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REACT IS A: npm install react ▸ Let the fun begin! UI LIBRARY

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UI ABSTRACTION: COMPONENTS ▸ Exposes a React.Component import React from ‘react’

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For your eyes only

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REACT APPROACH VIEW ONLY ▸ Just a view ▸ Just a library ▸ Bring your own: app framework, client router, http library, module system, service layer, model library

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CUSTOM COMPONENTS: ▸ Semantic naming ▸ Capitalized == custom ▸ Composable hierarchy

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REACT COMPONENTS ARE: ▸ Return DOM function SideNav() { return

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REACT APPROACH SEPARATION OF CONCERNS ▸ Not technology ▸ Uses JSX (superset of JS) ▸ Include what looks like HTML in your functions function SideNav() { return

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COMPONENT STATE: PROPS ▸ Immutable bag of data ▸ Flow into component from parent function SideNav(props) { return
} ▸ Allow dynamic output ▸ Like arguments to a function

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▸ Switch back to JS from HTML ▸ Inside curlies interpreted as {plain JS}

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TWO STYLES: COMPONENT SYNTAX ▸ Function style (aka “stateless components”) import React from ‘react’ class MyComponent extends React.Component {} ▸ Class style import React from ‘react’ function MyComponent() {}

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COMPONENT STATE: THIS.STATE ▸ Internal to component ▸ Mutable ▸ Requires class-style components

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STATE INITIALIZATION: THIS.STATE import React from ‘react’ class Counter extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { count: 0 } } }

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STATE UPDATING: THIS.SETSTATE import React from ‘react’ class Counter extends React.Component { handleCountUpdate() { this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 }) } } ▸ (the mutating)

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COMPONENT CLASS: RENDERING import React from ‘react’ class SideNav extends React.Component { render() { return
} } ▸ Note `this.props.links` vs. `props.links` ▸ Must implement `render`

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COMPONENTS RENDER: VIRTUAL DOM import React from ‘react’ class SideNav extends React.Component { render() { return
} } ▸ Return DOM… Virtual DOM

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VIRTUAL DOM: ▸ In-memory representation ▸ Handled by React ▸ Manages changes, dirty checking ▸ Auto updates the real DOM Real DOM Virtual DOM React-managed Browser-managed

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▸ Before React.createElement(‘div’, props.links) ▸ After

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IN-MEMORY: DOM REPRESENTATION { '$$typeof': Symbol(react.element), type: 'div', key: null, ref: null, props: { '0': 'home', '1': 'about' }, _owner: null, _store: {} } ▸ Output of `React.createElement`

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REACT APPROACH NO TEMPLATE LANGUAGE ▸ JSX small differences vs. HTML: ▸ camelCase attributes - e.g., `onClick` (except aria-* & html-*) ▸ html* prefix - e.g., `htmlFor` ▸ alternate words - e.g., `className` ▸ Curlies revert back to {JS}

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CONNECT REACT TO: REAL DOM npm install react-dom import { render } from ‘react-dom’ render(, document.getElementById(‘app’)) ▸ Call it once ▸ React handles translating VDOM to DOM

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REACT APPROACH LEARN ONCE, WRITE ANYWHERE ▸ Multiple render targets ▸ react-dom ▸ react-dom/server ▸ react-native

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INSERTED INTO DOM: “MOUNT” ▸ When your component is inserted into the real DOM ▸ 1. Created in memory ▸ 2. ReactDOM.render ▸ 3. Mount ▸ 4. Eventual removal called “unmount”

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in DOM / visible COMPONENT MOUNT: Mount Unmount constructor componentWillMount componentDidMount componentWillUnmount ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ LIFECYCLE HOOKS time ▸

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ACCESS TO DOM: REF class UsernameField extends React.Component { render() { return this.input = el} /> } }

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ACCESS TO DOM: DID MOUNT class UsernameField extends React.Component { componentDidMount() { this.input.focus() } render() { return this.input = i} /> } }

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HANDLING: EVENTS ▸ camelCase attributes ▸ eg, `onClick`, `onSubmit`, `onChange`, … handleChange(evt) { this.setState({ username: }) }

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EVENT GOTCHA: CALLBACK BINDING constructor(props) { super(props) this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this) } handleChange(evt) { this.setState({ username: }) } ▸ bind to component context in constructor

