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5෼ͰΘ͔Δʂ Xcode 11͔Β࢖͑Δ XCFrameworks Sho Ikeda / @ikesyo iOSDC Japan 2019 2019-09-06 Fri #iosdc

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Sho Ikeda / @ikesyo • ͍͚͠ΐʔʗ஑ా ᠳ • ͸ͯͳ@ژ౎ • εϚʔτϑΥϯΞϓϦ։ൃ • iOS / Android / React Native • Swiftίϛολʔ • •

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XCFrameworks • WWDC19ͷηογϣϯ • What's New in Swift - WWDC 2019 - Videos - Apple Developer • Binary Frameworks in Swift - WWDC 2019 - Videos - Apple Developer • [New!] ϑϨʔϜϫʔΫͷόΠφϦ഑෍༻ͷ৽ ϑΥʔϚοτ • .xcframework֦ுࢠ

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Why XCFrameworks?

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XCFrameworks Swift 5.1: Module Stability • SwiftͰॻ͍ͨϑϨʔϜϫʔΫΛόΠφϦ഑෍͠ ͯ΋໰୊ͳ͘ͳͬͨʢίϯύΠϥʔͷόʔδϣ ϯҧ͍Ͱ΋ΤϥʔʹͳΒͳ͘ͳͬͨʣ • ϑϨʔϜϫʔΫͷόΠφϦ഑෍ͷαϙʔτͷվ ળ

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XCFrameworks Multiplatform Support • 1ͭͷ.xcframeworkͷதʹෳ਺ͷϓϥοτϑΥʔ Ϝ༻ͷ.frameworkΛόϯυϧ͢Δ • macOS • iOS Simulator, iOS Device, Mac Catalyst (UIKit for Mac), • tvOS Simulator, tvOS Device • watchOS Simulator, watchOS Device

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XCFrameworks Mac Catalyst (UIKit for Mac) • Mac Catalyst͸iOSͷѥछ • ͜Ε·ͰͷiOSͰͷόΠφϦ഑෍ • iOS Deviceͷarmv7ͱarm64ɺiOS Simulatorͷx86_64ʢͱi386ʣ Λ1ͭʹ·ͱΊͨFat Binary • lipoίϚϯυͰ݁߹͢Δ • Mac Catalyst΋CPUΞʔΩςΫνϟ͸x86_64 • 1ͭͷFat BinaryͰ͸iOS SimulatorͱMac CatalystΛڞଘͤ͞ΒΕͳ͍ • ඞવతʹ෼཭͢Δඞཁ͕͋Δ

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XCFrameworks Mac Catalyst (UIKit for Mac) • ϓϥοτϑΥʔϜຖʹframework͕෼཭͞Ε͍ͯΔ • iOS SimulatorͱMac Catalyst͕ڞଘͰ͖Δ • carthage copy-frameworks͕ෆཁʹͳΔʢରԠ଴ͪʣ • ετΞਃ੥࣌ʹ͸xcframeworkͷத͔ΒɺiOS Device༻ͷ framework͕ຒΊࠐ·ΕΔʢiOS Simulatorͷ෼͸ຒΊࠐ· Εͳ͍ʣ • ετΞਃ੥༻ͷFat Binary͔ΒSimulatorͷCPUΞʔΩς ΫνϟΛऔΓআ͘ඞཁ͕ͳ͘ͳΔ

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Build / Create

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Build Settings • "Build Libraries for Distribution" • > Frameworks or libraries bundled in an XCFramework should be built with the Build Libraries for Distribution build setting set to YES. • "Supports Mac Catalyst" • "Derive Mac Catalyst Product Bundle Identifier"

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Building Frameworks • xcodebuild archive: Multiple Destinations including Simulator xcodebuild archive \ -scheme FooBarBaz-iOS -destination "generic/platform=iOS" \ -destination "generic/platform=iOS Simulator" \ -destination "generic/platform=macOS" SKIP_INSTALL=NO

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Building Frameworks

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Building Frameworks xcodebuild archive -scheme Himotoki-iOS \ -destination "generic/platform=iOS" \ -archivePath build/iphoneos \ SKIP_INSTALL=NO xcodebuild archive -scheme Himotoki-iOS \ -destination "generic/platform=iOS Simulator" \ -archivePath build/iphonesimulator \ SKIP_INSTALL=NO xcodebuild archive -scheme Himotoki-iOS \ -destination "generic/platform=macOS" \ -archivePath build/maccatalyst \ SKIP_INSTALL=NO ...

