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Why Spring Kotlin Sébastien Deleuze @sdeleuze

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2 Most popular way to build web applications + Spring Boot

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3 Let’s see how far we can go with ... Kotlin + Spring Boot

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5 Migrating a typical Boot application to Kotlin

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6 Step 1 Kotlin

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7 Step 2 Spring Boot 1 Spring Boot 2 based on Spring Framework 5

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8 Step 3 Spring MVC Spring WebFlux

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9 Step 4 Spring WebFlux Functional API & Kotlin DSL Spring WebFlux @nnotations

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From Java to Kotlin Step 1 Kotlin Step 2 Boot 2 Step 3 WebFlux Step 4 Kotlin DSL & Functional API

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12 Domain model @Document data class Article( @Id val slug: String, val title: String, val headline: String, val content: String, @DBRef val author: User, val addedAt: LocalDateTime = now()) @Document data class User( @Id val login: String, val firstname: String, val lastname: String, val description: String? = null) @Document public class Article { @Id private String slug; private String title; private LocalDateTime addedAt; private String headline; private String content; @DBRef private User author; public Article() { } public Article(String slug, String title, String headline, String content, User author) { this(slug, title, headline, content, author,; } public Article(String slug, String title, String headline, String content, User author, LocalDateTime addedAt) { this.slug = slug; this.title = title; this.addedAt = addedAt; this.headline = headline; this.content = content; = author; } public String getSlug() { return slug; } public void setSlug(String slug) { this.slug = slug; } public String getTitle() { return title; }

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13 Expressive test function names with backticks class EmojTests { @Test fun `Why Spring ❤ Kotlin?`() { println("Because I can use emoj in function names \uD83D\uDE09") } } > Because I can use emoj in function names

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14 @RestController public class UserController { private final UserRepository userRepository; public UserController(UserRepository userRepository) { this.userRepository = userRepository; } @GetMapping("/user/{login}") public User findOne(@PathVariable String login) { return userRepository.findOne(login); } @GetMapping("/user") public Iterable findAll() { return userRepository.findAll(); } @PostMapping("/user") public User save(@RequestBody User user) { return; } } Spring MVC controller written in Java

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15 @RestController class UserController(private val repo: UserRepository) { @GetMapping("/user/{id}") fun findOne(@PathVariable id: String) = repo.findOne(id) @GetMapping("/user") fun findAll() = repo.findAll() @PostMapping("/user") fun save(@RequestBody user: User) = } Spring MVC controller written in Kotlin

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16 Inferred type hints in IDEA Settings Editor General Appearance Show parameter name hints Select Kotlin Check “Show function/property/local value return type hints”

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kotlin-spring compiler plugin Automatically open Spring annotated classes and methods @SpringBootApplication open class Application { @Bean open fun foo() = Foo() @Bean open fun bar(foo: Foo) = Bar(foo) } @SpringBootApplication class Application { @Bean fun foo() = Foo() @Bean fun bar(foo: Foo) = Bar(foo) } Without kotlin-spring plugin With kotlin-spring plugin 17

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From Java to Kotlin Step 1 Kotlin Step 2 Boot 2 Step 3 WebFlux Step 4 Kotlin DSL & Functional API

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Spring Kotlin and officially supports it Spring Framework 5 Spring Boot 2.0 (M7 available, GA early 2018) Reactor Core 3.1 Spring Data Kay

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20 Kotlin support out of the box

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21 Kotlin support documentation

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Running Spring Boot 1 application with Kotlin 22 @SpringBootApplication class Application fun main(args: Array) {, *args) }

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Running Spring Boot 2 application with Kotlin 23 @SpringBootApplication class Application fun main(args: Array) { runApplication(*args) }

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Declaring additional beans 24 @SpringBootApplication class Application { @Bean fun foo() = Foo() @Bean fun bar(foo: Foo) = Bar(foo) } fun main(args: Array) { runApplication(*args) }

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Customizing SpringApplication 25 @SpringBootApplication class Application { @Bean fun foo() = Foo() @Bean fun bar(foo: Foo) = Bar(foo) } fun main(args: Array) { runApplication(*args) { setBannerMode(OFF) } }

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Array-like Kotlin extension for Model operator fun Model.set(attributeName: String, attributeValue: Any) { this.addAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue) } @GetMapping("/") public String blog(Model model) { model.addAttribute("title", "Blog"); model.addAttribute("articles", repository.findAll()); return "blog"; } @GetMapping("/") fun blog(model: Model): String { model["title"] = "Blog" model["articles"] = repository.findAll() return "blog" } 26

