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Amazon Web Services for PHP Developers

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Oh Hai! I'm Jeremy Lindblom! •  I work on the AWS SDK for PHP at •  Co-organizer of the Seattle PHP Meetup Group •  B.S. in Computer Science from •  @jeremeamia on •  I like to make funny faces

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What is "The Cloud"?

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Cloud computing is the acquisition and use of computing resources that are delivered as a service on an as-needed basis.

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"The Cloud" •  Evolution of distributed computing and Service-oriented Architecture (SOA). •  Benefits – No upfront investment – Low ongoing cost – Flexible capacity – Speed & agility – Apps not ops – Global reach ( )

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Bringing you the “The Cloud” since 2006.

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Amazon Web Services offers a complete set of infrastructure and application services that enable you to run virtually everything in the cloud: from enterprise applications and big data projects to social games and mobile apps. ( )

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Amazon CloudFormation Amazon CloudFront Amazon CloudSearch Amazon CloudWatch Amazon Direct Connect Amazon DynamoDB Amazon EBS Amazon EC2 Amazon ElastiCache Amazon Elastic Transcoder Amazon EMR Amazon Glacier Amazon IAM Amazon Mechanical Turk Amazon RDS Amazon Redshift Amazon Route53 Amazon S3 Amazon SES Amazon SimpleDB Amazon SNS Amazon SQS Amazon SWF Amazon VPC AWS CloudHSM AWS Data Pipeline AWS Elastic Beanstalk AWS Import/Export AWS Marketplace AWS OpsWorks AWS Storage Gateway AWS Support Auto Scaling Elastic Load Balancing

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Amazon CloudFormation Amazon CloudFront Amazon CloudSearch Amazon CloudWatch Amazon Direct Connect Amazon DynamoDB Amazon EBS Amazon EC2 Amazon ElastiCache Amazon Elastic Transcoder Amazon EMR Amazon Glacier Amazon IAM Amazon Mechanical Turk Amazon RDS Amazon Redshift Amazon Route53 Amazon S3 Amazon SES Amazon SimpleDB Amazon SNS Amazon SQS Amazon SWF Amazon VPC AWS CloudHSM AWS Data Pipeline AWS Elastic Beanstalk AWS Import/Export AWS Marketplace AWS OpsWorks AWS Storage Gateway AWS Support Auto Scaling Elastic Load Balancing

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Amazon CloudFormation Amazon CloudFront Amazon CloudSearch Amazon CloudWatch Amazon Direct Connect Amazon DynamoDB Amazon EBS Amazon EC2 Amazon ElastiCache Amazon Elastic Transcoder Amazon EMR Amazon Glacier Amazon IAM Amazon Mechanical Turk Amazon RDS Amazon Redshift Amazon Route53 Amazon S3 Amazon SES Amazon SimpleDB Amazon SNS Amazon SQS Amazon SWF Amazon VPC AWS CloudHSM AWS Data Pipeline AWS Elastic Beanstalk AWS Import/Export AWS Marketplace AWS OpsWorks AWS Storage Gateway AWS Support Auto Scaling Elastic Load Balancing 2+ trillion objects

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Amazon CloudFormation Amazon CloudFront Amazon CloudSearch Amazon CloudWatch Amazon Direct Connect Amazon DynamoDB Amazon EBS Amazon EC2 Amazon ElastiCache Amazon Elastic Transcoder Amazon EMR Amazon Glacier Amazon IAM Amazon Mechanical Turk Amazon RDS Amazon Redshift Amazon Route53 Amazon S3 Amazon SES Amazon SimpleDB Amazon SNS Amazon SQS Amazon SWF Amazon VPC AWS CloudHSM AWS Data Pipeline AWS Elastic Beanstalk AWS Import/Export AWS Marketplace AWS OpsWorks AWS Storage Gateway AWS Support Auto Scaling Elastic Load Balancing NEW!

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Amazon CloudFormation Amazon CloudFront Amazon CloudSearch Amazon CloudWatch Amazon Direct Connect Amazon DynamoDB Amazon EBS Amazon EC2 Amazon ElastiCache Amazon Elastic Transcoder Amazon EMR Amazon Glacier Amazon IAM Amazon Mechanical Turk Amazon RDS Amazon Redshift Amazon Route53 Amazon S3 Amazon SES Amazon SimpleDB Amazon SNS Amazon SQS Amazon SWF Amazon VPC AWS CloudHSM AWS Data Pipeline AWS Elastic Beanstalk AWS Import/Export AWS Marketplace AWS OpsWorks AWS Storage Gateway AWS Support Auto Scaling Elastic Load Balancing Compute & Networking Storage & Content Delivery Databases Application Services Deployment & Management

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Customers in 190 Countries

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Customers in 190 Countries 37 Signals Airbnb Engine Yard Etsy Flipboard Foursquare Hoot Suite IMDb Outback Steakhouse PBS Pinterest Reddit Samsung Sega Shazam Spotify Ticketmaster Yelp

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How do I use AWS?

