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reactive patterns and distributed systems [email protected] [email protected]

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agenda ● Intro to Reactive Systems ● Back-Pressure ● Stream-Processing ● Observability

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Reactive Systems

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data on the outside vs data on the inside “Going [from monolithic architecture] to SOA is like going from Newton’s physics to Einstein’s physics. Newton’s time marched forward uniformly with instant knowledge at a distance. Before SOA, distributed computing strove to make many systems look like one with RPC, 2PC, etc [...]

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data on the outside vs data on the inside [...] In Einstein’s universe, everything is relative to one’s perspective. SOA has “now” inside and the “past” arriving in messages.” - Pat Helland

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data on the outside vs data on the inside “perhaps we should rename the “extract microservice” refactoring operation to “change model of time and space” ;).” - Adrian Colyer

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distributed systems & complexity

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“we want more, of everything, and we want it now” - YOUR CUSTOMERS

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Reactive Manifesto Value Form Means

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Adopting Reactive Patterns (i.e. Ivy Pattern) -Why Reactive?, O’Reilly, Konrad Malawski

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What is Back Pressure? • Systems should be designed and implemented to react assertively under sustained load • This is often neglected although such conditions are usually expected and highly predictable • Negotiating back pressure usually requires some sort of Flow Control • Which in simpler terms is the ability to say “hey, slow down!!”, or even “stop it!!”

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There are Several types of Back Pressure • Fast publisher / slow subscriber • Insufficient buffer • Accumulation without discharge • Packet size variation • Clogged channel • Etc.

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Dealing with Back Pressure within Integrations is quite Important… Failing to account for it can have a “domino effect”, overloading and eventually crippling many of the participating systems.

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Meterpoint Data Collection IoT Devices Customer Management Work Order Management Delivery Experience Web Data Warehouse System AQ REST / FTP SOAP Event Streams REST CQRS DSO Central Authorities Grid Companies REST Mobile The more Complex the Integration, the more Important (and challenging) it is to Handle Back Pressure

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There are Several ways to Handle Back Pressure… • Dynamic push / pull • Static / Dynamic Quotas • Buffers • Ack / Nack • Throttling • Caching • Circuit breaker • Scaling • Some / all of the above • Etc…

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But make sure you are doing something to handle it “Simply put, an unchecked Kafka consumer is a DoS attack on your application waiting to happen” - “Unbounded queues are fundamentally broken because it puts the correctness of your system in someone else's hand” -@ztellman

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And Always Take into Account System’s Reactions to Back Pressure… are highly contagious (Newton’s 3rd law) can propagate exponentially (butterfly effect)

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So, a Robust Solution for Back Pressure / Flow Control should always be non-blocking requires some complex service choreography

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Backpressure with Akka Streams + Kafka • Akka Streams ○ Ideal for Fast Data ○ Seamless Integration ○ Abstraction to configure end-to-end Backpressure ○ Fully Asynchronous & non-blocking • Kafka ○ Dynamic durable buffer ○ Horizontally scalable ○ Load distribution ○ No data loss settings (Producer, Consumer, Broker) ○ Quotas

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“With the use of asynchronous and back-pressured APIs, we’re able to push our systems to their limits, but not beyond them” -Why Reactive?, O’Reilly, Konrad Malawski

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Demo: Back-Pressure -Fast Producer, Fast Consumers -Fast Producer, Fast and Slow Consumers -Fast Producer, Fast and Slow Consumers with buffering: OverflowStrategy.dropNew -Fast Producer, Fast and Slow Consumers with buffering: OverflowStrategy.backpressure

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Stream Processing and Event-Driven Services

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data input # ETL * Batches of records (Bounded sequence) * Time inside records * Denormalized View * Stage Tables, Files # EAI * Individual Messages * Batches are discouraged * MQ, Web Services * Normalized View # Stream Processing * Streams of Events (Unbounded sequence) * Event Log

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data processing (i.e. vetro) # ETL * Transforming operational model into target schema. * Denormalization # EAI * Stateless processing * Remote Lookups (e.g. DB queries) * Cache for performance (e.g. Coherence) * Imperative approach / Side effects # Streaming Platform * Stateless and *Stateful* processing * Local Materialized views / Avoid remote Lookups * Functional approach / No side effects

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data output # ETL * Data Warehouse # EAI * Operational back-ends # Streaming Platform * Both (Lambda Architecture)

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# Event-Driven Services * embedded library in any application * event-log + your application * makes stream processing accessible to any use case (very low latency) Stream Processing visions # Big data, Real-Time Map-Reduce * central CLUSTER * custom packaging, deployment & monitoring * suitable for analytics-type use-cases (+/- low latency)

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One more reason to start with event-driven stream processing

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state and events: “the future is a function of the past”

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immutability changes everything “transaction logs records ALL THE CHANGES made to the database [...] THE TRUTH IS IN THE LOG. the database is a cache of a subset of log.” Immutability changes everything - Pat Helland

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From Caches to Materialized Views r = cache.get(key) if (!r) { r = db.get(key) cache.put(key, r) } return k App Cache Database

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From Caches to Materialized Views * cache invalidation? * race conditions? * consistency issues? * cold start/bootstrapping? App Cache Database

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From Caches to Materialized Views Traditional Views: * *procrastinating* approach create view example from select foo from bar …; => rewrite result at query time create materialized view example from select foo from bar …; Materialized Views: * *proactive* approach

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materialized views in an *unbounded database* Turning the Database Inside Out - Martin Kleppmann

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Kafka Streams: Streams-Relational Processing Platform Build Services on a Backbone of Events - Ben Stopford

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Demo: Comparing a EAI Integration with Stream Processing

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Observability is for **unknown unknowns** Is about making a system more: * Debuggable: tracking down failures and bugs * Understandable: answer questions, trends A Superset of: * Monitoring: how to operate a system * Instrumentation: how to develop a system to be monitoriable Observability for Emerging Infra: What Got You Here Won't Get You There - Charity Majors

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Observability methods

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Observability methods

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> demo: understanding what your systems are and what they could become

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sysco reactive integration platform

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