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Slide 1 text Agile Scotland Edinburgh - December 2019 Zenon Hannick & Craig Fotheringham How to be an Evil Scientist

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Welcome to Cat Paws Inc.

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Why are we evil enough to be standing in front of you?

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How to be an Evil Scientist 1. Choose an evil name

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Your first name A The Evil N The Crazy B The Terrifying O The Iron C The Big P The Poison D The Dangerous Q The Bloody E Captain R The Annoying F The Ghostly S The Dangerous G Professor T The Rancid H Doctor U The Invisible I Phantom V The Dastardly J The Brutal W The Atomic K The Unstoppable X The Mega L The Vile Y The Grand M The Dark Z The Vicious

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Your last name A Shadow N Child B Wizard/Witch O Corpse C Tarantula P Slayer D Skull Q Spider E Mastermind R Creature F Wizard S Werewolf G Ninja T Monster H Devil U Vampire I Freak V Mutant J Beast W Robot K Criminal X Claw L Master Y Machine M Lord/Lady Z Clown

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How to be an Evil Scientist 1. Choose an evil name ✔ 2. Share the most evil thing you’ve ever done

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This is Billie ● Consulting Engineer for Armakuni ● Quite tall ● Helps people use best practices ● Favourite animal is the capybara ● Evil Name - The Terrifying Monster ● We stole this talk from her, turned it into a workshop and didn’t even say “thank-you”!

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Not evil enough for you?

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How to be an Evil Scientist 1. Choose an evil name ✔ 2. Share the most evil thing you’ve ever done ✔ 3. Learn the rules every evil scientist must follow

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Evil Scientist Rules Always have lots of evil schemes - you never know if there’s going to be a sequel Always start small Always have an arch-enemy Always have an escape plan Always boast, there’s no point in being evil if you don’t boast about it Never wear capes Never get caught monologuing Always measure everything Always splice things together

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How to be an Evil Scientist 1. Choose an evil name ✔ 2. Share the most evil thing you’ve ever done ✔ 3. Learn the rules every evil scientist must follow ✔ 4. Discover our arch enemies

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Our Arch Enemies Waiting Around Kid Captain Defect General Heroics The Crimson Handoff Gold Plated Features Girl Mr Unneeded Process El Manual Work Awful Comms Boy Knowledge Drain Man Constance “Task” Switching The Relearner Rework

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Our Arch Enemies Partially Completed Work Woman Dr Overly Complex Solutions The Siloed Worker Poor Visibility Man

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Refuses to collaborate or attend meetings Works unsociable hours Code structure is in their head Believe they don’t need training Poor mentors The go-to person for QAs and support

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How to be an Evil Scientist 1. Choose an evil name ✔ 2. Share the most evil thing you’ve ever done ✔ 3. Learn the rules every evil scientist must follow ✔ 4. Discover our arch enemies ✔

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Slide 18 text Arrrrgh Scotland Edinburgh - December 2019 The Vicious Devil & The Big Wizard How to be an Evil Scientist

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Ladies and gentlemen: the story you are about to hear is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

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Department for Feline Empowerment

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This Dastardly Ashley

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Pair Programming

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Test-Driven Development

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It worked!

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Superheros were being defeated

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She was asked to help Sam and Alex do it too

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So she did

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...but she had demands!

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They did exactly the same thing, but it didn’t work

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They were thwarted by super heroes at every turn

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And they all went to jail

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Thankfully Ashley always has an escape plan

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The future is already here - it’s just not evenly distributed — William Gibson

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Every team is different

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The Department for Feline Empowerment needed to go back to the drawing board

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Ashley’s first few weeks

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Ashley didn’t monologue - she listened and observed

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Found the pain points and the gaps between vision and reality

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Worked out what the problems were and what potential fixes could be

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Tried them out one by one in real world villainous situations

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She then looked back to see if they worked

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What if Alex and Sam took the same approach and experimented with their teams?

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What does Ashley know about teams?