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Building Frameworks

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Creating XCFrameworks $ xcodebuild -create-xcframework \ -framework build/macosx.xcarchive/Products/@rpath/Himotoki.framework \ -framework build/iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/@rpath/Himotoki.framework \ -framework build/iphonesimulator.xcarchive/Products/@rpath/Himotoki.framework \ -framework build/maccatalyst.xcarchive/Products/@rpath/Himotoki.framework \ -framework build/appletvos.xcarchive/Products/@rpath/Himotoki.framework \ -framework build/appletvsimulator.xcarchive/Products/@rpath/Himotoki.framework \ -framework build/watchos.xcarchive/Products/@rpath/Himotoki.framework \ -framework build/watchsimulator.xcarchive/Products/@rpath/Himotoki.framework \ -output Himotoki.xcframework

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Creating XCFrameworks

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XCFrameworks: Directory Structure Himotoki.xcframework ├── Info.plist ├── ios-armv7_arm64 │ └── Himotoki.framework ├── ios-i386_x86_64-simulator │ └── Himotoki.framework ├── ios-x86_64-maccatalyst │ └── Himotoki.framework ├── macos-x86_64 │ └── Himotoki.framework ├── tvos-arm64 │ └── Himotoki.framework ├── tvos-x86_64-simulator │ └── Himotoki.framework ├── watchos-armv7k_arm64_32 │ └── Himotoki.framework └── watchos-i386-simulator └── Himotoki.framework

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XCFrameworks: Info.plist AvailableLibraries LibraryIdentifier watchos-armv7k_arm64_32 LibraryPath Himotoki.framework SupportedArchitectures armv7k arm64_32 SupportedPlatform watchos LibraryIdentifier watchos-i386-simulator LibraryPath Himotoki.framework SupportedArchitectures i386 SupportedPlatform watchos SupportedPlatformVariant simulator LibraryIdentifier ios-x86_64-maccatalyst LibraryPath Himotoki.framework SupportedArchitectures x86_64 SupportedPlatform ios SupportedPlatformVariant maccatalyst LibraryIdentifier macos-x86_64 LibraryPath Himotoki.framework SupportedArchitectures x86_64 SupportedPlatform macos LibraryIdentifier tvos-x86_64-simulator LibraryPath Himotoki.framework SupportedArchitectures x86_64 SupportedPlatform tvos SupportedPlatformVariant simulator LibraryIdentifier tvos-arm64 LibraryPath Himotoki.framework SupportedArchitectures arm64 SupportedPlatform tvos LibraryIdentifier ios-i386_x86_64-simulator LibraryPath Himotoki.framework SupportedArchitectures i386 x86_64 SupportedPlatform ios SupportedPlatformVariant simulator LibraryIdentifier ios-armv7_arm64 LibraryPath Himotoki.framework SupportedArchitectures armv7 arm64 SupportedPlatform ios CFBundlePackageType XFWK XCFrameworkFormatVersion 1.0

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AvailableLibraries ... LibraryIdentifier ios-x86_64-maccatalyst LibraryPath Himotoki.framework SupportedArchitectures x86_64 SupportedPlatform ios SupportedPlatformVariant maccatalyst

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LibraryIdentifier macos-x86_64 LibraryPath Himotoki.framework SupportedArchitectures x86_64 SupportedPlatform macos

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LibraryIdentifier ios-i386_x86_64-simulator LibraryPath Himotoki.framework SupportedArchitectures i386 x86_64 SupportedPlatform ios SupportedPlatformVariant simulator

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LibraryIdentifier ios-armv7_arm64 LibraryPath Himotoki.framework SupportedArchitectures armv7 arm64 SupportedPlatform ios

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CFBundlePackageType XFWK XCFrameworkFormatVersion 1.0

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xcodebuild -create- xcframework $ xcodebuild -create-xcframework -help OVERVIEW: Utility for packaging multiple build configurations of a given library or framework into a single xcframework. USAGE: xcodebuild -create-xcframework -framework [-framework ...] -output xcodebuild -create-xcframework -library [-headers ] [-library [-headers ]...] -output OPTIONS: -framework Adds a framework from the given . -library Adds a static or dynamic library from the given . -headers Adds the headers from the given . Only applicable with -library. -output The to write the xcframework to. -allow-internal-distribution Specifies that the created xcframework contains information not suitable for public distribution. -help Show this help content.

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! ࠓޙͷ֤छπʔϧ΍SDKͰͷαϙʔτʹظ଴

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! ಛʹ޿ࠂSDK΍ܭଌܥͷSDK

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! Happy XCFramework Life

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Thank you Sho Ikeda / @ikesyo