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SOSS: Secure Open Source Software = OpenSSFのイベントブランド
SOSS is a brand we are utilizing to promote a unique character and more importantly engaged a broader audience.
SOSS will feature a series of events, anchored by geographical area (e.g., European Union):
SOSS Community Days
Reimagines OpenSSF Day
Co-located with Open Source Summits (OSS) when possible
SOSS Policy Summits (Invite)
Focused on engaging our partners in private sector and public sector
Focusing on North America and Europe
More details to come on APAC later this year.
SOSS Package Managers’ Forum (Invite)
Focused on security of package/artifact repositories
Attendance to be focused on maintainers / administrators of key software artifact repositories
Topics to be focused on securing the means of OSS distribution points
SOSS Fusion Conference - Premier Event
Our premiere open source security event, will occur once a year
Bringing together OSS producers and consumer such as, maintainers/contributors, software
developers, security experts for technical conversations and community building