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BETTER CODE REVIEW Hi everyone! ! I’m Doc Ritezel. I run Ministry of Velocity, a consulting company here in San Francisco. ! We help companies like yours get better at refactoring and object oriented design in Javascript, Go and Ruby. ! We also help teams get better at interviewing, communicating and code review.

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OLD CODE REVIEW The dude in this picture is doing code review in a classic sense. This is what the first four weeks at my first job looked like back in the 90s. ! 40 feet of dot-matrix printer paper, Steelcase cubicle dividers, khakis. Wow, I’m dating myself. ! So what I’d do back then is mark up code that didn’t look right, then pass it off to other programmers for fixing.

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NEW CODE REVIEW Your team might have a modern workflow incorporating GitHub. ! One person makes a series of git commits on a branch, then bundles them into a pull request. ! Team members leave comments, code gets cleaned up, the branch is merged. ! So obviously we’ve improved.

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BETTER CODE REVIEW In-person code reviews are the next level up. ! Compared to GitHub pull requests, they’re faster, more direct and avoid those moments where you’re stuck wondering about sarcasm on the internet. ! But if you’ve gone down the road of reviewing code in person, you might have experienced tension or awkwardness. ! It could probably be better.

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I’ve been a consultant for over a decade and a half. ! Depending on how we’re counting, I’ve done a few thousand code reviews, each of them special in its own way.

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of NO PAIR IS AN ISLAND When you’re junior and pairing with someone more senior, code reviews sometimes feel like judgment. ! Even pair programming, the most high-bandwidth form of programmer interaction, can’t stave off that intense feeling. ! Have you ever felt this way?

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In order to understand more about what’s going on, I’m going to simulate a code review. ! There are two roles I’m going to talk about: ! *Reviewer *Author ! For this example: ! *I’m going to be the Reviewer. ! And that cat’s just going to hang out looking fuzzy.

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of NOT ALL CODE CAN BE A WINNER So here’s a basic Backbone view. ! If you’ve written a Backbone app lately, you might appreciate some of what’s about to happen. ! If not, it’s just your average Javascript atrocity.

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What’s going on here? You shouldn’t be using IDs here.

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Ugh, I hate seeing this. Always use templates in #render.

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You’re a junior programmer, and you probably don’t know this, but this isn’t idiomatic JavaScript.

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Oh my gosh. How can we make these functions better?

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PHEW That was really intense. ! *Even though it was just you, me and some bad code, it feels like something’s happened.

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“You shouldn’t be using IDs here.” Let’s talk about what the Reviewer said first: ! *“You shouldn’t be using IDs here” ! Of all the days I’ve been on client projects in the last year, ! maybe a handful of them passed without hearing something like this.

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BEING RIGHT This is called “Being Right”. ! Instead of talking about the merits of the code on the screen, the Reviewer is using objective facts, rules or information from outside the current discussion. ! Enforcing standards isn’t the most efficient use of time. ! Also, we’ve got Continuous Integration. ! Build failures are annoying, but the upside is that there’s no judgment.

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In contrast, having someone come over and tell you there’s a bug in your code feels uncomfortable.

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of •Style guides •Linters (CSSLint, JSHint) •Complexity (CodeClimate, Sonar) •Test Coverage (Blanket.js) INSTEAD OF BEING RIGHT Consider adding these tools: ! *If formatting comes up a lot, fork a Style Guide.
 ! *Add linters if code just doesn’t look right.
 ! *Add CodeClimate or Sonar if complexity or big methods need to be called out frequently.
 ! *If testing is important to your team, and tests aren’t being added, add a code coverage tool. ! Settings files don’t feel judged.

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“Always use templates in #render.” Let’s look at something else the Reviewer said: ! *“Always use templates in #render”

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GENERALIZING Words like “always” or “never” are generalizations. ! “Always use templates in #render” is really confusing. I mean, what if you have to set the inner HTML sometimes? ! This is tricky!

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Whenever I hear “never do X” or “always do Y”, my brain immediately goes on the defensive. ! In the best of times, I’ll try to think of all the weird edge cases. ! In the worst of times, I’ll try to justify my code by saying something like “well, this is just an experiment.” ! As the Author, this doesn’t build a lot of confidence.

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of INSTEAD OF JUSTIFYING “Always use templates in #render.” “Can you show me what you mean?” Here’s a better approach. Just ask the Reviewer: ! *“Can you show me what you mean?” ! This lets the Author establish rapport with the Reviewer. ! The Reviewer feels trusted: they have space to explain what they’d like to see in the code. ! More importantly, the conversation moves away from the Author and back towards the code on the screen.

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“Junior programmer, you wouldn’t understand that this isn’t idiomatic” Okay, looking at this, we can see ! *automatic semicolon insertion
 ! *what seems to be a Heartbleed-style if-statement
 ! *possibly jQuery issues? ! ! The Reviewer chose to respond in a very particular way: ! *“As a junior programmer, you wouldn’t understand that this isn’t idiomatic JavaScript”. !

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LABELING “Labeling.” ! The Author will remember being called a “junior programmer” for the rest of their career. ! There’s no way to unspeak those words. ! The damage done can be permanent.

