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Unicode Regular Expression Engines Internationalization & Unicode Conference November 4, 2014 #IUC38

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Unicode Regular Expression Engines Nick Patch @nickpatch Shutterstock

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Shutterstock Is Multilingual Český Magyar Türkçe Dansk Nederlands Русский Deutsch Norsk ไทย English Polski 한국어 Español Português 中文 Français Suomi 日本語 Italiano Svenska

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Shutterstock Is Multilingual C♯ PHP Java Python JavaScript Ruby Perl SQL … and Regular Expressions!

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This talk is about … 1. Real-word Unicode regular expressions 2. Production regular expression engines 3. Modern programming language support

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This talk is not about … 1. UTS #18 specifcation 2. Historic regex engines 3. Future regex development 4. Being a reference guide

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Languages Perl 5.20 2014-05-27 U6.3 Python 3.4 2014-03-16 U6.3 Ruby 2.1.4 2014-10-27 U7.0 Java 8 2014-03-18 U6.2 JavaScript 1.8.5 2010-07-27 U3.0 PHP 5.6 2014-08-28 U6.3

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Languages with built-in regex engines Perl 5.20 2014-05-27 U6.3 Python 3.4 2014-03-16 U6.3 Ruby 2.1.4 2014-10-27 U7.0 Java 8 2014-03-18 U6.2 JavaScript 1.8.5 2010-07-27 U3.0 PHP 5.6 2014-08-28 U6.3

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Libraries PCRE 8.36 2014-09-26 U7.0 .NET 4.5 2012-08-15 U5.0/6.0 Oniguruma 5.9.5 2013-10-21 U?? Onigmo 5.15 2014-07-18 U7.0 ICU4C 54 2014-10-01 U7.0

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PCRE Perl Compatible Regular Expressions PHP R Erlang Elixir

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.NET Framework Visual Basic C♯ F♯ PowerShell

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Oniguruma PHP 5.0+ multibyte strings Ruby 1.9

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Onigmo fork of Oniguruma Ruby 2.0+

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Code point matcher . match a code point except newline (by default)

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Grapheme cluster matcher \X Spın̈al Tap n\N{COMBINING DIAERESIS} 각 ก ந िष CRLF (\r\n)

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\X grapheme cluster support Extended grapheme clusters Perl, PCRE, ICU4C Legacy grapheme clusters Onigma Unsupported Python, Java, JavaScript, .NET, Oniguruma

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\X alternatives Legacy grapheme cluster (?>\PM\pM*)

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\X alternatives Extended grapheme cluster (?:(?:\u000D\u000A)|(?:[\u0E40\u0E41\u0E42 \u0E43\u0E44\u0EC0\u0EC1\u0EC2\u0EC3\u0EC4 \uAAB5\uAAB6\uAAB9\uAABB\uAABC]*(?:[\u1100- \u115F\uA960-\uA97C]+|([\u1100-\u115F\uA960- \uA97C]*((?:[[\u1160-\u11A2\uD7B0-\uD7C6] [\uAC00\uAC1C\uAC38]][\u1160-\u11A2\uD7B0- \uD7C6]*|[\uAC01\uAC02\uAC03\uAC04])[\u11A8- \u11F9\uD7CB-\uD7FB]*))|[\u11A8-\u11F9\uD7CB- \uD7FB]+|[^[\p{Zl}\p{Zp}\p{Cc}\p{Cf}&& [^\u000D\u000A\u200C\u200D]]\u000D\u000A]) [[\p{Mn}\p{Me}\u200C\u200D\u0488\u0489\u20DD \u20DE\u20DF\u20E0\u20E2\u20E3\u20E4\uA670 \uA671\uA672\uFF9E\uFF9F][\p{Mc}\u0E30\u0E32 \u0E33\u0E45\u0EB0\u0EB2\u0EB3]]*)|(?s:.))

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Property matchers \p{…}

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Property matchers General Category \p{General_Category=Letter}

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Property matchers General Category \p{gc=L} abbreviated

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Property matchers General Category \p{Letter} implicit category

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Property matchers General Category \p{L} implicit category + abbreviated

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Property matchers General Category \pL optional braces when single character

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Property matchers General Category \PL negation

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Property matchers General Category L Letter M Mark N Number P Punctuation S Symbol Z Separator C Other

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Property matchers General Category S Symbol Sm Math_Symbol Sc Currency_Symbol Sk Modifer_Symbol So Other_Symbol

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Property matchers Script \p{Script=Latin}

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Property matchers Script \p{sc=Latin} abbreviated

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Property matchers Script \p{Latin} implicit script

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Property matchers Script [\p{Hiragana} \p{Katakana} \p{Han} \p{Latin} \p{Common}]

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Property matchers Script [\p{Hira} \p{Kana} \p{Hani} \p{Latn} \p{Zyyy}]

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Property matchers Script Arab Arabic Beng Bengali Deva Devanagari Egyp Egyptian hieroglyphs Ethi Ethiopic Grek Greek Hang Hangul

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Property matchers Script s/ е ( \p{Cyrl} ) и $/я$1/x

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Property matchers Others \p{Numeric_Value=10} \p{East_Asian_Width=Fullwidth} \p{Script=Cyrillic} ✓ \p{Script_Extensions=Cyrillic} ✗ \p{Block=Cyrillic} ✗ \p{Block=Cyrillic_Extended_A}

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Property matchers Others \p{nv=10} \p{ea=F} \p{Cyrl} ✓ \p{scx=Cyrl} ✗ \p{blk=Cyrillic} ✗ \p{blk=Cyrillic_Ext_A}

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Property matchers Binary \p{White_Space=Yes} \p{Hex_Digit=Yes} \p{Variation_Selector=Yes} \p{Deprecated=Yes}

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Property matchers Binary \p{White_Space} \p{Hex_Digit} \p{Variation_Selector} \p{Deprecated}

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Property matchers Binary \p{WSpace} \p{Hex} \p{VS} \p{Dep}

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Property matchers Binary \p{White_Space=No} \p{Hex_Digit=No} \p{Variation_Selector=No} \p{Deprecated=No}

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Property matchers Binary \P{White_Space} \P{Hex_Digit} \P{Variation_Selector} \P{Deprecated}

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Property matchers Binary \P{WSpace} \P{Hex} \P{VS} \P{Dep}

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\p property support ICU4C full support Perl full support + Perl extensions Java GC, Script, Binary, Block + Java ext. Onigmo GC, Script, Binary, Block, Age PCRE GC, Script Oniguruma GC, Script .NET GC, Block Unsupported: Python, JavaScript

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Unicodifed escape sequences \s \p{White_Space} \d \p{gc=Decimal_Number} \w [ \p{alpha} \p{gc=Mark} \p{digit} \p{gc=Connector_Punctuation} \p{Join_Control} ] \b \w-based boundaries

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Unicodifed escape sequences Unicode default (with ASCII option): ICU4C, Perl, Python, Java, .NET Unicode default (for Unicode encodings only): Oniguruma, Onigmo ASCII default (with Unicode option): PCRE Partial support: JavaScript (\s only!)

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Linebreak matcher \R LF (\n) CR (\r) FF (\f) CRLF (\r\n) NEL VT LS PS

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\R linebreak support Perl Java PCRE Onigmo Unsupported Python, JavaScript, .NET, Oniguruma, ICU4C

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Nick Patch @nickpatch Shutterstock