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Reified type parameters Kotlin extension inline fun String, method: HttpMethod, requestEntity: HttpEntity<*>? = null) = exchange(url, method, requestEntity, object : ParameterizedTypeReference() {}) List list = restTemplate .exchange("/api/article/", GET, null, new ParameterizedTypeReference>(){}) .getBody(); val list: List = restTemplate .exchange("/api/article/", GET) .getBody(); Goodbye type erasure, we are not going to miss you at all! 27

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Null safety 28 Nothing enforced at type system No check at compile time NullPointerException at runtime Optional only usable for return values Default is non-null, ? suffix for nullable types Full check at compile time No NullPointerException !!! Functional constructs on nullable values

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By default, Kotlin interprets Java types as platform types (unknown nullability) Null safety of Spring APIs public interface RestOperations { URI postForLocation(String url, Object request, Object ... uriVariables) } 29 postForLocation(url: String!, request: Any!, varags uriVariables: Any!): URI!

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Nullability annotations meta annotated with JSR 305 for generic tooling support Null safety of Spring APIs @NonNullApi package org.springframework.web.client; public interface RestOperations { @Nullable URI postForLocation(String url, @Nullable Object request, Object... uriVariables) } 30 postForLocation(url: String, request: Any?, varargs uriVariables: Any): URI? freeCompilerArgs = ["-Xjsr305=strict"] +

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31 @Controller // Mandatory Optional class FooController(val foo: Foo, val bar: Bar?) { @GetMapping("/") // Equivalent to @RequestParam(required=false) fun foo(@RequestParam baz: String?) = ... } Leveraging Kotlin nullable information To determine @RequestParam or @Autowired required attribute

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@ConfigurationProperties @ConfigurationProperties("foo") data class FooProperties( var baseUri: String? = null, var admin = Credentials()) { data class Credential( var username: String? = null, var password: String? = null) } One of the remaining pain points in Kotlin

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33 JUnit 5 supports non-static @BeforeAll @AfterAll class IntegrationTests { private val application = Application(8181) private val client = WebClient.create("http://localhost:8181") @BeforeAll fun beforeAll() { application.start() } @Test fun test1() { // ... } @Test fun test2() { // ... } @AfterAll fun afterAll() { application.stop() } } With “per class” lifecycle defined via or @TestInstance

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34 JUnit 5 supports constructor based injection @ExtendWith(SpringExtension::class) @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = RANDOM_PORT) class HtmlTests(@Autowired val restTemplate: TestRestTemplate) { @Test fun test1() { // ... } @Test fun test2() { // ... } } Allows to use val instead of lateinit var in tests

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35 class SimpleTests { @Nested @DisplayName("a calculator") inner class Calculator { val calculator = SampleCalculator() @Test fun `should return the result of adding the first number to the second number`() { val sum = calculator.sum(2, 4) assertEquals(6, sum) } @Test fun `should return the result of subtracting the second number from the first number`() { val subtract = calculator.subtract(4, 2) assertEquals(2, subtract) } } } Specification-like tests with Kotlin and JUnit 5

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From Java to Kotlin Step 1 Kotlin Step 2 Boot 2 Step 3 WebFlux Step 4 Kotlin DSL & Functional API

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Spring Framework 5 introduces a new web stack Spring MVC Blocking Servlet Spring WebFlux Non-blocking Reactive Streams

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38 ∞ Streaming Scalability Latency ∞

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Servlet Reactive Functional endpoint @Controller Reactive client @Controller RestTemplate Netty Undertow Tomcat Jetty Servlet 3.1 container Tomcat Jetty Servlet container

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40 RxJava ? WebFlux supports various non-blocking API CompletableFuture Flow.Publisher Reactor Akka Reactive Streams

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41 Let’s focus on Reactor for now RxJava CompletableFuture Flow.Publisher Reactor Akka Reactive Streams ?

