }

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' utils/graphql

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interface IEdge { node: TNode; } export interface IConnectionPartial { edges: IEdge[]; } export interface IConnection { edges: IEdge[]; pageInfo: { startCursor?: string | null; endCursor: string | null; hasNextPage: boolean; }; } export type IArrayOrConnection = T[] | IConnectionPartial; export function length(list: IArrayOrConnection | null) { if (!list) { return 0; } return Array.isArray(list) ? list.length : list.edges!.length; } export function isPresent(list: IArrayOrConnection | null) { return length(list) > 0;

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export function isPresent(list: IArrayOrConnection | null) { return length(list) > 0; } export function isEmpty(list: IArrayOrConnection | null) { return length(list) === 0; } export function toArray(list: IArrayOrConnection): T[] { return Array.isArray(list) ? list : => edge.node); } export function map( list: IArrayOrConnection, fn: (node: T, i: number) => R, ) { return Array.isArray(list) ? : list.edges!.map(({ node }: any, i) => fn(node, i)); } export function first(list: IArrayOrConnection) { return Array.isArray(list) ? list[0] : list?.edges[0]?.node; } export function hasNextPage(connection: IConnection): boolean { return connection.pageInfo.hasNextPage; }

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( What is GraphQL ) What is Apollo * Tools on top of Apollo
 + loadMore
 + useOnClick
 + Form.Mutation
 + utils/graphql

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