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Micro-Interactions in UX Design How Small Interactions Can Make a Big Impact @cyrilmottier

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gensdecon fi GensDeCon fi

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gensdecon fi GensDeCon fi ance is hiring!

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is hiring!

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Let’s talk about famous movie scenes… 🎬

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What do they all have in common?

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What do they all have in common? They are monologues

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Interactive / ˌɪn tərˈæk tɪv / Communicating with and reacting to each other; in fl uencing or having an e ff ect on each other; acting or capable of acting on each other or with the other.

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Solitary Interactive unidirectional bidirectional dialogue monologue ephemeral permanent

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Solitary Interactive

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This discipline is called interaction design (a.k.a. IxD design)

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What are micro-interactions?

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What are micro-interactions? Microinteractions are small moments that can be dull and forgettable, or fun and engaging.

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The details are not the details. They make the design. – Charles Eames “

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The structure of micro-interactions Loops & modes Feedback Trigger Rules

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The structure of micro-interactions Loops & modes Feedback Trigger Rules

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The structure of micro-interactions Loops & modes Feedback Trigger Rules

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Sign in Sign in Sign in Sign in

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“Hey Siri”

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The structure of micro-interactions Loops & modes Feedback Trigger Rules

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The structure of micro-interactions Loops & modes Feedback Trigger Rules

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victoire@gensdecon fi

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The structure of micro-interactions Loops & modes Feedback Trigger Rules

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The structure of micro-interactions Loops & modes Feedback Trigger Rules

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The structure of micro-interactions Loops & modes Feedback Trigger Rules

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The structure of micro-interactions Loops & modes Feedback Trigger Rules

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Design best practices 🤩 Design with intention Create harmony Complement vs distract Think subtle, brief and simple Make them e ff ortless and invisible Be functional fi rst Keep longevity in mind Have a user-centered design approach Adapt it to today’s world Don’t make your UI a Disney movie Follow the KISS principle Don’t start from zero Make it a story Absorb complexity Make it adaptative Polish from head to toe

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Design best practices 🤩 Design with intention Create harmony Complement vs distract Think subtle, brief and simple Make them e ff Be functional fi Keep longevity in mind Have a user-centered design approach Adapt it to today’s world Don’t make your UI a Disney movie Follow the KISS principle Don’t start from zero Make it a story Absorb complexity Make it adaptative Polish from head to toe

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Design best practices 🤩 Design with intention Create harmony Complement vs distract Think subtle, brief and simple Make them e ff Be functional fi Keep longevity in mind Have a user-centered design approach Adapt it to today’s world Don’t make your UI a Disney movie Follow the KISS principle Don’t start from zero Make it a story Absorb complexity Make it adaptative Polish from head to toe

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Design best practices 🤩 Design with intention Create harmony Complement vs distract Think subtle, brief and simple Make them e ff Be functional fi Keep longevity in mind Have a user-centered design approach Adapt it to today’s world Don’t make your UI a Disney movie Follow the KISS principle Don’t start from zero Make it a story Absorb complexity Make it adaptative Polish from head to toe

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Design best practices 🤩 Design with intention Create harmony Complement vs distract Think subtle, brief and simple Make them e ff ortless and invisible Be functional fi Keep longevity in mind Have a user-centered design approach Adapt it to today’s world Don’t make your UI a Disney movie Follow the KISS principle Don’t start from zero Make it a story Absorb complexity Make it adaptative Polish from head to toe

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Design best practices 🤩 Design with intention Create harmony Complement vs distract Think subtle, brief and simple Make them e ff Be functional fi rst Keep longevity in mind Have a user-centered design approach Adapt it to today’s world Don’t make your UI a Disney movie Follow the KISS principle Don’t start from zero Make it a story Absorb complexity Make it adaptative Polish from head to toe

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Design best practices 🤩 Design with intention Create harmony Complement vs distract Think subtle, brief and simple Make them e ff Be functional fi Keep longevity in mind Have a user-centered design approach Adapt it to today’s world Don’t make your UI a Disney movie Follow the KISS principle Don’t start from zero Make it a story Absorb complexity Make it adaptative Polish from head to toe

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Design best practices 🤩 Design with intention Create harmony Complement vs distract Think subtle, brief and simple Make them e ff ortless and invisible Be functional fi rst Keep longevity in mind Have a user-centered design approach Adapt it to today’s world Don’t make your UI a Disney movie Follow the KISS principle Don’t start from zero Make it a story Absorb complexity Make it adaptative Polish from head to toe

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Less is more. – Mies Van Der Rohe “

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That’s all folks! Any questions? @cyrilmottier