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Event Sourcing Why state is not a fact but a first class derivative of things that happened

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Who am I Frank Jogeleit @move:elevator GmbH Backend Engineer GitHub: Twitter: @FrankJogeleit

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Do you think your bank account balance is a column in a table?

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What is Event Sourcing? • Its used for • most financial systems like Banking-, Trading-, Gambling Software • healthcare like medical files • legal contracts For sure nothing new

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What is Event Sourcing • Proper Audit • Logging core idea

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„Event Sourcing says all state is transient and you only store facts“

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What is Event Sourcing? Traditional View Line Items (2) Purchase Order Shipping Informations

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What is Event Sourcing? Event Sourcing View Card created 3 Items Added Item Removed Shipping Information Added Event Stream

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What is Event Sourcing? • Losing no Information • Explicit Time Information • No updates / deletes, only append • Who now which data will be valuable in the future? • State is a first class derivative What changes?

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What is Event Sourcing? • Past Data for future features • Reports • Events are use cases • Code reflect behavior • Recreate state at any point in time in the past New capabilities

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What is Event Sourcing? • Readmodels are a (persistent) representation of the current state of your application • Created as a left fold of your Event Stream in historical order • You can create as many Readmodels as you want for a single Event Stream • Readmodel persistence is independent from your Events, e.g. • InMemory for business decisions • Redis for short caches • SQL or NoSQL Databases for Views Readmodels

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CQRS Command Query Responsibility Separation

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What is CQRS? • Like the name already implies this pattern separate reading from writing operations • Your operation has return type void? -> Command • Your operation returns any value? -> Query • Queries must not change any state of your app • When you execute a query many times, the result has to be the same. (Assumed no other operations happened) Not much more as simple Pattern

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CQRS + Event Sourcing • Commands represent behavior and create one or many Events • The EventStore is the single source of truth • ReadModels could be used for business decisions(*) • Queries using Readmodels to return application state How they work together

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Side Effects • It many cases some kind of MessageBuses are used to implement the CQRS pattern • Beside a Command- and QueryBus you can use an EventBus to trigger some kind of Side Effect • An EventBus publish persisted (Domain) Events, so you can listen for it and execute related logic, for example • send a Registration E-Mail • trigger another related service to your event (Purchase- and Billing Service) EventBus / ProcessManager / Saga - you named it

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Trade Offs • Replaying many Events (really many) is time expensive, you can create snapshot but you also have to manage them • Creating Readmodels asynchronously can lead to concurrency problems • Events are immutable but in some cases like GDPR (DSVO) you have to anonymize Data • Event Sourcing with Files need additional work Event Sourcing is perfect, isn’t it? - Almost

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Bank Account API Event Sourcing by Example

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Event Sourcing by Example • Github: • NodeJS API Example with TypeScript, NestJS • Hosted Example • EventStore Bank Account API

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