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Practical Experiences with SBB for Reinforcement Learning Jéssica Pauli de C. Bonson, NIMS Lab

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Index 1. Quick SBB Overview 2. Case Studies 3. Practical Application of SBB to the Cases

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SBB: General Idea ● teams of programs evolve and compete over time ● each team represents a player in the game ● at each generation they play many matches against various opponents ● the best ones reproduce and keep evolving, the others are discarded

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Genetic Algorithm

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SBB framework

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● each team is composed of 2 or more programs ● programs are composed of a set of instructions, registers and an action ● before a team executes an action: ○ all of its programs run over the inputs for the current match state ○ the action from the program with the highest output is selected as the team’s action How the teams work?

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Case Studies ● TicTacToe ● Poker

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Example: TicTacToe ● inputs: 9 ● actions: 9 ● opponents: Random and Smart ● points: tictactoe matches’ states + opponents

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Example: Poker ● inputs: 14 (hand strength, position, pot odds, opponent model...) ● actions: 3 ● opponents: ○ dummy: AlwaysRaise, AlwaysCall, AlwaysFold, Random ○ static: LooseAggressive, LoosePassive, TightAggressive, TightPassive ○ dynamic: Bayesian ● points: poker matches’ states + opponents

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Code ● SBB for reinforcement learning: ○ arner ● SBB for classification: ○ ● Warning! The code is under development!

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Practical Application of SBB to the Cases Studies

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Fitness Function ● For RL, usually it is: ○ Win: 1.0 ○ Draw: 0.5 ○ Lose: 0.0 ● But depending on the game, other functions are able to give more information ○ eg.: chips won/lose (poker)

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Inputs ● Very important: They define what the teams can see about the environment. ● Can be used to control for a weak or strong AI. ● Tweak: SBB deals better with inputs normalized between 0.0-10.0 instead of 0.0-1.0.

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Opponents ● Too easy opponents: ○ Teams learn to beat them quickly and stop evolving ● Too strong opponents: ○ Teams aren’t able to learn to beat them, and SBB turns into a random walk ● It is important to balance ● Hall of Fame can be used to avoid evolutionary forgetting, but don’t overuse.

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Points ● How many? ○ The more, the better ○ But it is time consuming ● It is important to invest time on optimizing the matches ● Ensure all teams see the exact same points ● For some games the points can’t be just like the real world task

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Diversity ● Important to avoid overfitting, so teams can continue to evolve new behaviors ● Two methods: ○ Point Profiles ○ Pareto Dominance + Diversity metrics

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Diversity: Point Profiles ● Profile: the results of a team run against a set of sample inputs, representing states of the game ● The new teams are mutated until their profile is different from their parent and/or all the other teams ● The set of sample inputs can be made manually or during the training

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Diversity: Pareto + Diversity ● Pareto Dominance: ○ A method to choose teams so that the chosen ones are the best regarding both the fitness function and the diversity metric

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Diversity: Diversity Metrics ● There are a lot of diversity metrics available, both general metrics and domain-specific metrics ● Two types: ○ Genotype ○ Phenotype ■ distance measures (euclidean, hamming...) ■ entropy ■ NCD

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Second Layer ● Uses the teams trained in the first layer as actions for the teams in the second layer ● Goal: More complex behavior using specialized actions ○ Eg.: instead of call/raise/fold for poker, it could be passive/aggressive behavior

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Mutation Rates ● Seven types of mutation rate ○ Remove program from team, swap instructions in programs, etc… ● Both passive and aggressive mutations work ● It is an exploitation/exploration trade-off

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Registers ● Varies according to the game ● For TicTacToe, using 5 instead of 2 improved the score by around 20%. ● It is important to reset the registers between matches, but during a match they can be used as memory

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Team Size + Program Size ● Trade-off between complexity and runtime ● Varies according to the game ○ Team size: 2-9 for TTT, 2-16 for poker, +-30 for soccer ○ Program size: 2-20 for TTT, 5-40 for poker ● Should be big enough to deal with the complexity of the game and have space for introns

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Operators ● Simple set: +, -, /, * ● Complex set: ln, exp, cos, sin ● Ifs set: >=, < ● Trade-off between complexity and runtime ● Solution for overflow: Rollback so the target register isn’t modified by the instruction

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Be able to Reuse Teams ● It is important so you are able to: ○ run them against various test cases after training ○ integrate a trained team as an AI in a system ○ use them as actions in a second layer ● Solution: Save teams as .json files

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Sample .json of trained poker team

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Sample of a program with and without introns

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Metrics ● Most of the time runs will take a long time to finish, so it is important to think about what metrics are necessary and code them beforehand ● Automated metrics save a lot of time ● Be careful with bugs

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Tests + Inheritance ● pSBB for Reinforcement Learning has around 300k lines of code and around 40 classes ● Automated tests and inheritance are essential.

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