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REAL: COMPONENT class UsernameField extends React.Component { constructor() {…} componentDidMount() {…} handleChange() {…} render() {…} }

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REAL: COMPONENT class UsernameField extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { username: ‘’ } this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this) } componentDidMount() {…} handleChange() {…} render() {…} }

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REAL: COMPONENT class UsernameField extends React.Component { constructor() {…} componentDidMount() {…} handleChange() {…} render() { return {this.props.label} this.input = el} onChange={this.handleChange} /> } }

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REAL: COMPONENT class UsernameField extends React.Component { constructor() {…} componentDidMount() { this.input.focus() } handleChange() {…} render() {…} }

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REAL: COMPONENT class UsernameField extends React.Component { constructor() {…} componentDidMount() {…} handleChange(evt) { this.setState({ username: }) } render() {…} }

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REAL: COMPONENT class UsernameField extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { username: ‘’ } this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this) } componentDidMount() { this.input.focus() } handleChange(evt) { this.setState({ username: }) } render() { return {this.props.label} this.input = el} onChange={this.handleChange} /> } }

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SHARING: DATA ▸ Lift to common parent ▸ Pass to children as `props` LoginForm UsernameField PasswordField

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SHARING: DATA LoginForm UsernameField PasswordField this.state = { username: ‘’ password: ‘’ } ▸ Data flows down

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NOTIFYING: CHANGE ▸ Communicating change to parent ▸ Via callback functions LoginForm UsernameField PasswordField

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NOTIFYING: CHANGE LoginForm UsernameField PasswordField handleChange(evt) { this.setState({ []: }) } ▸ Changes notify up

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REACT APPROACH EXPLICIT FLOW ▸ Strict conventions ▸ props ▸ callbacks ▸ No automatic binding ▸ Explicit plumbing

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RENDERING: CHANGES ▸ Re-render triggered by changes to: ▸ this.props ▸ this.state ▸ Re-render self and children

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RENDERING: CHANGES LoginForm UsernameField ▸ Example: User types username

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RENDERING: CHANGES LoginForm UsernameField User types, triggers props.onChange

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RENDERING: CHANGES LoginForm UsernameField props.onChange calls back to parent

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RENDERING: CHANGES LoginForm UsernameField this.handleChange called, this.setState() w/ new value

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RENDERING: CHANGES LoginForm UsernameField this.state change, triggers call to render()

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RENDERING: CHANGES LoginForm UsernameField passes new prop w/ this.state.username value

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RENDERING: CHANGES LoginForm UsernameField New prop triggers render(), value displayed onscreen ▸ React takes care of all DOM updates

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CALL RENDER: ONCE ▸ React takes care of all DOM updates ▸ No bit twiddling import { render } from ‘react-dom’ render(, document.getElementById(‘app’))

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REACT APPROACH REPAINT EVERYTHING ▸ Declare UI based on state ▸ Pass to React as a whole to repaint everything ▸ Simple dev mental model

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REACT APPROACH REPAINT EVERYTHING ▸ Top-down render ▸ Frame by frame, like game programming ReactDOM.render()

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CONTROLLING: REPAINT ▸ State change causes repaint / update ▸ Default behavior: `this.state` or `props` change ▸ Can change that behavior

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COMPONENT UPDATE: Update LIFECYCLE HOOKS time ▸ componentWillReceiveProps shouldComponentUpdate componentWillUpdate render ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ componentDidUpdate

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EXTRACTING: COMMONALITY ▸ Reuse, maintainability, consistency UsernameField PasswordField LoginField

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EXTRACTING: COMMONALITY const UsernameField = props => {props.label} ▸ Start with similar, duplicated components: ▸ (and a similar PasswordField component)

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EXTRACTING: COMMONALITY const LoginField = props => {props.label} ▸ Create a common, generalized component:

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EXTRACTING: COMMONALITY const UsernameField = props => const PasswordField = props => ▸ Wrapped in two specific components:

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REACT APPROACH COMPOSITION ▸ Polymorphism via composition ▸ No inheritance ▸ Component wrapping is common

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DOCUMENTING: FOR THE FUTURE npm install prop-types ▸ Discoverability, learning, correct usage ▸ Good citizen ▸ Describing the public interface (props)

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DOCUMENTING: FOR THE FUTURE import PropTypes from ‘prop-types’ LoginField.propTypes = { label: PropTypes.string, name: PropTypes.string.isRequired, onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, type: PropTypes.string } ▸ List all props

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DOCUMENTING: FOR THE FUTURE ▸ At dev time, if misuse prop, get warning Warning: Failed prop type: The prop `onChange` is marked as required in `LoginField`, but its value is `undefined`.

