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R&D Center Base System Development Department Copyright 2019 Sony Corporation Container Tracer using OCI hooks on Kubernetes Kubernetes Invitational Meetup Tokyo #4 Kenta Tada R&D Center Sony Corporation

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About me ⚫System Software Engineer, Sony ⚫OSS Contributor • runC • Docker • containerd and so on

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Agenda ⚫OCI hooks recap ⚫Current status of Kubernetes integration ⚫Case Study • Tracer using OCI hooks for Tracer for ROS (Robot Operating System)

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OCI hooks recap

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OCI hooks ⚫OCI hooks are executed by container runtime ⚫You can set up the hooks at • Prestart • Poststart • Poststop ⚫From OCI runtime spec, the state of the container which includes container initial PID must be passed to hooks over stdin ⚫More hooks are currently proposed. •

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Current status of Kubernetes integration

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How to set up prestart hook in Kubernetes ⚫Kubernetes Pod Lifecycle and related hook ⚫Kubernetes did not provide prestart hook • process lifetime process start process stop prestop poststart

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How to operate OCI hooks from Kubernetes 1. Set up OCI hooks on high level runtime 2. Control OCI hooks per Pod using Kubernetes annotations

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Current status of containerd 1. Set up OCI hooks on high level runtime • containerd is currently developing option for setting OCI hook – – 2. Control OCI hooks per Pod using Kubernetes annotations • containerd supported for passing annotations to low level runtime – ○ ×

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Current status of CRI-O 1. Set up OCI hooks on high level runtime • CRI-O and Podman have already provided their own solution "oci- hooks“ 2. Control OCI hooks per Pod using Kubernetes annotations • CRI-O is currently developing passing annotations to low level runtime – ○ ×

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Case Study

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Recap : Container Tracer ⚫We are developing an experimental tool to trace system calls inside containers without any debug tools in Pod. • kubernetes-using-linux-kernel-tools • ⚫ This tool uses OCI hooks to trace system calls from apps startup.

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What is ROS (Robot Operating System)? ⚫ROS (Robot Operating System) provides libraries and tools to help software developers create robot applications. • ⚫ROS is the middleware. Hardware OS(Ex. Ubuntu) ROS Apps(Ex. path planning)

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Tracer for ROS containers ⚫We are trying to launch ROS nodes on Kubernetes. • Ex. Using Docker with ROS – ⚫We are also trying to use our container tracer to trace ROS nodes from apps startup.

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Case Study : RT apps on the container environment ⚫RT apps on our rootless container failed to execute sched_setscheduler(2) during apps startup.

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Tracer found two root causes ⚫Container side issue • With systemd, we needed to set up LimitRTPRIO in service file. – allow-daemon-to-set-rt-priority ⚫Kernel side issue • With systemd, we needed to consider CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED. – But these issues don’t depend on ROS.

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Wrap up ⚫We cannot set up and control OCI hooks from Kubernetes for now. ⚫Container tracer is useful. • Contribute new facilities from our internal tool. –Ex. Linux capability checker –Ex. negative dentry snoop – • I want to discuss use cases of the container tracer among various industries.

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