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AWS Console

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AWS SDKs and Tools PHP • Java • Python • .NET Ruby • Node.js • iOS • Android SDKs Unified CLI • Visual Studio Plugin Eclipse Plugin • PowerShell Tools Tools

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General SDK Features •  Suite of HTTP clients •  Input and output serialization •  Protocol normalization •  Authentication •  Error handling •  Language-specific conveniences •  Open source

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Quick History •  Tarzan (Started by @skyzyx) •  CloudFusion •  AWS SDK for PHP [2010] •  AWS SDK for PHP 2 [Late 2012]

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AWS SDK for PHP Features •  PHP 5.3+, PSR compliant •  Persistent connections, parallel requests •  Event hooks, plugins, and wire logging •  Simple array-style inputs and outputs •  Iterators, waiters, and batching helpers •  Higher-level abstractions

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require  'vendor/autoload.php';   use  Aws\S3\S3Client;     $s3  =  S3Client::factory(array(        'key'        =>  'your-­‐aws-­‐access-­‐key-­‐id',      'secret'  =>  'your-­‐aws-­‐secret-­‐key',   ));     $result  =  $s3-­‐>putObject(array(      'Bucket'  =>  'my-­‐cool-­‐photos',      'Key'        =>  'photo.jpg',      'Body'      =>  fopen('./photo.jpg',  'r')   ));  

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Built on Guzzle •  Popular HTTP Library – Goutte – AWS SDK for PHP J – Drupal 8 •  Foundation of the SDK •  Symfony2 Events •

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Installing the PHP SDK •  Composer •  PEAR •  Downloadable Phar •  RPM/yum (on Amazon Linux)

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Composer •  Dependency management •  Autoloader for project •

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Installing via Composer In your composer.json file:   {      "require":  {          "aws/aws-­‐sdk-­‐php":  "2.*"      }   }   On the command line. php  composer.phar  install  

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Concepts in the SDK •  Commands •  Modeled Results •  Iterators •  Waiters •  Events & Plugins •  High-level Abstractions

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Commands •  Encapsulates an operation to AWS •  Contains Request and Response objects •  Allows you set and get parameters •  Returns modeled results

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Commands - Shorthand $result  =  $s3-­‐>listObjects(array(      'Bucket'  =>  'my-­‐bucket-­‐name'   ));     echo  $result['Objects'][0]['Key'];  

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$command  =  $s3-­‐>getCommand('ListObjects');   $command-­‐>set('Bucket',  'my-­‐bucket-­‐name');     $result  =  $command-­‐>getResult();   echo  $result['Contents'][0]['Key'];     $response  =  $command-­‐>getResponse();   echo  $response-­‐>getStatusCode();   echo  $response-­‐>getHeader('Content-­‐Length');     The Command Object

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$c1  =  $s3-­‐>getCommand('PutObject',  array(      'Bucket'  =>  'my-­‐bucket-­‐name',      'Key'        =>  'my-­‐first-­‐key',      'Body'      =>  fopen('path/to/file1',  'r')   ));   $c2  =  $s3-­‐>getCommand('PutObject',  array(      'Bucket'  =>  'my-­‐bucket-­‐name',      'Key'        =>  'my-­‐second-­‐key',      'Body'      =>  fopen('path/to/file2',  'r')   ));     $s3-­‐>execute(array($c1,  $c2));   Parallel Commands

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Modeled Results •  Array-like object •  Follows schema from service description •  Convenience methods like getPath()   $result  =  $s3-­‐>listBuckets();     $result['Buckets'][0]['Name'];   $result-­‐>get('Buckets');   $result-­‐>getPath('Buckets/0/Name');   $result-­‐>get('Buckets');   print_r($result-­‐>toArray());  

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Waiters •  Poll resources until available •  Handle asynchronous and eventually consistent operations more easily $s3-­‐>createBucket(array(      'Bucket'  =>  'my-­‐bucket'   ));   $s3-­‐>waitUntilBucketExists(array(      'Bucket'  =>  'my-­‐bucket'   ));  

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Iterators •  Iterate through entire result sets •  No handling of markers or tokens •  Uses SPL iterators and interfaces $list  =  $s3-­‐>getIterator('ListObjects',  [      'Bucket'  =>  'my-­‐bucket'   ]);   foreach  ($list  as  $object)  {      echo  $object['Key']  .  PHP_EOL;   }  

