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Aron Walsh, Richard Catlow, Alexey Sokol and Scott Woodley Materials Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University College London Global and Local Minimum Structures for Clusters of Indium Sesquioxide

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Transparent Conducting Oxides Combine optical transparency with electronic conductivity > 3 eV EF n-type: In2 O3 , SnO2 , ZnO In2 O3 :Sn, SnO2 :F, ZnO:Al p-type: CuAlO2 , SrCu2 O2 CuAlO2 :Mg, SrCu2 O2 :Ca Applications: Flat-panel displays, organic and inorganic solar cells, organic light-emitting diodes, transparent displays, chemical sensors, smart windows.

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Reduce Indium Dependence • Lower Cost • Increase Stability • Optoelectronic Control • Parent Binary Oxides: ZnO, In2 O3 , Al2 O3 , Ga2 O3 , SnO2 • Electronic Band Gaps: Al >> Ga > Sn > Zn > In • Resistivity: Al >> Ga > Sn > Zn > In In2 O3 (ZnO) In2 O3 (ZnO)3 In2 O3 (ZnO)5 A. Walsh et al. Phys. Rev. B 79, 073105 (2009).

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Nanostructures • An alternative approach to reduce indium usage.

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Goal and Methods • Derive robust interatomic In2 O3 potential. Explore high pressure behaviour. • Determine lowest energy structures formed from stoichiometric building blocks: (In2 O3 )n n = 1 – 7 Global optimization: Evolutionary algorithm (GULP). • Validate and characterize using a first-principles method. Density functional theory calculations (VASP). • Assess structural trends, stability and optoelectronic properties.

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Goal and Methods

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Indium Sesquioxide • Crystal Structure: Cubic bixbyite lattice (80 atom cell). • Band Gap: Fundamental 2.9 eV1; optical > 3.5 eV. • Conductivity: Oxygen deficient; intrinsically n-type. 1A. Walsh et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 167402 (2008).

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Interatomic Potential: In2 O3 6 exp i j ij ij ij ij q q r C U A r r ρ ⎛ ⎞ = + − − ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ Property Experiment Literature Potential1 Sokol Potential2 LDA-DFT a (Å) 10.117 10.120 10.121 10.094 B (GPa) 194.24 222.79 193.77 174 ε0 8.9-9.5 6.87 9.05 ε∞ 4.0 3.53 3.90 3.82 • Buckingham potential with shell polarization on oxygen. 1O. Warschkow et al., J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 86, 1700 (2003). 2A. Walsh et al, Chemistry of Materials 21, 4962 (2009).

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Interatomic Potential: In2 O3 • Reproduces high pressure phase stabilities.

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Clusters: n = 1 0.00 eV (C2v ) 0.11 eV (D∞ ) 0.49 eV (C2v ) 1.69 eV (D3h )

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Clusters: n = 2 0.00 eV (C2h ) 1.04 eV (Td ) 1.22 eV (D2h ) 1.20 eV (C2v )

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Clusters: n = 3 0.60 eV (C2v ) 0.00 eV (C2s ) 1.53 eV (D3h )

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Clusters: n = 4 1.16 eV (C2v ) 0.00 eV (D3d ) 3.84 eV (Oh )

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Clusters: n = 5 0.30 eV (C2 ) 0.00 eV (C1 ) 4.60 eV (D5h )

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Clusters: n = 6 6.06 eV (D6h ) 0.00 eV (C1 ) 0.42 eV (D3d )

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Clusters: n = 7 0.35 eV (D3 ) 0.10 eV (C1 ) 0.00 eV (C1 )

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Nanoclusters: n = 1 - 7 1. C2v 2. C2h 3. C2s 4. D3d 5. C1 6. C1 7. C1

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Cluster Stability 0 2 4 6 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Energy (eV per n) (In2 O3 )n 1 E n ∝

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Frontier Orbitals (n = 1, 2) n = 1 n = 2 HOMO LUMO HOMO LUMO

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Frontier Orbitals (n = 4) HOMO LUMO

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Frontier Orbitals (n = 6) HOMO LUMO

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Frontier Orbital Separation -7 -6 -5 -4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 GGA HOMO-LUMO Levels (eV ) (In2 O3 )n HOMO LUMO

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Conclusion • Presented a new In2 O3 interatomic potential that describes bulk and cluster properties. • n < 4 clusters have distinct symmetric global minima. • n > 4 clusters tend towards bulk-like, low symmetry particles. • Open framework clusters have high energetic cost. • HOMO and LUMO character is consistent with bulk. Future work: • Extend to higher n. • Explore excited state properties. Acknowledgements: Materials Chemistry Consortium (Access to Hector); EU FP7 (Marie Curie Fellowship).

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Bonus Slides

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Interatomic Potential: In2 O3 • Anion Frenkel Formation

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TCO Applications Source: Nikkei Electronics Asia

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Nanocluster Paper