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42 Mono is a reactive type for 0..1 element

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43 Flux is for reactive collection and stream

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44 @RestController class ReactiveUserController(val repository: ReactiveUserRepository) { @GetMapping("/user/{id}") fun findOne(@PathVariable id: String): Mono = repository.findOne(id) @GetMapping("/user") fun findAll(): Flux = repository.findAll() @PostMapping("/user") fun save(@RequestBody user: Mono): Mono = } interface ReactiveUserRepository { fun findOne(id: String): Mono fun findAll(): Flux fun save(user: Mono): Mono } Spring WebFlux with annotations Spring Data Kay provides Reactive support for MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra and Couchbase

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45 val location = "Lyon, France" mainService.fetchWeather(location) .timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(2)) .doOnError { logger.error(it.getMessage()) } .onErrorResume { backupService.fetchWeather(location) } .map { "Weather in ${it.getLocation()} is ${it.getDescription()}" } .subscribe { } fun fetchWeather(city: String): Mono Reactive APIs = functional programming

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Reactor Kotlin extensions Java Kotlin with extensions Mono.just("foo") "foo".toMono() Flux.fromIterable(list) list.toFlux() Mono.error(new RuntimeException()) RuntimeException().toMono() flux.ofType(User.class) flux.ofType() StepVerifier.create(flux).verifyComplete() flux.test().verifyComplete() MathFlux.averageDouble(flux) flux.average()

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From Java to Kotlin Step 1 Kotlin Step 2 Boot 2 Step 3 WebFlux Step 4 Kotlin DSL & Functional API

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48 val router = router { val users = … accept(TEXT_HTML).nest { "/" { ok().render("index") } "/sse" { ok().render("sse") } "/users" { ok().render("users", mapOf("users" to { it.toDto() })) } } ("/api/users" and accept(APPLICATION_JSON)) { ok().body(users) } ("/api/users" and accept(TEXT_EVENT_STREAM)) { ok().bodyToServerSentEvents(users.repeat().delayElements(ofMillis(100))) } } WebFlux functional API with Kotlin DSL

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49 @SpringBootApplication class Application { @Bean fun router(htmlHandler: HtmlHandler, userHandler: UserHandler, articleHandler: ArticleHandler) = router { accept(APPLICATION_JSON).nest { "/api/user".nest { GET("/", userHandler::findAll) GET("/{login}", userHandler::findOne) } "/api/article".nest { GET("/", articleHandler::findAll) GET("/{slug}", articleHandler::findOne) POST("/", articleHandler::save) DELETE("/{slug}", articleHandler::delete) } } (GET("/api/article/notifications") and accept(TEXT_EVENT_STREAM)).invoke(articleHandler::notifications) accept(TEXT_HTML).nest { GET("/", htmlHandler::blog) (GET("/{slug}") and !GET("/favicon.ico")).invoke(htmlHandler::article) } } } Functional router within Boot

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@Component class HtmlHandler(private val userRepository: UserRepository, private val converter: MarkdownConverter) { fun blog(req: ServerRequest) = ok().render("blog", mapOf( "title" to "Blog", "articles" to articleRepository.findAll() .flatMap { it.toDto(userRepository, converter) } )) } @Component class ArticleHandler(private val articleRepository: ArticleRepository, private val articleEventRepository: ArticleEventRepository) { fun findAll(req: ServerRequest) = ok().body(articleRepository.findAll()) fun notifications(req: ServerRequest) = ok().bodyToServerSentEvents(articleEventRepository.findWithTailableCursorBy()) } 50 Functional handlers within Boot

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Under construction ... Fixing remaining pain points Coroutines Functional bean definition Multi-platform

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Immutable non-nullable @ConfigurationProperties @ConfigurationProperties("foo") data class FooProperties( val baseUri: String, val admin: Credential) { data class Credential( val username: String, val password: String) } Boot 2.1 ? See issue #8762 for more details @ConfigurationProperties("foo") data class FooProperties( lateinit var baseUri: String, var admin = Credentials()) { data class Credential( lateinit var username: String, lateinit var password: String) } Currently N ot yet available

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WebTestClient Unusable in Kotlin due to a type inference issue, see KT-5464 otlin 1.3 For now, please use: - WebClient in Kotlin - WebTestClient in Java

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Under construction ... Fixing remaining pain points Coroutines Boot + functional bean DSL Multi-platform

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55 Kotlin Coroutines RxJava CompletableFuture Flow.Publisher Reactor Akka Reactive Streams Coroutines Experimental

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Spring & Kotlin Coroutines 56 ● Coroutines are Kotlin lightweight threads ● Allows non-blocking imperative code ● Less powerful than Reactive API (backpressure, streaming, operators, etc.) ● kotlinx.coroutines: Reactive Streams and Reactor support ● spring-kotlin-coroutine: experimental Spring support (community driven) ● Warning ○ Coroutine are still experimental ○ No official Spring support yet, see SPR-15413 ○ Ongoing evaluation of performances and back-pressure interoperability Experim ental

