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OS PARANAUÊS DO CSS3 @raphaelfabeni

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CSS3 é demais!

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Mas e aí... Estamos usando?

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Aceitar que algumas coisas não irão funcionar no seu IE8

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O usuário tem que atingir o objetivo dele!

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Será que é tão legal?

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Borda arredondada e sombra os antigos terrores do front-end

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Design não é apenas o que parece e o que se sente. Design é como funciona! Steve Jobs

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web ≠ impresso

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web ≠ impresso interativo estático

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Coisas boas e não tão boas

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Pré processadores

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“…preprocessors can be fantastic tools in the right hands. Tread carefully. In my experience, the longer you use them, the less useful they become. More than anything, it depends.” Daniel Eden

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Fique bom em CSS! Aprenda os paranuês...

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Aí depois...

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Fique muito bom em CSS! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Já vai manjar todos os paranuês...

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“Pré processadores podem ajudar como também podem maltratar bastante. Basta um escorregão para que seu projeto vire um inferno.” Diego Eis

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“Não é porque você pode que você deve.” Rafael Rinaldi apud Lucas Mazza

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“Não é porque tá funcionando que tá bom.” eu mesmo

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Transform #paranaue01

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9.0 4.0 3.1 10.5 3.5 3.2 mini ... 2.1 7.0 11.5 Suporte transform 37 32 10 9.9

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Prefixos Sintaxe -webkit-transform: paranaues; -moz-transform: paranaues; -ms-transform: paranaues; -o-transform: paranaues; transform: paranaues; transform: transform-function(value); transform

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Translate transform: translate(value, value); // X e Y transform: translateX(value); // X transform: translateY(value); // Y .class { transform: translateX(50px); } .class { transform: translate(50px, 25px); } transform

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transform Translate transform: translateX(100px);

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transform Translate transform: translateY(100px);

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Skew transform: skewX(value) skewY(value); .class { transform: skewY(25deg); } .class { transform: skewX(25deg); } transform

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transform Skew transform: skewX(20deg);

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transform Skew transform: skewY(20deg);

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Transform origin transform-origin: valueX valueY; .class { transform-origin: 25% 75%; } .class { transform-origin: top left; } transform

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transform Skew | origin transform: skewX(20deg); transform-origin: top left;

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transform Skew | origin transform: skewY(20deg); transform-origin: top left;

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Scale transform: scaleX(value); transform: scaleY(value); transform: scale(value); .class { transform: scale(1.25); } .class { transform: scaleX(0.75); } transform

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transform Scale transform: scaleX(0.75);

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transform Scale transform: scaleY(0.75);

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transform Scale transform: scale(0.75);

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transform Scale | origin transform: scale(0.75); transform-origin: top left;

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Rotate transform: rotate(value); transform: rotateX(value); transform: rotateY(value); .class { transform: rotate(45deg); } transform

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transform Rotate transform: rotate(-25deg);

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transform Rotate | origin transform: rotate(-25deg); transform-origin: bottom left;

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3D transform

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transform Rotate X transform: rotateX(180deg);

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transform Rotate Y transform: rotateY(180deg);

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Perspective perspective: value; .parent { perspective: 600px; } transform

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transform Rotate X | perspective transform: rotateX(180deg); perspective: 600px;

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transform Rotate Y | perspective transform: rotateY(180deg); perspective: 600px;

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Transform style transform-style: value; .class { perspective: preserve-3d; } transform .class { perspective: flat; }

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transform Transform style perspective transform-style transform

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transform Transform style transform: preserve-3d; transform: flat;

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transform Transform style transform: preserve-3d; transform: flat;

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Backface visibility backface-visibility: value; .class { backface-visibility: hidden; } transform

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2 1 transform backface visibility 1

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transform backface visibility 2 1

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transform backface visibility backface-visibility: hidden;

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Mixins transform @mixin transform($parameters) { -webkit-transform: $parameters; -moz-transform: $parameters; -o-transform: $parameters; -ms-transform: $parameters; transform: $parameters; } @mixin origin($valueX, $valueY) { -webkit-transform-origin: $valueX $valueY; -moz-transform-origin: $valueX $valueY; -o-transform-origin: $valueX $valueY; -ms-transform-origin: $valueX $valueY; transform-origin: $valueX $valueY; }

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transform @mixin perspective($value) { -webkit-perspective: $value; -moz-perspective: $value; -o-perspective: $value; -ms-perspective: $value; perspective: $value; } @mixin transform-style($value) { -webkit-transform-style: $value; -moz-transform-style: $value; -o-transform-style: $value; -ms-transform-style: $value; transform-style: $value; } @mixin backface-visibility($value) { -webkit-backface-visibility: $value; -moz-backface-visibility: $value; -o-backface-visibility: $value; -ms-backface-visibility: $value; backface-visibility: $value; }

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Transition #paranaue02

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Suporte transition 10 4.0 3.1 10.5 4.0 3.2 mini ... 2.1 7.0 10 37 32 10 9.9