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of INSTEAD OF CORRECTING MISPERCEPTIONS “Junior programmer, you wouldn’t understand that this isn’t idiomatic” “What changes should I make so that this code is more idiomatic?” However, the Reviewer might be trying to say something valuable and choosing the worst way to say it. ! As the Author, we can steer the conversation away from personal comments and back toward the code with a simple question. ! *“What changes should I make so that this code is more idiomatic?” !

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“How can we make this better?” Alright, so: ! *“How can we make this better?” ! Might not seem like a terrible question when it’s written down and we’re looking at it up on the screen. ! In the moment, remember, something happened. ! When I was talking with a consultant I work with, we came up with a pretty clear motivation: the Reviewer wants to guide the Author using Socratic questioning.

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GUESSING GAME This is called the “Guessing Game.” ! The Author wrote this code, and the code review itself can imply that what’s there must be bad somehow. ! In deliberately hiding expectations, the Reviewer is creating a gulf that the Author needs to bridge. ! Pressure is put on the Author to come up with the correct answer. ! That’s combined with the Reviewer’s knowledge of the code’s inadequacy.

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In response, the Author might defensively tune out. ! Instead of being open to feedback during the code review, it’s easier to just stare out the window. ! The hard part here is, frustratingly, detecting when you’ve tuned out.

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of INSTEAD OF TUNING OUT “How can we make this better?” “I feel confused about what that means. Where should we start?” The best way to re-engage with the Reviewer is to just talk about it: ! *“I feel confused about what that means. Where should we start?”

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Okay, let’s step back from the nitty-gritty details for a second. ! Code review is very formal, even to the point where people write books and give talks about it. ! We even use forms of code review for interviews, like white-boarding and pair programming. ! As we’ve found out, getting your code reviewed can sometimes be kinda nasty. ! So how do you know when you’ve had enough and your brain is melting down?

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GUT CHECK Do a gut check. ! Your body will tell you when you’re under a large amount of stress. ! Now, your body is also inconsistent, but there are some signs you can notice.

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Physical Discomfort The first and most obvious sign of stress is physical discomfort. ! I usually notice myself fidgeting. I usually don’t do it unless something’s up. ! Your body might have its own expression.

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Silence Silence is another sign of physical stress. ! If you and your coworker are just staring at the code, avoiding eye contact, not talking, then something is definitely up. ! What I notice is that I’m in this silent moment, and I’m not really sure how long I’ve been there.

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Finally, you can just feel tired. ! During my first job where I was doing code review on a full-time basis, I would fall asleep at 11am sharp. ! The constant drumbeat of physical stress wore me down.

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STRESS IDENTIFIED Okay, so you’re feeling one of these signs. Great. ! There’s only one way to really handle this: change your current physical situation. ! Mention what you’re feeling and propose a break.

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“Wow, my back is killing me. ! I need to put my feet up for 15 minutes or so.”

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“Hey, I need to go walk around downtown San Francisco and step in some poop of unknown origin. ! I’ll be back in a few.”

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“I’m feeling kinda tired. ! I’m going to get a $7 cup of coffee.”

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MISMANAGING STRESS One way that some teams deal with stress is by encouraging at-work drinking. ! Drinking won’t make stress go away, but Twitter may get very upset with the consequences.

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“Let’s pick this up again tomorrow.” Sometimes, you can’t disengage from the situation after you come back from a break. ! If the Reviewer isn’t backing off and you’ve had enough, it’s time to call it a day. ! There’s something you can say here, too. ! *Let’s pick this up again tomorrow ! After that, you can go home or work on something else, but the code review is definitely over.

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PRACTICE I’d like to end on a high note. I’m leaving you with a lot of information today. ! These are really difficult things to change. ! All of them take practice.

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of REVIEWER BEHAVIORS •Being Right •Generalizing •Labeling •Guessing Game I’ve given you a bunch of tools for recognizing when a Reviewer is going too far. ! *Being right, an appeal to an external authority
 ! *Generalizing, the use of absolutes
 ! *Labeling, the act of excluding the Author from the engineering group’s inner circle
 ! *Playing the guessing game, getting the Author to exclude themselves

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of AUTHOR SIGNS OF PHYSICAL STRESS •Physical discomfort •Silence •Exhaustion There are signs that you need to take a break: ! *Physical discomfort
 ! *Silence
 ! *Exhaustion ! There are other signs of physical stress than what’s up here, and you know your body’s language better than anyone else. ! These are just what I notice.

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of LANGUAGE TOOLS FOR CODE REVIEW •Talk about the code •Self-directed commentary •Avoid “you” Finally, there are some ground rules during a code review that both the Author and Reviewer should follow: ! *Talk about the code on the screen
 ! *Use self-directed commentary, sentences that begin with “I feel” and “I think”
 ! *Avoid talking about the other person, specifically be aware of the word “you”

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All of this is gradual. ! You’ll start being aware of behaviors and practicing, but you probably won’t notice changes right away. ! It’s just like with meditation or yoga. ! When you’re better at it, you’ll know because it’s easier than it was six months ago.

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Doc Ritezel @ohrite Thanks. Thanks for your time!