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Secure Coding Practice in Rust Osuke

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● Software Engineer at Layerx Inc., a blockchain startup based in Tokyo. ● Focusing on development of privacy solutions to blockchain-based systems. ○ Zero-knowledge proving systems ○ TEE ● Core dev. of Zerochain ○ Osuke Sudo Twitter: @zoom_zoomzo

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Rust is “fast” and “safe”?

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Memory safety ● Without garbage collection to avoid overhead. ● Without error-prone manual memory allocations and deallocations. ● Ownership model ○ Resources can only have one owner. ○ let x = vec![1, 2, 3]; : x owns resource vec![1, 2, 3] . ○ let y = x; : Ownership of resource vec![1, 2, 3] moves to y . ○ let y = &x; : y borrows ownership of resource vec![1, 2, 3] from x . ○ Compiler can know variable “lifetime”.

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Memory safety ● Avoiding dangerous memory instructions like… ○ Data races ○ Dereferencing a null or dangling raw pointer. ○ Reading undef (uninitialized) memory ● Rust programs must never cause undefined behavior.

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Rust can be “unsafe” ● Rust programs can be unsafe only if a unsafe keyword is used explicitly. ● The code inside unsafe blocks can break memory safety. ○ Dereference a raw pointer ○ Mutable global items: static mut

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Rust can be “unsafe” ● All FFI functions are assumed to be “unsafe”.

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What is NOT “unsafe”? Rust provides the memory system and the type system to prevent things like... ● Memory leak ● Deadlock ● Integer overflow ● … but these are possible!

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Memory leak is NOT memory safety ● mem::forget ● Box::leak ● Rc and Arc cycles ● mpsc::{Sender, Receiver} cycles

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Drop ● Used to run some code when a value goes out of scope. ● The equivalent of a destructor ● Used to release memory or external resources (sockets, files, etc.).

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Memory leak of sensitive data ● Compilers optimize for performance, and in doing so they love to "optimize away" unnecessary zeroing calls. ● Debuggers or remote machines can access leftover values in memory. ● Sensitive data must never be accessible. ○ private key, password, randomness... ● Heartbleed bug in OpenSSL ○ It leads to the leak of memory contents from the server to the client and vice versa.

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Zeroize ● ● Zeroize clears sensitive data in memory. ● Providing the operation that zeroing memory cannot be “optimized away” by the compiler. ● The clear_on_drop crate is no longer maintained.

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Zeroize ● #[derive(Zeroize)] : automatically calls zeroize() on all members of a struct. ● #[zeroize(drop)] : call zeroize() when this item is dropped

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Zeroize ● write_volatile : Performs a volatile write of a memory location with the given value and guaranteed to not be elided or reordered by the compiler. ● compiler_fence : Restricts the kinds of memory re-ordering the compiler is allowed to do. ● Ordering::SeqCst : No re-ordering of reads and writes across this point is allowed.

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Timing leaks? ● Timing leaks could be occured if there exists a relationship between the secret data and the execution time of your code. ● It’s best practice to write code that is “constant-time” to prevent timing leaks. ○ More precisely, “Secret-independent resource usage” P A S S W O R D A A S S W O R D P A S S W O R D P A S S W O D D

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Subtle ● ● Pure-Rust traits and utilities for constant-time cryptographic implementations. ○ 1. The bitwise operations are constant-time ○ 2. The operations are not optimized into a branch.

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Integer overflow ● Integer overflow is considered “safe” in Rust. ● cargo run detects integer overflow, but cargo run --release doesn’t. ● How we can program integer overflow explicitly?

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Integer overflow

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Unsecure PRNGs ● Use rand crate ○ Note; Breaking changes happend between v0.4 and v0.5 ● Use rand::rngs::OsRng for strong Cryptographically secure PRNGs. ○ A random number generator that retrieves randomness from the operating system.

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Fuzzing ● An automated software testing technique that involves providing unexpected or random data as inputs to a program. ● In paticular, useful for hash functions, serializers, or parsers.. ● Lots of bugs are founded by fuzzing. ○ ref: ● tools ○ cargo-fuzz ○ honggfuzz-rs

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Tools for secure coding ● clippy ○ A collection of lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code. ● cargo-audit ○ Audit Cargo.lock files for crates with security vulnerabilities reported to the RustSec Advisory Database. ● cargo-crev ○ A cryptographically verifiable code review system for the cargo (Rust) package manager.

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Thank you!