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PROVIDING: DEFAULTS LoginField.defaultProps = { type: ‘text’ } ▸ When specific props aren’t sent ▸ Use these values

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PROJECT: SETUP npm install create-react-app --global ▸ No-config setup tool

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PROJECT: SETUP create-react-app my-app cd my-app/ npm start open localhost:3000

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PROJECT: SETUP import React, { Component } from 'react'; import logo from './logo.svg'; import './App.css'; class App extends Component { render() { return (

Welcome to React

To get started, edit src/App.js and save to reload.

); } } export default App;

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PROJECT: BUILD ▸ Webpack-based ▸ Everything’s a module ▸ Webpack is powerful ▸ Complicated, and worth learning import './App.css'

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COMPONENT: STYLING ▸ Many options ▸ Influenced by React community portable, isolated, rebel external, cascade, traditional Inline Stylesheet

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REACT APPROACH RETHINK BEST PRACTICES ▸ eg, inline styles ▸ or repaint “everything” on update?!

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COMPONENT: STYLING portable, isolated, rebel external, cascade, traditional CSS Modules Inline Stylesheet isolated, dependencies, composition

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CSS MODULES: ISOLATED ▸ CSS exposed in export object ▸ Use original selector in code import css from ‘./index.css’

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CSS MODULES: ISOLATED ▸ Value of selector name in export object is hashed
▸ Making them unique in global namespace ▸ Changes isolated to component my-component.js my-component.css

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CSS MODULES: EXPLICIT DEPENDENCIES @import “./common.css”; .mySelector { composes: commonSelector; color: red; } class=“mySelector__4ef12 commonSelector__ab5tc”

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COMPONENT: TESTING npm install jest --save-dev test(‘basic assertion’, () => { expect(true).toEqual(true) }) ▸ Built on Jasmine ▸ Helpful with mocking ▸ Snapshot testing

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SNAPSHOT: TESTING test(‘render correctly’, () => { const tree = renderer.create() expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot() }) ▸ Similar to taking a screenshot ▸ Comparing changes against original screenshot ▸ But “screenshot” is just a text serialization

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CLIENT-SIDE: ROUTER ▸ Many options: ▸ react-router ▸ page.js npm install react-router-dom

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PROJECT: LAYOUT ▸ Instead of by tiers "## controllers "## db "## models "## services $## view "## alerts "## game "## home $## login ▸ By features

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PROJECT: LAYOUT ▸ Tests next to src login "## __specs__ % "## index.spec.js % $## validators.spec.js "## index.css "## index.js "## sub-component.css "## sub-component.js $## validators.js

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STATE MANAGEMENT: ▸ Based on Flux pattern ▸ A pattern to help you organize app state ▸ Will complicate your app ▸ If benefit > complexity, do it ▸ Use `props` and `this.state` otherwise REDUX

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REACT PROJECT: COMPLEXITY React Build toolchain Large project organization Routing Sharing app state ▸ Around the edges Data

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REACT PROJECT: COMPLEXITY React Routing Data ▸ Component-based ▸ Small to mid-sized ▸ = Joy

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REACT IN THE: LARGE ▸ Still the best experience I’ve had ▸ Abstractions scale well ▸ Redux implements a solid pattern at scale

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My Other-Framework app
ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById(‘small-piece’)) ▸ Just need a DOM element to own

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COMPONENTS ARE FOR: SHARING ▸ Great encapsulation ▸ Simple public API ▸ Built-in documentation ▸ Productive community npm publish

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FIND SUPPORT: IN THE COMMUNITY ▸ Questions: ▸ StackOverflow #reactjs ▸ Forum: ▸ Chat: “reactiflux” discord, #reactjs IRC ▸ OSS: ▸ Docs:

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FINISH: YOUR TRAINING ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ there.. is.. another..

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A COUPLE: EXAMPLE PROJECTS ▸ React + Redux + more: ▸ Just React: ▸ (Disregard server portions)

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USE: WHAT YOU KNOW ▸ You know: ▸ How components work ▸ The React approach ▸ How to start a project ▸

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