Distributed tracing
- Transaction ID, Correlation ID
- Google Dapper white paper
- Trace by RisingStack (SaaS)
- Zipkin
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Response time
Slide 51
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Even with very fast services
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...you can have a slow app
Slide 53
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Because of network delays
Slide 54
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Network delay is evil
in microservices
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Keep your services
“close” to each other
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Proxy approach
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Slide 58
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- Evolutionary design (pro)
- Authentication in proxy (pro)
- Cookie handling at service (cons)
- Service formats response for browser (cons)
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Services interfaces are
designed with browser in mind
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API Gateway
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API Gateway
Img: http://bits.citrusbyte.com/microservices
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API Gateway
- Everything that’s client(s) specific:
- Auth: Cookie headers, JWT token etc.
- Protocol: http, WebSocket etc.
- Response format: JSON, XML etc.
- Combine resources: from multiple services
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Request signing
- Trusted sources (services) on public channel
- node-http-signature
- Built-in in request and super-request npm libs
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Service teams
Slide 66
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Your services are products
for your customers and co-workers!
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Service principles
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Service principles
max. three depth
call chains
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Service principles
always backward
compatible endpoints
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Service principles
do not version
services (only endpoints)
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Service principles
use feature toggles
heavily (flippers)
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Service principles
good to start here:
Slide 73
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Documented API(s)
Slide 74
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Documented API
Slide 75
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Documented API
update docs
together with code
Slide 76
Slide 76 text
Documented API
make it available
for everyone
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Slide 77 text
- Fault tolerance
- Debugging with distributed tracing
- Response times
- Proxy / API Gateway
- Service teams and principles
- Documented API(s)