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Sweet Patterns for Sweet Patterns for Promises Promises

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Promises/A+ Promises/A+ ok? ok?

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One Choice One Choice Bluebird Bluebird /petkaantonov/bluebird

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It's the FASTEST It's the FASTEST and robust and robust Look it up! Look it up!

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What are Promises? What are Promises?

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Manage Asynchronicity Manage Asynchronicity Single callback guarantee Robust error handling Composability

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Single Callback Guarantee Single Callback Guarantee entity.create() .then(function(udo) { // once for either outcome }) .catch(function(error) { // once for either outcome });

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Robust Error Handling Robust Error Handling entity.create() .then(function(udo) { // any error that happens in here // will get caught in ".catch()" throw new Error('ops'); }) .catch(function(error) {});

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Composability Composability entity.create() .then( .then(entity.parseForApi) .then(entity.process) .catch(entity.onError);

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Creating Promises Creating Promises 2 ways 2 ways

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Creating a Novel Promise Creating a Novel Promise Typically interfacing with vanilla callbacks Typically interfacing with vanilla callbacks var Promise = require('bluebird'); /* ... */ ClipEntity.prototype.fetchVideos = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {, function(err, res) { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(res); } }); }); };

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Interfacing with Promises Interfacing with Promises When your interfaces are all returning promises When your interfaces are all returning promises var Promise = require('bluebird'); /* ... */ ClipEntity.prototype.showVideos = Promise.method(function() { return this.fetchVideos(); });

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Error Handling with new Error Handling with new Always use reject() Always use reject() return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { if (someCondition) { var err = new Error('Not good'); reject(err); } });

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Error Handling with method() Error Handling with method() Throw away Throw away ClipEntity.prototype.showVideos = Promise.method(function() { if(someCondition) { throw new Error('ops'); } });

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REMEMBER REMEMBER returning a Promise is returning a Promise is CRITICAL! CRITICAL! But you may return any value as well

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Promises will only Promises will only return one argument return one argument

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Using method() Using method() Anything you return will be the resolving value Anything you return will be the resolving value = Promise.method(function() { return this.two(); }); Foo.prototype.two = Promise.method(function() { return 5; }); /* ... */ .then(function(res) { console.log(res); // 5 });

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Working with Working with Promises Promises

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Consuming a Promise Consuming a Promise entity.create({name: 'thanasis'}) .then(function(udo) { === 'thanasis'; // true }) .catch(function(error) { // deal with error. });

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Composing Composing ClipEntity.prototype._process = function(data) { var clipProcessEnt = new ClipProcessEnt(data); return clipProcessEnt.parseFiles() .bind(clipProcessEnt) .then(clipProcessEnt.isFileVideo) .then(clipProcessEnt.storeClip) .then(clipProcessEnt.storeThumb) .then(clipProcessEnt.updateDatabase) .then(clipProcessEnt.removeSourceFiles) .catch(clipProcessEnt.rollback); }; Create master methods <--- Notice the .bind() !!

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Error Chaining Error Chaining Process.prototype.rollback = Promise.method(function(err) { log.finer('rollback() :: Removing Clip from DB, clipId:', this.clipId); return this.clipEnt.delete(this.clipId) .bind(this) .catch(function (error) { log.warn('rollback() :: NOT GOOD ERROR. File:', this.sourceFilePath, ' Failed to remove record for clip with ID:', this.clipId, 'Error: throw error; }) .then(function() { throw err; }); }); The Rollback <--- From clipEnt.delete() <--- From Parent

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Returning Custom Value Returning Custom Value ClipEntity.prototype._process = function(data) { var clipProcessEnt = new ClipProcessEnt(data); return clipProcessEnt.parseFiles() .bind(clipProcessEnt) .then(clipProcessEnt.isFileVideo) .then(clipProcessEnt.storeClip) .then(clipProcessEnt.storeThumb) .then(clipProcessEnt.updateDatabase) .then(clipProcessEnt.removeSourceFiles) .return(data) .catch(clipProcessEnt.rollback); }; <-- Here it is!

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Running in Parallel Running in Parallel ClipEntity.prototype._process = function(data) { var clipProcessEnt = new ClipProcessEnt(data); var promises = []; promises.push(clipProcessEnt.isFileVideo()); promises.push(clipProcessEnt.storeClip()); promises.push(clipProcessEnt.storeThumb()); promises.push(clipProcessEnt.updateDatabase()); return Promise.all(promises) .catch(clipProcessEnt.rollback); };

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Running in Parallel Running in Parallel ClipEntity.prototype._process = function(data) { var clipProcessEnt = new ClipProcessEnt(data); var promises = []; promises.push(clipProcessEnt.isFileVideo()); promises.push(clipProcessEnt.storeClip()); promises.push(clipProcessEnt.storeThumb()); promises.push(clipProcessEnt.updateDatabase()); return Promise.all(promises, {concurrency: 10}) .catch(clipProcessEnt.rollback); }; ... with a throttle

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Applying an Array to a Promise Applying an Array to a Promise // Compact ClipExport.prototype._copyClips = Promise.method(function (filenames) { return, this._copyClip.bind(this)); }); // Expanded, better ClipExport.prototype._copyClips = Promise.method(function (filenames) { return Promise.resolve(filenames) .map(this._copyClip); // can chain easier now, error catch, etc });

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Multiple items in an Array Multiple items in an Array // Compact ClipExport.prototype._copyClips = Promise.method(function (filenames) { return, this._copyClip.bind(this), {concurrency: 10}); }); // Expanded, better ClipExport.prototype._copyClips = Promise.method(function (filenames) { return Promise.resolve(filenames) .map(this._copyClip, {concurrency: 10}); // can chain easier now, error catch, etc }); ... with a throttle

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Promisifying Promisifying

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Promisify Promisify var Promise = require('bluebird'); // Promisify all methods of a module var fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs')); fs.readFileAsync('one').then().catch(); // Promisify a single method var readFileAsync = Promise.promisify(fs.readFile); readFileAsync.then().catch();

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Spreading Spreading Arguments Arguments

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The spread() The spread() = Promise.method(function () { return Promise.resolve([ 'one', 'two' ]) map(function(val) { return val + '-lol'; }) .spread(function(arg1, arg2) { console.log(arg1, arg2); // prints: "one-lol two-lol" }); });

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All Together All Together

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All Together All Together = Promise.method(function (data) { this.readAllFilesFor(data) .bind(this) .map(this.copyFile) .then(function(filenames) { return Promise.all([ this.process(filenames),, this.notify(filenames), ]); }) .spread(function(fromProcess, fromSave, fromNotify) { return this.massup(fromProcess, fromSave, fromNotify) }) .then(this.compress) .then(this.sign) .then(this.publish) .catch(this.onError); }); <-- filenames is the result of copyfiles() <-- Parallel Async OPs <-- spread() is one to one with the array

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Thank you (here is where you applaud) Thanasis Polychronakis @thanpolas

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Questions Thanasis Polychronakis @thanpolas