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Front-end systems at scale with @fox ✨

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Tim Berners-Lee built HTML 25 years ago

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Håkon Wium Lie created CSS 5 years after

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CSS is still the building block carrying the metaphor of design into the living Web.

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The landscape of front-end tools is fascinating and overwhelming

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Advanced tooling is a blessing and a curse.

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What’s in a tool?

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A tool addresses human needs by amplifying human capabilities.That is, a tool converts what we can do into what we want to do. —Bret Victor

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Only when we have a shaped hypothesis about the experience in mind, should we proceed to choose the right tools. —Alexey Ivanov

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We jump on the bandwagon of newest technologies ‘cause nobody wants to work on a monolith.

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How to scale CSS?

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Tools are supposed to be the panacea for developers’ headaches. They’re not—architecture is.

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Problems of CSS at scale Global namespace Dependencies Dead Code Elimination Minification Sharing Constants Non-deterministic Resolution Isolation

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Problems of CSS at scale Scoping and specificity Dependencies Refactoring Performance Sharing Constants Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

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How do we solve these problems with CSS tooling?

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Transforming CSS

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No content

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No content

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We don’t understand what pre- and post-processing mean.

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Future-proofing is pre-processing.

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Post-processing is an umbrella for automation tasks for production, deploy-ready code.

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What is PostCSS?

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PostCSS is a parser allowing building systems to transform CSS.

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→ CSS → CSS parser module → module module → stringifier

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` ` { "use": ["postcss-import", "postcss-simple-vars", "postcss-cssnext"], "input": "src/main.css", "output": "dist/main.css", "local-plugins": "true", "postcss-cssnext": { "browsers": "last 2 versions", "verbose": true } } postcss.config.json Example of usage

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` ` "scripts": { "postinstall": "npm run watch", "watch": "onchange 'src/*.css' -- npm run build", "minify": "postcss -u cssnano dist/main.css -o dist/main.min.css", "cleanup": "del-cli dist/main.css", "build:css": "postcss -c postcss.config.json", "build": "npm run build:css && npm run minify && npm run cleanup" } package.json

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PostCSS is comprehensible and beginner-friendly.

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PostCSS is feature rich.

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Portability might not be easy.

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What is ?

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cssnext is a plugin allowing usage of tomorrow’s CSS syntax today.

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cssnext is future-proof.

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CSS isn’t a programming language.

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Future-proofing might be tricky.

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What are ?

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CSS modules offer full style encapsulation.

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No global scoping.

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No specificity wars.

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Increased barrier to entry with JavaScript-like ecosystem.

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What does all of that mean for scaling front-end systems?

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Problems of CSS at scale ✅ Scoping and specificity ✅ Dependencies ✅ Refactoring ✅ Performance ✅ Sharing Constants Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

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It’s easier to back up from a bad engineering decision rather than reinvent bad working culture.

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We need to support design and software choices we make, not only for our users, but our future-selves and teammates.

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Document and enforce standards in a teaching, empathetic way.

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People over technology.

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Thank you ⚡