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SEO 101 THE 411 ON WYNTK (what you need to know)

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What is SEO?

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SEO is NOT Magic

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“Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's ‘natural,’ or un-paid search results.” – Wikipedia

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Construction How is your site built?

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CONSTRUCTION Web Best Practices: Building your site so search engines (and your visitors) can easily read it and figure out what it is about

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CONSTRUCTION • Loads quickly • Descriptive page titles and URLs • HTML text (not images or Flash) • Includes an XML sitemap • SEO-friendly site platform

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Content What is your message?

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CONTENT Content is the most important part of your website, and the most important part of modern SEO But often, people spend the least amount of time on this

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CONTENT • Relevant • Use of keywords • Frequent updates • Not redundant • Good user experience

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Content & Your Brand What are you saying, and to whom are you saying it?

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CONTENT & YOUR BRAND Know your audience. Who is visiting? Who do you WANT to visit? Know yourself. What are your goals? Online sales, new readers, building awareness, store visits?

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CONTENT & YOUR BRAND • Your location • Your demographics • Your competition • Your unique value • RESEARCH!

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Keywords How will people find you?

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KEYWORDS Keywords are the search terms that people use to find information online General, specific, locations, questions, etc.

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KEYWORDS • Suited to your business • Commonly used for similar content • Can be customized per page • Realistically localized • Used frequently (but not excessively) in your content

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Community Who is talking about you?

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COMMUNITY Just like building a strong network in real life, referrals are everything

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COMMUNITY • Links from outside sources • Guest contributions to other sites • Social media presence • Industry-specific site presence • Real-world referrals

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COMMUNITY Google Local/Google Places for Business

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Personalized Search How does the individual user experience affect search results?

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PERSONALIZED SEARCH Search results are affected by… • Your Geographic Location • Your Social Networks • Your Past Activity • Your Friends’ Activity No two people will have the same search results anymore

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TOOLS & RESOURCES • Check your website load speed tools.pingdomcom/fpt • SEO insight and other sweet business tips • The SEO Content Beginner’s Guide content-beginners-guide • Google SEO Starter Guide (PDF)

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Questions? Michelle Schulp