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SDK 1.x – Before Iterators $dynamo_db  =  new  AmazonDynamoDB();   $start_key  =  null;   $people  =  array();       do  {      $params  =  array(          'TableName'  =>  'people',      );          if  ($start_key)  {        $params['ExclusiveStartKey']  =  array(            'HashKeyElement'  =>  array(                'S'  =>  $start_key            )        );        $start_key  =  null;    }      $response  =  $dynamo_db-­‐>scan($params);    if  ($response-­‐>isOK())  {        foreach  ($response-­‐>body-­‐>Items  as   $item)  {            echo  (string)  $item-­‐>name-­‐>S;        }                  if  ($response-­‐>body-­‐>LastEvaluatedKey)  {            $start_key  =  (string)  $response-­‐>body-­‐ >LastEvaluatedKey-­‐>HashKeyElement-­‐>S;        }      }  else  {                  throw  new  DynamoDB_Exception('DynamoDB   Scan  operation  failed.');    } }  while  ($start_key);

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SDK 1.x – Before Iterators $dynamo_db  =  new  AmazonDynamoDB();   $start_key  =  null;   $people  =  array();       do  {      $params  =  array(          'TableName'  =>  'people',      );          if  ($start_key)  {        $params['ExclusiveStartKey']  =  array(            'HashKeyElement'  =>  array(                'S'  =>  $start_key            )        );        $start_key  =  null;    }      $response  =  $dynamo_db-­‐>scan($params);    if  ($response-­‐>isOK())  {        foreach  ($response-­‐>body-­‐>Items  as   $item)  {            echo  (string)  $item-­‐>name-­‐>S;        }                  if  ($response-­‐>body-­‐>LastEvaluatedKey)  {            $start_key  =  (string)  $response-­‐>body-­‐ >LastEvaluatedKey-­‐>HashKeyElement-­‐>S;        }      }  else  {                  throw  new  DynamoDB_Exception('DynamoDB   Scan  operation  failed.');    } }  while  ($start_key);

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$db  =  $aws-­‐>get('DynamoDb');     $scan  =  $db-­‐>getIterator('Scan',  array(      'TableName'              =>  'People',      'AttributesToGet'  =>  array('Id',  'Name')   ));     foreach  ($scan  as  $person)  {      echo  $item['Name']['S'];   }     Example: Scan Iterator

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Events & Event Listeners •  Event slots in various parts of SDK •  Inject logic without extending classes •  Symfony2 Event Dispatcher $s3-­‐>getEventDispatcher()        -­‐>addListener('',  );  

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Plugins •  Implemented as event listeners •  Many built-in plugins from Guzzle including easy wire logging use  Guzzle\Plugin\Log\LogPlugin;   $s3-­‐>addSubscriber(          LogPlugin::getDebugPlugin()   );  

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Higher-level Abstractions •  S3 Multipart Uploader •  S3 Stream Wrapper •  DynamoDB Session Handler •  DynamoDB WriteRequestBatch •  SNS Message Validator •  Third-party Modules: ZF2, Silex, Laravel

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$s3  =  $aws-­‐>get('S3');   $uploader  =  UploadBuilder::newInstance()      -­‐>setClient($s3)      -­‐>setSource('/path/to/large/')      -­‐>setBucket('my-­‐bucket')      -­‐>setKey('my-­‐object-­‐key')      -­‐>setConcurrency(3)      -­‐>build();   Multipart Uploader

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PHP Apps on AWS

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• – Reference architectures • – Obama for America architecture

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Hosting •  AWS Elastic Beanstalk •  AWS OpsWorks •  AWS CloudFormation •  Amazon EC2 +  Auto Scaling +  Elastic Load Balancer +  Amazon CloudWatch Easiest to setup Easiest to customize

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Databases •  Amazon RDS – Relational Databases •  Amazon DynamoDB – NoSQL Database •  Amazon Redshift – Data Warehousing •  Amazon ElastiCache – Memcache

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File Storage & Delivery •  Amazon S3 – General Storage •  Amazon EBS – Detachable Storage Volumes •  Amazon Glacier – Archiving •  Amazon CloudFront – Global CDN

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Sessions •  Amazon RDS •  Amazon DynamoDB (via PHP SDK) •  Amazon ElastiCache (custom extension) •  Elastic Load Balancer ("sticky sessions") – DeveloperGuide/US_StickySessions.html

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Other •  Message Passing – Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS •  Sending Emails – Amazon SES •  Workflows – Amazon SWF, AWS Data Pipeline •  Monitoring – Amazon CloudWatch •  Big Data Processing – Amazon EMR •  DNS Management – Amazon Route 53 •  Search – Amazon CloudSearch There's an app a service for that!

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Simple Funny Face Sharing App on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

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Funny Face Sharing App •  AWS Elastic Beanstalk – Amazon EC2 – Auto Scaling – Elastic Load Balancer – Amazon CloudWatch •  Amazon S3 •  Amazon DynamoDB

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Questions? @jeremeamia Try out "The Cloud", AWS, and the AWS SDK for PHP