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Micro Services

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Prasanna N Venkatesan Developer with ThoughtWorks @pvenk

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Expect for…

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Expect for… •  What are Micro services? •  Why we need a new pattern? •  Implementing a Micro Service •  When to use Micro Services •  Implications of using Micro Services

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Write programs that do one thing and do it well.

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Micro Services should be… Small • aka Simple • In terms of LOC. • In terms of memory footprint.

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Micro Services should be… Portable Should be independent to deploy and run

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Micro Services should be… Performs one thing Adding many functionality to one service will break the other 2 characteristics.

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Move the complexity to Infrastructure We've  pushed  a  lot  of  the  old  applica2on  complexity  down  to  infrastructure  level.   We  are  no  longer  bound  to  a  single  stack  or  language.      

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Micro Services A new Paradigm?

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Small is beautiful Make each program do one thing well. Build a prototype as soon as possible. Choose portability over efficiency. Use software leverage to your advantage. Make every program as filter. UNIX Philosophy

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Consumer-Driven Contracts Read  more  on:  h?p://  

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No content

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• Provider Contracts • Consumer Contracts • Consumer Driven Contracts

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•  Closed and complete •  Singular and non­authoritative •  Bounded stability and immutability

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Domain Driven Design

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•  Project's  primary  focus  on  the  core  domain   and  domain  logic.   •  Complex  designs  based  on  a  model  of  the   domain.   •  Itera2vely  refine  a  conceptual  model  that   addresses  par2cular  domain  problems.  

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Communication       •  Mostly over HTTP and pass JSON between services. •  If serialization or de-serialization is expensive try something like ProtoBuf/MessagePack •  ProtoBuf - Google uses Protocol Buffers for almost all of its internal RPC protocols and file formats.

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Monitoring •  More possibility of small services to just fail and fade away. •  Make sure services are running always •  Monitor usage and increase instances

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Monitoring Tools

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Testing Strategy •  Tes2ng  Micro  Services  are  not  so  cri2cal.   •  Preferably  have  health-­‐check  tests    in  CI.  

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Where to use Micro Services •  Independent, small process worthy to try out in different stack. •  Don’t want to break a legacy system.

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Implications •  Understanding how everything fits together •  Deployment •  Interactions between components •  Duplication of code across the services