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TEAM Tools Process People

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Empathise Design Thinking Evil Scientist Rules Always have lots of evil schemes - you never know if there’s going to be a sequel Always start small Never get caught monologuing Always measure everything Always splice things together Ideate Prototype Test Synthesise

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Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer's toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success. — Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO

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Stakeholder Mapping Team Metrics Empathise

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Defining the stakeholders ● Who will be impacted by the project? ● Who will be responsible or accountable for the project? ● Who will have decision authority on the project? ● Who can support the project? ● Who can obstruct the project? ● Who has been involved in this type of project in the past? Keep informed Manage closely Monitor Anticipate and meet needs PMO CEO SA Ops Data PO BA UX EA Dev QA

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A pattern of shared tacit assumptions that was learned by a group as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems. — Edgar Schein

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Westrum typology to define culture Statement Your Score On my team, information is actively sought. On my team, failures are learning opportunities, and messengers of them are not punished. On my team, responsibilities are shared. On my team, cross-functional collaboration is encouraged and rewarded. On my team, failure causes enquiry. On my team, new ideas are welcomed. Likert Scale Strongly Disagree - 1 Disagree - 2 Somewhat disagree -3 Neither agree nor disagree - 4 Somewhat agree - 5 Agree - 6 Strongly agree - 7

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Westrum typology to measure culture Pathological (power-oriented) Score 6-18 Bureaucratic (rule-oriented) Score 19 - 30 Generative (performance-oriented) Score 31-42 Low co-operation Modest co-operation High co-operation Messengers shot Messengers neglected Messengers trained Responsibilities shirked Narrow responsibilities Risks are shared Bridging discouraged Bridging tolerated Bridging encouraged Failure leads to scapegoating Failure leads to justice Failure leads to enquiry Novelty crushed Novelty leads to problems Novelty implemented

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Team Cohesion Trust Conflict Commitment Accountability Results Building trust requires vulnerability Healthy conflict implies candid debate Commitment follows healthy conflict To take accountability takes prior commitment Focus on delivering measurable results. Collective and individual accountability, and feedback

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Deployment frequency Four Key Metrics Lead Time for change Mean time to recovery Change failure percentage Stability Speed

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Empathise Service Health Check

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The intent of maturity models is usually benign… because “maturity” sounds a bit… well…. patronizing. Plus, most of our models don’t involve progressing through different levels, and the primary audience is the team itself rather than management. —

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“Deployment is all automatic” “We security test git on push” “Commit to VCS and the customers have it in seconds” “Anyone can do a deploy!” Continuous Delivery Continuous Delivery “Deployment Joe is the only one who can do that” “That’s the security team’s job” “The customers get it a quarter later” “Only some people can deploy” “We find out direct from our users by... “Our kanban board shows all the work, and where it is” “Our stories usually last no than half a sprint” "We weren’t sure so we ran an experiment” Product & Process Product & Process “I don’t really know what our users think” “Sometimes work comes from the backlog except...” “Sometimes stories last multiple sprints” “That’s the way we’ve always done it” Insert here.... “Good statement” “Another good statement” “Good thing number three” “Fourth good thing” “Number five in the list of things that are good...” Insert here.... “Bad statement” “This thing is bad too” “Terrible, terrible, bad thing” “Bad thing which is the norm, everyone does it but really shouldn’t” “Bad thing that we didn’t even know was bad” “Rather than a sign off process we pair program” “The app gathers metrics and decide what’s next” “Our checks spotted the problem before our customers DID” “We only take on one thing at a time” Lean Management & Monitoring Lean Management & Monitoring “Oh we need to wait for CAB before we release” “No idea how the business decides what to do next” “The customer reported it” “We’re constantly doing 7 or 8 things” “It was a week before we even noticed” Code Quality “Absolutely everything is in source control” “We automatically test on every commit” “There’s only really the master branch” “I can add as many or as few examples as I need” Code Quality “It’s in source control except...” “We manually have a look” “Our branches are around forever and there are loads of them” “...but the data wasn’t like that on prod”

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Value Stream Mapping Service Blueprint Empathise

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Value Stream Mapping CUSTOMER CREATE STORY --------- ANALYST DEVELOP FEATURE --------- ENGINEER DEPLOY TO PRE --------- DEL MGR TEST FEATURE --------- LCO AUTO. DEPLOY LT: 1D PT: 1H C&A: 90% AR: 14% LT: 15D PT: 1D C&A: 20% AR: 7% LT: 2D PT: 30 M C&A: 80% AR: 3.5% LT: 14D PT: 10D C&A: 60% AR: 71% TLT: 32D TPT: 11D 1H 30M AC&A: 60% TAR: 35%

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Ideate 1-2-4-All

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Ideate Hypothesis Generation

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We believe Will result in We will know we have succeeded when

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What is our one priority? What do we need to learn? What is our riskiest assumption?

