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The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten: 100 Experiments for the Armchair Philosopher Julian Baggini

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《自願被吃的豬:100個讓人想破頭的 哲學問題》 朱立安.巴吉尼

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Warning This is definitely NOT a pleasant topic. (For those follow the thought flow)

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This book contains 100 Philosoraptors

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Thought Experiment considers some hypothesis, theory, or principle for the purpose of thinking through its consequences.

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Thought Experiment Given the structure of the experiment, it may or may not be possible to actually perform it

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Thought Experiment Given the structure of the experiment, it may or may not be possible to actually perform it, and if it can be performed, there need be no intention of any kind to actually perform the experiment in question.

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Thought Experiment The common goal of a thought experiment is to explore the potential consequences of the principle in question.

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Famous Thought Experiment 1 Person 5 Workers The “Trolley problem” proposed by Philippa Foot Exam ple

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You have 3 seconds to consider to SWITCH or NOT

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1 Person 5 Workers Famous Thought Experiment #89 from the book 1 Criminal 5 Workers Exam ple

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In this book Each story contains TWO parts: 1. The story itself 2. Followed discussion

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Facts about discussion part 1. Most of them do not lead to a conclusion 2. Sometimes confusing :( 3. The Chinese translation (in PDF ver) sucks

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#11 雷修斯的船(The ship of Theseus)

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為了保持航行的品質和安全,雷修斯的船自出廠後每個 月都會整修,換掉雖仍堪用但已老舊的零件。

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五年過去,老師傅檢查維修清單,發現船上的每一個零 件都換過了。 換句話說,這時候的船身上已經找不到任何一個剛出廠 時所擁有的零件了。

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問題︰ 五年後的雷修斯號和剛出廠的雷修斯號 是同一艘船嗎?

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#11a The “new” company

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BEN NEW COMPANY HIRE PERCY Sometime later... Pap Siutao David Edwin Carmen

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NEW COMPANY Edwin HIRE PERCY Many years later... Pap Siutao David Edwin Siutao David Carmen The whole team moved to the “new company”. BEN

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NEW COMPANY 這還是原本的Oursky嗎?

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NEW COMPANY 如果是,但它已經沒有最初的任何一個人了; 如果不是,那它是從什麼時候不是的?

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The problem of identity through time Aristotle: Oh, let’s distinguished between “accidental” and “essential” changes

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The problem of identity through time Aristotle: “accidental” : Don’t result in a change in identity “essential” : In contrast, e.g. someone died, a house is burnt.

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#87 公平的不平等(The fair equality)

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Margaret and John have 3 sons, aged 14, 12 and 10.

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As Christmas gifts, Margaret and John want to buy 3 gifts (with equal value) for the 3 kids. “Lets be fair to all children”

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Gifts (Let it be 四驅車) $100 “Oh, let’s get 3!” x 3 = $300

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$150 Special Offer $150 FREE! Buy two advanced model, get one basic model for free!

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$300 2advanced+1basic Special Offer OR $300 3basic

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“Two getting better than one, it’s unfair.” - Margaret

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“But they can borrow from each other.” - John

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“I hope they all get EQUALLY” - Margaret

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“That takes away their rights for getting something better!” - John

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$300 2advanced+1basic Special Offer OR $300 3basic

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- 哲學家黃子華 魚蛋 魚蛋數目

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#10 無知之幕(veil of ignorance)

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無知之幕 (veil of ignorance) 《正義論》(1971)John Rawls

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《正義論》(1971)John Rawls 羅爾斯認為,公民抗命如果引起社會動盪, 其責任不在「抗命」的公民, 而在那些濫用權力和權威的人。 EXTRA

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Oh. Let’s play a game

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Rule : - Earn $100 x (card no) each month - e.g. if 5 => get $5000 each month

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Rule : - ask for $5000 from 2-10 each month Rule : - ask for $10000 from J-K each month - rules maker

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What will you do if you are the Ace ?

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無知之幕 例如,在一個想像中的社會裡,一個人知道自己是否聰 明、富有或者出生在優等階級。 但一旦被無知之幕擋住,這個人可能會出生在社會中的 任意位置,這驅使人從社會最不幸的人的角度來考慮問 題和設計社會制度。

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John Rawls: “Justice as fairness”

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John Rawls: 1. 最低的最大限度規則 2. 正義二原則 (1) 對每個人都有利。 (2) 地位和職務對所有人平等開放。

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What you know :

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What you don’t suppose to know : ?

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#57 吃掉貓的提多斯(Eating Tiddles)

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#57a 吃掉芝麻的Kenji(Eating Chima)

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有一天, 你心愛的貓咪被車撞死了, 但牠還是一塊完整的肉, 該不該煮來吃?

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有一天, 你心愛的芝麻被車撞死了, 但牠還是一塊完整的肉, 該不該煮來吃?

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✓應該 ✗不應該

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✓應該 ✗不應該

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- 對身邊所有的食物與資源善加利用 - 遭遇過災害的人們來說,將自己所養的貓吃掉,並不是 一件痛苦的事情 - 貓也不是他殺的,只是將肉體給食用罷了(行為並無不 對) ✓應該

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- 沒有吃貓肉的習慣 - 對寵物有情感 - 怕染病? - 吃掉自己的貓也許在現代都市的道德良知中,是不被 接納的惡行 ✗不應該

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What if 芝麻 is a 火雞?

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有一天, 你心愛的芝麻被車撞死了, 但牠還是一塊完整的肉, 該不該煮來吃? What if 芝麻 is a pig?

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Slide 71 text Esther is some pig. She was misrepresented as a "micro pig" and sold to Steve and Derek in the Summer of 2012. She was just 4 pounds, and in under 2 years she grew to be 500 pounds! Derek and Steve kept Esther anyways. She was accustomed to home life, and so the whole family went on an adventure of a lifetime.

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發生意外時停車的責任 《道路交通條例》7部56條$FILE/CAP_374_c_b5.pdf

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發生意外時停車的責任 (1) 凡因有車輛在道路上而有意外發生,以致─ (a) 並非該車輛司機的人身體受傷;或 (b) 下述者受到損害─ (i) 車輛,但不包括該車輛或該車輛所拖曳的拖車; (ii) 動物,但不包括該車輛或該車輛所拖曳的拖車之內或之上的動物;或 (iii) 不在該車輛或該車輛所拖曳的拖車之內或之上的任何其他東西, 則該車輛的司機必須停車。

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發生意外時停車的責任 (1) 凡因有車輛在道路上而有意外發生,以致─ (a) 並非該車輛司機的人身體受傷;或 (b) 下述者受到損害─ (i) 車輛,但不包括該車輛或該車輛所拖曳的拖車; (ii) 動物,但不包括該車輛或該車輛所拖曳的拖車之內或之上的動物;或 (iii) 不在該車輛或該車輛所拖曳的拖車之內或之上的任何其他東西, 則該車輛的司機必須停車。

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- 估計因為該七類受保障的動物都是農民牲畜,若遇車禍死亡會造成經濟損 失。 -另一類說法則指,該法例取材自英國。 儘管山羊、綿羊在本港並不常見,但 亦一直沿用至今。 - 而且貓狗被視作寵物,其主人有責任加以保護。

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自願被吃的豬 一頭基因被改造過的豬,能說人話,它最大的希望就是 被人吃掉。 它把這個願望告訴了一個素食者,素食者想:不吃掉這頭 豬,就是不尊重它;而吃掉它,就和素食者不殺生的觀念 相悖。吃不吃?

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