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JAMstack & WordPress WHAT'S NEW, GOOD (AND BAD) IN 2020

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ZAC GORDON Educator at JavaScript for WordPress Community Builder for Headless WordPress at Strattic Co-Founder Gatsby WP Themes @zgordon

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What's New in 2020?

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WPGRAPHQL Gatsby Support Version 0.10.0 #1 What's New?

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CMS agnostic GraphQL is way to go GRAPHQL BY POP #2 What's New?

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WordPress Cloud Integration Gatsby Themes GATSBY JS #3 What's New?

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€1M Funding w Automatic Theme Releases FRONTITY #4 What's New?

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$6.5M Funding w Automatic Opens to the public STRATTIC #5 What's New?

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What's Good in 2020?

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WordPress powers 30% of the web. JAMstack could power 30% of all WordPress sites. #1 What's Good?

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We have solid frameworks. #2 What's Good?

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We have non-developer options. #3 What's Good?

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3rd party integrations keep coming. #4 What's Good?

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JAMstack & WordPress is no longer fringe. #5 What's Good?

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What's Bad in 2020?

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The "Content Mesh" doesn't mesh with most WordPress site owners. #1 What's Bad?

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Many WordPress devs still don't have the JavaScript skills they need. #2 What's Bad?

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WordPress plugin integrations are still lacking. #3 What's Bad?

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We need more free static-friendly solutions. #4 What's Bad?

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We need more focus on JAMstack for non-developers. #5 What's Bad?

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