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Time Box Is the experiment timely? Can we get data faster? Would less data be sufficient? Metrics Qualitative or quantitative? Is it actionable? Is it Measurable? Fail Condition (If this happens, our hypothesis is clearly false!) Early Stop (If this happens, stop! Experiment is broken, retro!) Plan How will you collect the data? Is it Specific? Is it Achievable? Link to any supporting documents.

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Test (and share)

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The future is already here - it’s just not evenly distributed — William Gibson

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Many different ways Micro Journal Daily Journal Week Notes Blog Talks Ad-hoc

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What is AWKSS? Awareness Willing Knowledge Skills Support

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AWKSS Awareness Willing Knowledge Skills Support 1 2 3 4 5

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AWKSS Awareness Willing Knowledge Skills Support 1 2 3 4 5

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Copying Ashley’s first week they designed an experiment to run on with their teammates

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Formulating it as an experiment made it easy get permission to fail (even with a terrifying boss)

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Focus on value

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Iterate and work out what works for that specific team

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This allowed them to crush all opposition

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And take over the world!

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92 Today I learned hopefully something I will test that by doing something I will know it works for me when measure shows change in reading

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Thank you! Come and say ‘Hi!’ @armakunihq @zenonhannick

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Thank you!

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Learning Goal ● What do we need to learn? ● What is our riskiest assumption? ● What is our one priority?

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Hypothesis/Assumptions ● Is it falsifiable? ● Is it specific? ● Is it causal? (eg. If X the Y?) ● Is it relevant to the learning goal?

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Experiment Idea to Hypothesis We believe Will result in We will know we have succeeded when

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Design Thinking Ideate Prototype Empathise Test Synthesise

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Code Quality Code Quality “Absolutely everything is in source control” “We automatically test on every commit” “There’s only really the master branch” “I can add as many or as few examples as I need” “It’s in source control except...” “We manually have a look” “Our branches are around forever and there are loads of them” “...but the data wasn’t like that on prod”

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Continuous Delivery Continuous Delivery “Deployment is all automatic” “We security test git on push” “Commit to VCS and the customers have it in seconds” “Anyone can do a deploy!” “Deployment Joe is the only one who can do that” “That’s the security team’s job” “The customers get it a quarter later” “Only some people can deploy”

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Architecture Architecture “We can deploy any bit alone” “Just our team maintains this” “We never break backwards compatibility” "We chose our own tools” “We can’t deploy this alone” “Our team and Team X work on this” “Accidentally, we broke our clients code” “We had to use what they told us”

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Product & Process Product & Process “We find out direct from our users by... “Our kanban board shows all the work, and where it is” “Our stories usually last no than half a sprint” "We weren’t sure so we ran an experiment” “I don’t really know what our users think” “Sometimes work comes from the backlog except...” “Sometimes stories last multiple sprints” “That’s the way we’ve always done it”

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Lean Management & Monitoring Lean Management & Monitoring “Rather than a sign off process we pair program” “The app gathers metrics and decide what’s next” “Our checks spotted the problem before our customers DID” “We only take on one thing at a time” “Oh we need to wait for CAB before we release” “No idea how the business decides what to do next” “The customer reported it” “We’re constantly doing 7 or 8 things” “It was a week before we even noticed”

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Insert here.... Insert here.... “Good statement” “Another good statement” “Good thing number three” “Fourth good thing” “Number five in the list of things that are good...” “Bad statement” “This thing is bad too” “Terrible, terrible, bad thing” “Bad thing which is the norm, everyone does it but really shouldn’t” “Bad thing that we didn’t even know was bad”