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Speaking about Speaking...

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No content

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Be Authentic Fake it won't make it

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You can! Regardless of whatever

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Prepare Practice makes awesome

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Start with why

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Remember to remember

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Thread disparate content with sequence, connections and context. Create a story

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"Writing is nature's way of letting you know how sloppy your thinking is" - Guidon Cartoon

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Have plans B,C,D,...

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If you'll make them read... - Use large fonts - Be concise - Keep CLI prompt at the top - Use high contrast color schemes - Prefer high resolution images - Make no more than one point per slide

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Demos, videos, whiteboarding, labs… anything is more interesting than slides. Use multiple medias

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Everybody loves cases, deeper explanations, tips, tricks & hacks. Add your experience

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Align and review content, consider multiple submissions. Talk to the Program Committee

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- Name - E-mail - Wi-fi password - Break times - Social media aliases Keep on the board

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Soundcheck ✓ Projector ✓ Network ✓ Venue ✓ Devices

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Get excited! They only will if you do

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Don't let ANYONE bored!

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Easier said than done...

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Agenda, housekeeping, and even introductions can wait or be "lazy loaded"... Start and end with cool stuff

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It is a great call to attention, specially if directly and by name. Ask questions

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Standing by the side of the less interested may be a good call to attention Move around

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Make big gestures, change voice tone and volume It is unnatural and weird, so everyone pays attention to it.

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Lights are part of the show Switching the lights switches the focus

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Be very careful with humor Don't be offensive, make the joke about yourself

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Review last day, get and set expectations, write timing and facility information. Checkpoint and Recap

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Remind the main points on a secondary display Speaker notes are yours!

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Draw the story clearly and legibly Whiteboard for posterity!

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- Listen thoroughly and don't interrupt - Answer straight first, explain caveats afterwards - "I don't know" can be the best answer - Only compliment really "good questions" - Do not guess, defer and follow up instead - Track deferred questions on the board - Try different angles or examples if not understood - Ask back to verify understanding - Swag can buy (possibly bad) questions - Predict questions asking yourself "five whys" Questions are great content!

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Don't corner yourself by guessing. Commit to follow-up and get help about how to deliver the subject. Avoid guessing

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Start with questions and work backwards. Consider a question driven talk or section

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- Postpone the subject - Ask to follow back offline - Discern opinions from facts - Politely refuse to comment - Anticipate a break Don't allow spoilers and vandals

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Make them try! Encourage and support their demos and labs

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- Mind the time - Facilitate networking Make coffee breaks valuable

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- Names on Chrome favorites bar - “Momentum” Chrome extension - Desktop background picture - Close your personal tabs, Outlook and reminders - Rotate exposed credentials ASAP - Social engineering awareness - Be careful when showing your filenames Demo time

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Mark the middle or thirds slides for easy time keeping Manage time carefully and explicitly

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paint it black for maximum attention to you.

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Eye contact is important! Just don't be creepy

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Review and learn Share and improve from experience

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Record and review to kick off bad habits: - Recognize and avoid vocal "helpers" - Talking to board - Talking too loud or low - Being too salesy - Vendor bashing or glorification - Playing with markers Watch people watching you

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Send complementary references, whitepapers, books, articles, documentation and case studies. Recommend Resources

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Alternate support foot, walk, sit, drink lots of water, sleep and eat well. Take care of yourself

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Impostor Syndrome Nevermind the Bollocks

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Failures Everybody Hurts

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References Standing in the shoulders

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Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are

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TED's secret to great public speaking

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TED: The Power is In The Palm of Your Hands

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Melissa Marshall: Talk nerdy to me

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Leslie Lamport: Thinking Above the Code

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Barry Schwartz: The Paradox of Choice

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No content

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And the countless contributors to this presentation Thank You!

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Thank you! Contributions welcome :) @faermanj @cloudlopes