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Eberhard Wolff Fellow INNOQ @ewolff

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Independent Systems Architecture: ISA

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Modules Macro / Micro Architecture Independent Continuous Delivery Pipeline Resilience Integration & Communication Authentication & Metadata Standardized Operations Standards: Interface only Container Independent Systems Architecture

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Microservices = Extremely decoupled modules

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Most important factor for microservice: Getting the split right!!!

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Bounded Context: Specialized domain model for some use cases.

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Order Invoice Delivery Items Customer Credit cards Taxes Parcel service Returns

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Events • Communication between Bounded Contexts • Event in business domain • Past tense • Immutable

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Events enable decoupling.

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Events & microservices:

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Events & microservices: A match made in heaven.

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Event: Decoupling • Time: Might handle event later • Availability: Down? Handle event later • Change?

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Order Accepted Invoice Delivery Asynchronous Communication ???

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Order Accepted Item prices Billing address Item sizes Item weights Delivery address ??? Invoice Delivery ??? • Lots of data • Which Bounded Context uses what? • Changes can impact all modules • DDD: Published Language • THE order model?

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Delivery Order Accepted Invoice Order Accepted Item prices Billing address Item sizes Item weights Delivery address • Specialized “events” • Independent evolution • Easy to figure out which Bounded Context uses what • Extensibility = new event • DDD: Customer / Supplier ??? Order Accepted ???

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Order Accepted Order ID • Just an ID • Provide additional specialized API for data for each consumer • Compromise between extensibility and specialized events

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Events: Conclusion • Events per se provide limited decoupling. • What data should be included? • Prefer specialized events and just IDs

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Events: Conclusion • Best option for communication between Bounded Contexts. • Great fit for a Ubiquitous Language. • But: Implicit replication

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What Kind of Inconsistencies? • One system for invoices • One for deliveries • One for orders • One source of truth for invoices/deliveries/orders. • No “invoice might be there or not”

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Inconsistencies • Either delivery without invoice • …or invoice without delivery. • Will eventually be solved. • Delays are not unheard of. • What is the alternative? • Centralized complex database?

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Inconsistencies • Consequences if data appears after 0.1s / 1s / 1min / 1h / 1d ? • “Invoice has to be there in <1min!!!!!”

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Event Sourcing • Store the events that lead to a specific state + state (optional) • System of record: Event or state • No clear definition eaaDev/EventSourcing.html

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Microservice Interface Calls, messages, … Event Store Order Cancelled 42 Order Accepted 23 Order Accepted 42 Order 42 Order 23 Order Delivered 23 Order 23 ✔ State

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State Events Calculate State on Demand State+ Events Event Sourcing

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Event Sourcing: Advantages • Might be a better model • History log • Audit log • Can rebuild state • Even after the domain model changed

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Event Sourcing: Advantages • Temporal queries easy (yesterday’s state) • Replay • Reversal • Scalability – might replicate state using events

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Event Sourcing: Challenges • External systems might have different data • …and behave differently during replay. • Code changes might change response to events • …even if it is just a bug fix.

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Event Sourcing: Pattern for Persistence

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Persistence • Responsibility of the microservices • Might be changed • Might be different for each microservice • Event Sourcing should be a local decision • Event sourcing makes it easier to fix inconsistencies.

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event sourcing

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Kafka Records • Key • Value • Timestamp • Headers • Stored forever (!) Record Key Value Timestamp

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Kafka Topics • Topics have a name • Topics have partitions • Order guaranteed per partition • Consumer commits offset per partition • Consumer group: One consumer per partition Topic Partition Record Record Record

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Topic Partition Record Record Record Consumer Offset Offset committed per consumer Offset Partition Record Record Record Partition Record Record Record Producer Consumer Consumer group

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Kafka Replication • N Replicas (configurable) • In-sync replicas (configurable): write successful if all written

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Order Invoice Delivery

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Docker-Host Apache httpd Load Balancer Postgres Order Shipping Invoicing Kafka Zookeeper HTTP-Routing 8080 8080 80 8080 8080 9092

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Events • Events contain all information for invoice and delivery • Alternative: specific events • …more independence • Alternative: just ID in the event • …plus service to get detailed information

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Data • Data is copied into invoice / delivery database • …and denormalized • Each invoice and delivery contains customer and item data from when the order was created. • Bounded Context • No complex historization

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Kafka Conclusion • Provides access to old events • Guaranteed order per partition • Consumer groups send records to one consumer • Additional (complex) infrastructure

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Atom • Data format • …for feeds, blogs, podcasts etc • Access through HTTP • Idea: Provide a feeds of events / orders

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Atom Feed • Some unneeded information author, summary, title… • Mostly links to details • ...and timestamps • Content negotiation can provide different data formats or details

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Subscribing to Feed • Poll the feed (HTTP GET) • Client decides when to process new events • …but very inefficient • Lots of unchanged data

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HTTP Caching • Client GETs feed • Server send data + Last-Modified header • Client sends GET + If-Modified-Since header • Server: 304 (Not modified) …or new data

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Docker-Host 80 8080 Apache httpd Postgres Order Shipping Invoicing HTTP-Routing HTTP + Atom 8080 8080 8080

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Do you need Atom?

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Do you need Atom? No!

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Alternative • Roll your own format …that has no information only relevant for blogs …with links to details ...use content negotiation for details • Only issue: Atom reader cannot handle format

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Atom Conclusion • Can provides access to old events if they are stored anyway. • One consumer: idempotency • No additional infrastructure • But: Can’t send event to just one receiver

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Conclusion • Most important: Getting the split right! • Bounded Context • …communicate via business events • Inconsistencies can be dealt with • What is in the event? • Don’t share events for event sourcing! • Do not overuse event sourcing. • Kafka: Great solution for messaging • …but REST might be enough.

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