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Prefixos Sintaxe -webkit-transition: paranaues; -moz-transition: paranaues; -o-transition: paranaues; transition: paranaues; *transition-property: property; *transition-duration: duration; transition-timing-function: value; transition-delay: delay; transition: property duration timing-function delay; transition

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Sintaxe transition property* duration* timing- function delay property duration ease 0 ease-in time ease-out cubic-bezier steps transition: background-color 1s; transition: background-color 1s ease 0;

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transition transition: background-color 1s; Transition

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transition transition: background-color 1s, height 1s 1s; Transition

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transition visibility: hidden; Pegadinhas visibility: visible; display: none; display: block; height: 0; height: auto;

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transition Transition (display) Alternativa usando opacidade e altura

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transition Transition (display) .class { opacity: 1; height: 400px; transition: height 0, opacity 0.5s; } .class:hover { opacity: 0; height: 0; transition: opacity 0.5s, height 0 0.5s; }

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transition Transition (tabs)

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transition Transition (tabs)

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transition Transition (tabs)

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transition Transition (accordion) .class { display: none; transition: display .5s; } { display: block; }

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transition Transition (accordion) .class { opacity: 0; max-height: 0; overflow: hidden; transition: all 1s; } { opacity: 1; max-height: 500px; }

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transition Transition (accordion) .class { opacity: 0; max-height: 0; overflow: hidden; transform: translateX(150px); transition: all 1s; } { opacity: 1; max-height: 500px; transform: translateX(0); }

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transition Mixin @mixin transition($parameters...) { -webkit-transition: $parameters; -moz-transition: $parameters; -o-transition: $parameters; transition: $parameters; } .class { @include transition(background-color 1s ease); }

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Animation #paranaue03

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Suporte animation 10 4.0 4.0 12 5.0 3.2 mini ... 2.1 4.0 7.0 12 37 32 10 9.9

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Prefixos Keyframes animation @-webkit-keyframes animacao {...} @-moz-keyframes animacao {...} @-o-keyframes animacao {...} @keyframes animacao {...} @keyframes animacao { from { ... } to { ... } }

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Keyframes transition @keyframes inferno { from { ... } to { ... } } @keyframes inferno { 0% { ... } 50% { ... } 100% { ... } }  forma mais básica  2 passos  maior controle  relativa à duração

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Sintaxe animation *animation-name: name; *animation-duration: duration; animation-timing-function: value; animation-delay: delay; animation-iteration-count: value; animation-direction: value; animation-fill-mode: value; animation-play-state: value; animation: name duration timing-function delay iteration-count direction fill-mode play-state;

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animation name* duration* timing- function delay iteration -count direction fill-mode play- state name duration ease 0 1 normal none runnin g ease-in time infinite alternate forwards paused ease-out value reverse backwards cubic- bezier alternate -reverse both steps Sintaxe

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Prefixos animation -webkit-animation: paranaues; -moz-animation: paranaues; -o-animation: paranaues; animation: paranaues; .class { animation: inferno 1s; }

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animation .class { animation: inferno 1s; } @keyframes inferno { from { background-color: #fff; height: 400px; } to { background-color: #eee; height: 200px; } }

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animation .class { animation: inferno 1s; }

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animation .class { animation: inferno 1s; } animation-name: inferno; animation-duration: 1s; animation-timing-function: ease; animation-delay: 0; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-direction: normal; animation-fill-mode: none; animation-play-state: running;

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animation .class { animation: inferno 1s; } animation-name: inferno; animation-duration: 1s; animation-timing-function: ease; animation-delay: 0; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-direction: normal; animation-fill-mode: none; animation-play-state: running; .class { animation: inferno 1s ease 0 1 normal none running; }

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timing function animation animation: inferno 1.5s linear; animation: inferno 1.5s ease; animation: inferno 1.5s ease-in; animation: inferno 1.5s ease-out; animation: inferno 1.5s cubic-bezier(0.680, -.550. 0.265, 1.550); animation: inferno 1.5s steps(4, end);

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animation delay animation: inferno 1.5s; animation: inferno 1.5s 0.5s; animation: inferno 1.5s 1s;

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animation iteration count animation: inferno 1.5s; animation: inferno 1.5s 3; animation: inferno 1.5s infinite;

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animation direction animation: inferno 1.5s; animation: inferno 1.5s reverse; animation: inferno 1.5s alternate; animation: inferno 1.5s alternate-reverse;

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animation fill mode animation: inferno 1.5s; animation: inferno 1.5s backwards; animation: inferno 1.5s forwards; animation: inferno 1.5s both;

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animation fill mode @keyframes inferno-fill { from { top: 0; background-color: green; } to { top: 400px; background-color: darkgreen; } } .class { background-color: orange; position: relative; top: 0; width: 200px; height: 200px; }

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animation play state animation: inferno 1.5s; animation: inferno 1.5s paused;

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Muito mais coisas...

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Não são dicas

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Não existe melhor ou pior! #3

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Deixe uma base pronta retrabalho é chato! #4

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Documente e organize seu código! #5

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Brinque mais! #6

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Compartilhe o que você sabe! #7

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Muito obrigado! @raphaelfabeni