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Reactive Coroutines interop 57 Operation Reactive Coroutines Async value fun foo(): Mono suspend fun foo(): T? Async collection fun foo(): Mono> suspend fun foo(): List Stream fun foo(): Flux suspend fun foo(): ReceiveChannel Async completion fun foo(): Mono suspend fun foo()

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58 @RestController class CoroutineUserController(val repository: CoroutineUserRepository) { @GetMapping("/user/{id}") suspend fun findOne(@PathVariable id: String): User = repository.findOne(id) @GetMapping("/user") suspend fun findAll(): List = repository.findAll() @PostMapping("/user") suspend fun save(@RequestBody user: User) = } interface CoroutineUserRepository { suspend fun findOne(id: String): User suspend fun findAll(): List suspend fun save(user: User) } Spring WebFlux with Coroutines Experim ental

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Under construction ... Fixing remaining pain points Coroutines Boot + functional bean DSL Multi-platform

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Spring Framework 5 introduces Functional bean definition Very efficient, no reflection, no CGLIB proxy Lambdas instead of annotations Both declarative and programmatic

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61 Functional bean definition Kotlin DSL val databaseContext = beans { bean() bean() bean() bean() environment( { !activeProfiles.contains("cloud") } ) { bean { InitializingBean { initializeDatabase(ref(), ref(), ref()) } } } } fun initializeDatabase(ops: MongoOperations, userRepository: UserRepository, articleRepository: ArticleRepository) { // ... }

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62 Beans + router DSL fit well together val context = beans { bean { val userHandler = ref() router { accept(APPLICATION_JSON).nest { "/api/user".nest { GET("/", userHandler::findAll) GET("/{login}", userHandler::findOne) } } } bean { Mustache.compiler().escapeHTML(false).withLoader(ref()) } bean() bean() bean() bean() }

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63 Bean DSL is extensible and composable ! webfluxApplication(Server.NETTY) { // or TOMCAT // group routers routes { router { routerApi(ref()) } router(routerStatic()) } router { routerHtml(ref(), ref()) } // group beans beans { bean() bean() // Primary constructor injection } bean() mustacheTemplate() profile("foo") { bean() } } See POC

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Functional bean definition with Spring Boot 64 @SpringBootApplication class Application fun main(args: Array) { runApplication(*args) { addInitializers(databaseContext, webContext) } } This nice syntax currently works only for running the application, not tests

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Functional bean definition with Spring Boot 65 class ContextInitializer : ApplicationContextInitializer { override fun initialize(context: GenericApplicationContext) { databaseContext.initialize(context) webContext.initialize(context) } } context.initializer.classes=io.spring.deepdive.ContextInitializer This more verbose one works for running both application and tests

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Functional bean definition with Spring Boot 66 Come discussing next steps with us

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Under construction ... Fixing remaining pain points Coroutines Boot + functional bean DSL Multi-platform

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Kotlin is multi-platform Kotlin/JVM: JVM and Android Kotlin/JS: transpile to JavaScript Kotlin/Native: run without any VM (LLVM toolchain)

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69 Kotlin for frontend today with Kotlin/JS

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70 Original JavaScript code if (Notification.permission === "granted") { Notification.requestPermission().then(function(result) { console.log(result); }); } let eventSource = new EventSource("/api/article/notifications"); eventSource.addEventListener("message", function(e) { let article = JSON.parse(; let notification = new Notification(article.title); notification.onclick = function() { window.location.href = "/" + article.slug; }; });

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71 Kotlin to Javascript data class Article(val slug: String, val title: String) fun main(args: Array) { if (Notification.permission == NotificationPermission.GRANTED) { Notification.requestPermission().then { console.log(it) } } EventSource("/api/article/notifications").addEventListener("message", { val article = JSON.parse(; Notification(article.title).addEventListener("click", { window.location.href = "/${article.slug}" }) }) } fun = (this as MessageEvent).data as String // See KT-20743 Type safety, null safety, only 10 Kbytes with Dead Code Elimination tool

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72 Kotlin for frontend tomorrow with WebAssembly Read “An Abridged Cartoon Introduction To WebAssembly” by Lin Clark for more details A sandboxed native platform for the Web (W3C, no plugin involved)

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73 Compiling Kotlin to WebAssembly + ➔ Kotlin supports WebAssembly via Kotlin/Native ➔ Better compilation target than JS: bytecode, performance, memory ➔ DOM API and GC are coming ... ➔ A Kotlin/Native Frontend ecosystem could arise Experim ental

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Kotlin 1.2 allows sharing code between platforms Multi-platform data types and serialization are coming

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Thanks! Follow me on @sdeleuze for fresh Spring + Kotlin news