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Breaking down the monolith Peter Marton, Trace by RisingStack

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whoami company: CTO, Co-founder of RisingStack work: Trace By RisingStack twitter: slashdotpeter blog:

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What is ? - Node.js performance monitoring tool - Microservice debugging tool - Built with Node.js - Built as a monolith in MVP phase

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agenda 1. Monolith and Microservices 2. Why we moved to microservices? 3. Our experiences with microservices 4. Microservices challenges

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1. Monolith and microservices

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monolith self-contained

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monolith responsible for multiple tasks

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microservice smaller services each with separate DB

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microservice split code by feature not by functionality

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microservice complexity in network

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microservice NOT FOR MVP!

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agenda 1. Monolith and Microservices 2. Why we moved to microservices? 3. Our experiences with microservices 4. Microservices challenges

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2. Why we moved to microservices?

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Why microservices? growing engineering team

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Why microservices? separated features -> more focused people

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Why microservices? need for fault tolerance

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agenda 1. Monolith and Microservices 2. Why we moved to microservices? 3. Our experiences with microservices 4. Microservices challenges

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3. Our experiences with microservices

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Well focused independent teams (pro)

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Faster innovation (pro)

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Easier to scale a specific part (pro)

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Features fail independently (pro)

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Increasing architectural complexity (cons)

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Increasing response times (cons)

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Harder to test (cons)

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Microservice experiences - Independent and focused teams (pro) - Faster innovation (pro) - Easier to scale (pro) - Features fail independently (pro) - Increasing architectural complexity (cons) - Increasing response times (cons) - Harder to test (cons)

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agenda 1. Monolith and Microservices 2. Why we moved to microservices? 3. Our experiences with microservices 4. Microservices challenges

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4. Microservice challenges

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Fault tolerance

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If monitoring goes down... who knows that you are down?

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Fault tolerance services fail separately

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Fault tolerance critical resources should be cached

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Our caching - service level caching - our service-lib handles it - via cache headers - Not an SDK

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Fault tolerance temporary failures -> CQRS, reliable queue

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Persistent queue

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Increasing complexity

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Where we started (~8 months ago)

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Where we are (today)

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What if it breaks?

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Logs everywhere

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Distributed tracing

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Distributed tracing

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Distributed tracing - Transaction ID, Correlation ID - Google Dapper white paper - Trace by RisingStack (SaaS) - Zipkin

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Response time

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Even with very fast services

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Because of network delays

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Network delay is evil in microservices

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Keep your services “close” to each other

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Proxy approach

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Proxy - Evolutionary design (pro) - Authentication in proxy (pro) - Cookie handling at service (cons) - Service formats response for browser (cons)

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Services interfaces are designed with browser in mind

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API Gateway

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API Gateway Img:

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API Gateway - Everything that’s client(s) specific: - Auth: Cookie headers, JWT token etc. - Protocol: http, WebSocket etc. - Response format: JSON, XML etc. - Combine resources: from multiple services

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Request signing - Trusted sources (services) on public channel - node-http-signature - Built-in in request and super-request npm libs

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Service teams

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Your services are products for your customers and co-workers!

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Service principles

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Service principles max. three depth call chains

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Service principles always backward compatible endpoints

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Service principles do not version services (only endpoints)

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Service principles use feature toggles heavily (flippers)

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Service principles good to start here:

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Documented API(s)

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Documented API enforce documentation

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Documented API update docs together with code

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Documented API make it available for everyone

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Challenges - Fault tolerance - Debugging with distributed tracing - Response times - Proxy / API Gateway - Service teams and principles - Documented API(s)

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