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Real World Redux @chrisui

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Chris Pearce Front-end Engineer at Lystable @chrisui

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What is Redux?

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“Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps.” Actions Reducer Store View

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Actions Reducer Store View {type: ‘AUTH_USER’, userId: ‘1’} Do Something

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Actions Reducer Store View function reduceAppState(state, action) { if (action.type === ‘AUTH_USER’) { return {...state, loggedIn: true}; } } Translate

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Actions Reducer Store View const store = createStore(reducer); store.subscribe(render); // later store.dispatch(action); OMG Redux!

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Actions Reducer Store View const App = ({state}) => (
{state.loggedIn ? ‘Yay!’ : ‘Boo!`}
); Render

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Okay, so how the hell do we build a real app?

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What is Lystable?

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Redux at Lystable What worked?

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Data Persistence

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Awesome Middleware

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Normalised State (and JSON-API)

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Selectors state = local db selectors = query

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Selectors (and reselect)

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Redux at Lystable What didn’t work?

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Taking “top down data” a little too literally

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Taking “top down data” a little too literally Lower “Containers”

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Service orientated architecture 1-1 mapping with api/resources API/users -> users-actions.js users-reducer.js users-selectors.js API/clients -> clients-actions.js clients-reducer.js clients-selectors.js

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Service orientated architecture User Experience Orientated Architecture 1-1 mapping with routes (at its min. granularity) index -> index-screen-actions.js index-screen-reducer.js index-screen-selectors.js

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Imperative data fetching

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Imperative data fetching

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Imperative data fetching Declarative data fetching

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So has Redux been successful?

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Yes! Just don’t underestimate the big decisions you are still left to make yourself. It is incredibly low level.

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No content

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No content

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Redux is awesome but we need to realise the scope and build more opinionated tools and frameworks around it.

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Questions? @chrisui