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‹#› Andrew Montalenti! CTO, @amontalenti Web Content Analytics at Scale with

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content analytics fuels real-time decision-making for people who run the largest sites

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175 TB of compressed customer data.! Growing 20 TB+ per month.

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before MongoDB, before Cassandra, before “NoSQL”, there was Lucene.

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2013! "Can one use Solr as a Time Series Engine?"

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2014! "Are Elasticsearch aggregations a dream query layer?"

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2015! "Can we push ES to take 10K+ writes/sec and store 10TB+ of customer data?"

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(turns out, answer to each question is "yes", but lots of caveats!)

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fielddata: don't do it!! ! doc_values All The Things!

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_source: don't do it!! ! especially if your schema has high-cardinality multi-value fields.

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"logstash-style" raw records! are nice, but...! ! to operate with good query latency, you need rollups, and these are tricky.

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{ "url": "", "ts": "2015-01-02T00:00:000Z",! "visitors": ["3f3f", "3f3g", ...millions],! ! "metrics": { "$all/page_views": 6200000, "desktop/page_views": 4200000,! "mobile/page_views": 2000000,! "$all/engaged_secs": 27500000,! "new/engaged_secs": 250000000,! "returning/engaged_secs": 25000000, }, ! "metas": { "title": "Obama gives speech",! "authors": ["Mike Journo"],! "section": "Politics",! "pub_date": "2015-01-02T08:00:000Z", } } partition and time bucket high-cardinality metric numeric metrics metadata 1day rollup! (1 per day)

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{ "url": "", "ts": "2015-01-02T08:05:000Z",! "visitors": ["3f3f", "3f3g", ...hundreds],! ! "metrics": { "$all/page_views": 62, "desktop/page_views": 42,! "mobile/page_views": 20,! "$all/engaged_secs": 275,! "new/engaged_secs": 250,! "returning/engaged_secs": 25, }, ! "metas": { "title": "Obama gives speech",! "authors": ["Mike Journo"],! "section": "Politics",! "pub_date": "2015-01-02T08:00:000Z", } } partition and time bucket high-cardinality metric numeric metrics metadata 5min rollup! (288 per day)

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{ "url": "", "ts": "2015-01-02T08:05:123Z",! "visitors": ["3f3f3"],! ! "metrics": { "$all/page_views": 1, "desktop/page_views": 1,! "mobile/page_views": 0,! "$all/engaged_secs": 0,! "new/engaged_secs": 0,! "returning/engaged_secs": 0, }, ! "metas": { "title": "Obama gives speech",! "authors": ["Mike Journo"],! "section": "Politics",! "pub_date": "2015-01-02T08:00:000Z", } } partition and time bucket high-cardinality metric numeric metrics metadata raw event! (millions per day)

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url-raw by hour url-5min by day url-1day by month document grouping! in time-based indices

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top_things(...)! thing_details(...)! site_timeline(...) initial data access layer

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historical analytics for spotting long-term opportunities, trends, and insights in heaps of data

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Slide 26 text "Batch Layer" Topologies with Spark and Amazon S3 "Speed Layer" Topologies with Storm & Kafka Dashboards and APIs with Elasticsearch & Cassandra Raw Data Pipeline with Amazon Kinesis & S3 Access mage building blocks

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rebuild the world!

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Mid-2015! "This sort of works, but seems that we need more hardware... and what's up with response times?"

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"You need to give big ! customers their own indices." - Otis "You need to use node-shard! allocation for hot/cold tiers." - Radu

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Time-based indices Index versioning Customer namespaces Node-shard allocation all together now!

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Time-Based • v1_shared-1day-2015.01 • v1_shared-1day-2015.02

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Versioning • v1_shared-1day-2015.01 • v2_shared-1day-2015.01

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Namespaces • v1_shared-1day-2015.01 • v1_condenast-1day-2015.01

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Node-Shard Allocation • v1_shared-1day-2015.01 => cold (mem, rust)! • v1_shared-5min-2015.02.01 => warm (mem, ssd)! • v1_shared-5min-2015.03.15 => hot (mem, cpu)! • v1_shared-raw-2015.03.15T12 => raw (cpu)

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• Cluster: 40 nodes, 500+ indices, 7,000+ shards • Tiers: 4 client, 3 master, 9 raw, 9 hot, 12 warm, 3 cold • Instances: 1TB+ of RAM, 500+ CPU cores • Disks: 12+ TB data, >50% in SSDs, rest in rust • Writes: 10K+ writes per second • Reads: 100's of aggregations per second

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Late-2015! "This is shipped! It works! ... but, some issues remain."

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OOMs = bugs timeouts = lies queries = hogs bugs, lies, and hogs

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In the worst case, a bad query takes longer than its timeout, hogs the cluster, and hits an OOM bug.

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better resiliency store compression task management aggregation paging query profiling excited about future

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Questions? Tweet to @amontalenti!

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links • Lucene: The Good Parts! • Mage: The Magical Time Series Backend! • Pythonic Analytics with Elasticsearch! • Visit us: • Join us:

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building mage streaming time series engine for our next 1,000 customers

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pykafka ingest raw event data at high speed

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Python State Code Server 1 Core 2 Core 1 Server 2 Core 2 Core 1 Server 3 Core 2 Core 1 consumer = ... # balanced while True: msg = consumer.consume() msg = json.loads(msg) urlparse(msg["url"]) Python State Code Python State Code Python State Code Python State Code Python State Code pykafka.producer Python State Code

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scale-out functions over a stream of inputs in order to generate a stream of outputs

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Python State Code Server 1 Core 2 Core 1 Server 2 Core 2 Core 1 Server 3 Core 2 Core 1 Python State Code Python State Code Python State Code Python State Code pykafka.producer Python State Code multi-lang json protocol class UrlParser(Topology): url_spout = UrlSpout.spec(p=1) url_bolt = UrlBolt.spec(p=4, input=url_spout)

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pyspark scale-out batch functions over static dataset to perform transformations and actions

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Python State Code Server 1 Core 2 Core 1 Server 2 Core 2 Core 1 Server 3 Core 2 Core 1 Python State Code Python State Code Python State Code Python State Code pyspark.SparkContext sc = SparkContext() file_rdd = sc.textFile(files) cloudpickle py4j and binary pipes

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lesson learned log-oriented "lambda architecture" works well, but it costs time and money!

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multi-process, not multi-thread multi-node, not multi-core message passing, not shared memory ! heaps of data and streams of data