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Scene 1 Duration 02:23 Panel 1 Duration 01:12 Action Notes Flowers sway in the wind. Camera: Rack focus from the foreground to the background. Boards Page 1/44

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Scene 1 Duration 02:23 Panel 2 Duration 01:11 Action Notes Flowers sway in the wind. Camera: Rack focus from the foreground to the background. Boards Page 2/44

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Scene 2 Duration 01:05 Panel 1 Duration 00:15 Action Notes Amity and Luz sit under a tree. Luz is drawing in her sketchbook. Cycle A & B poses for pencil as necessary. Boards Page 3/44

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Scene 2 Duration 01:05 Panel 2 Duration 00:14 Action Notes Amity and Luz sit under a tree. Luz is drawing in her sketchbook. Cycle A & B poses for pencil as necessary. Boards Page 4/44

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Scene 3 Duration 03:23 Panel 1 Duration 01:05 Action Notes Luz finishes up the final details of her drawing. Boards Page 5/44

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Scene 3 Duration 03:23 Panel 2 Duration 02:18 Action Notes She removes her hand, revealing the drawing in full. Boards Page 6/44

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Scene 4 Duration 02:05 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Action Notes Luz is looking down at her drawing in thought, a very slight blush dusting her cheek. Boards Page 7/44

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Scene 4 Duration 02:05 Panel 2 Duration 01:05 Action Notes She glances over at Amity (her pupil facing the camera, slightly screen left). Boards Page 8/44

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Scene 5 Duration 03:11 Panel 1 Duration 02:00 Action Notes Amity is reading her book- Boards Page 9/44

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Scene 5 Duration 03:11 Panel 2 Duration 00:20 Action Notes -but then, she notices Luz looking at her. Boards Page 10/44

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Scene 5 Duration 03:11 Panel 3 Duration 00:15 Action Notes A light blush fades into her cheek. Boards Page 11/44

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Scene 6 Duration 07:09 Panel 1 Duration 00:22 Action Notes Luz and Amity, now catching each others stares, fluster a little harder. Boards Page 12/44

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Scene 6 Duration 07:09 Panel 2 Duration 01:10 Action Notes Luz and Amity, now catching each others stares, fluster a little harder. Boards Page 13/44

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Scene 6 Duration 07:09 Panel 3 Duration 00:23 Action Notes Amity giggles. Luz looks away, embarrassed. Boards Page 14/44

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Scene 6 Duration 07:09 Panel 4 Duration 00:20 Action Notes Amity is giggling. Luz looks down, mustering up the courage to say something. Boards Page 15/44

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Scene 6 Duration 07:09 Panel 5 Duration 00:10 Action Notes Amity is giggling. Luz shuts her eyes tight, before finally asking-- Boards Page 16/44

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Scene 6 Duration 07:09 Panel 6 Duration 00:19 Dialog Luz: May I kiss you? Boards Page 17/44

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Scene 6 Duration 07:09 Panel 7 Duration 00:07 Action Notes Amity gasps. Boards Page 18/44

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Scene 6 Duration 07:09 Panel 8 Duration 00:07 Action Notes Her face flusters a deep red. Boards Page 19/44

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Scene 6 Duration 07:09 Panel 9 Duration 00:04 Action Notes She turns to Luz, who is processing what she just asked. Boards Page 20/44

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Scene 6 Duration 07:09 Panel 10 Duration 00:04 Boards Page 21/44

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Scene 6 Duration 07:09 Panel 11 Duration 01:03 Action Notes Luz gasps as well. Boards Page 22/44

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Scene 7 Duration 00:21 Panel 1 Duration 00:21 Dialog Luz: Uh... Boards Page 23/44

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Scene 8 Duration 02:12 Panel 1 Duration 00:20 Action Notes Amity stares, flustered, shocked. Boards Page 24/44

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Scene 8 Duration 02:12 Panel 2 Duration 00:19 Action Notes Her eyes look away screen left, her expression softening. Boards Page 25/44

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Scene 8 Duration 02:12 Panel 3 Duration 00:21 Action Notes She faces Luz again, unable to say what is on her mind. Boards Page 26/44

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Scene 9 Duration 01:22 Panel 1 Duration 00:21 Action Notes Luz stares back, her eyes growing bigger, flustering a little harder. She appears to understand Amity's expression. Boards Page 27/44

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Scene 9 Duration 01:22 Panel 2 Duration 01:01 Action Notes Luz stares back, her eyes growing bigger, flustering a little harder. She appears to understand Amity's expression. Boards Page 28/44

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Scene 10 Duration 01:07 Panel 1 Duration 00:15 Action Notes Amitys eyes dart down, staring at Luzs lips that are off screen. Boards Page 29/44

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Scene 10 Duration 01:07 Panel 2 Duration 00:16 Action Notes Amitys eyes dart down, staring at Luzs lips that are off screen. Boards Page 30/44

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Scene 10 Duration 01:13 Panel 1 Duration 00:19 Action Notes Luzs eyes dart down, staring at Amitys lips. Boards Page 31/44

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Scene 10 Duration 01:13 Panel 2 Duration 00:18 Action Notes Luzs eyes dart down, staring at Amitys lips. Boards Page 32/44

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Scene 11 Duration 07:12 Panel 1 Duration 00:22 Action Notes Amity and Luz stare at each others lips. Boards Page 33/44

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Scene 11 Duration 07:12 Panel 2 Duration 00:12 Action Notes Luz then places a hand on Amitys cheek. Boards Page 34/44

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Scene 11 Duration 07:12 Panel 3 Duration 00:12 Action Notes Luz gently strokes her cheek and Amity closes her eyes. Cycle A & B poses for thumb as necessary. Boards Page 35/44

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Scene 11 Duration 07:12 Panel 4 Duration 00:12 Action Notes Luz gently strokes her cheek and Amity closes her eyes. Cycle A & B poses for thumb as necessary. Boards Page 36/44

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Scene 11 Duration 07:12 Panel 5 Duration 00:22 Action Notes They both look up at each other, Amitys eyes deeply softening. Boards Page 37/44

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Scene 11 Duration 07:12 Panel 6 Duration 00:08 Action Notes Amity and Luz finally kiss! Boards Page 38/44

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Scene 11 Duration 07:12 Panel 7 Duration 01:04 Action Notes The kiss is quick and chaste. They pull back every so slightly. Pause for a beat. Boards Page 39/44

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Scene 11 Duration 07:12 Panel 8 Duration 01:10 Action Notes With a loud gasp in unison, they both open their eyes wide in surprise. Boards Page 40/44

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Scene 11 Duration 07:12 Panel 9 Duration 00:05 Action Notes Amity snorts, placing a hand on Luzs shoulder. Luz is still processing. Boards Page 41/44

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Scene 11 Duration 07:12 Panel 10 Duration 00:09 Action Notes Amity begins to laugh. Luz squeals in delight. Boards Page 42/44

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Scene 11 Duration 07:12 Panel 11 Duration 00:07 Action Notes They both burst into laughter, leaning into each other. Amity places a hand partially over her own mouth. Boards Page 43/44

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Scene 11 Duration 07:12 Panel 12 Duration 00:09 Action Notes They laugh their heads pressed together, reveling in what just happened. Boards Page 44/44